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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Oh, poo That's not happy news for you . You know , being a dog, and having no real understanding of what all this means is a blessing for our companions . Really . Glad he's still 'LIVING' life , being adventurous and enjoying his food take care .
  2. He is a 14 wk old pup. Almost a perfect description ;)
  3. he probably is happy it is STILL 'forced' as in he cannot turn around & go home ;) get what I mean ? he has no idea of the damage it's causing .... I also agree with Rebanne re food Chicken frames & whole turkey necks will be great additions !
  4. Ok ...toilet training-wise ..it can be tricky . what he's learning now is that it's absolutely fine to : a toilet inside b eat/sleep/play near where he's toileted c Play with his waste ( because it's on the puppy pads.) Outside is definitely a better option if at all possible pups of this age need to have hours of exposure to different textures/scents/sights/sounds ..and to learn to assosciate toileting with blue sky & grass9or dirt/gravel/whatever) ..unless he is to toilet indoors always. I would not use chciken necks for a large breed puppy - too high a risk of choking Necks are the shape of a pup's gullet ..and can get stuck. use chicken frames. he could have 1/2 chicken frame (carcass) he doesn't need rice or pasta ..and not many veges dogs are designed to build better bodies from meat - muscle meat , organs, skin, soft bones, marrow, ... from different animals /birds/fish . he may enjoy chewing on large whole carrots ..cold ..or large apples, too!! It depends on which food he is eating as to how much he gets ..it does not sound a lot of food Walking 5 km ? that is way too far for a growing puppy . Why ? As pups grow, the ends of their long (leg) bones are soft ..cos this is where the growing happens . Too much 'force' walking can damage these , and cause problems later in life . this the commonly accepted walk length scale . Non - forced (no leash) play in the back yard is fine ..he can rest when he wants ..and he's not just walking and walking ... With your gorgeous boy , BRAIN WORK will be perfect for him - tiring him out more than walking, and giving him heaps of new stuff to learn :D have a look the following links. https://stayloyal.com.au/7-things-about-dog-food http://k9protraining.com.au/feeding-your-pup/ http://k9protraining.com.au/2005/10/17/puppy-development-schedule/ https://www.puppyleaks.com/easy-ways-to-keep-your-dog-busy-indoors/
  5. Nellie is fascinating . A bit of Adelaide's heart
  6. BDJ ..that is just lovely .Nellie in an early Pageant !!..what a memory .and projected on one of the old walls ...love the window decoration . The little girl DID have fun @Roova I think she did ;) it's a picture of an old Adelaide Christmas pageant , crafted to fit on a certain wall . the little girl can be seen dancing bottom -left of centre. Nellie is a mechanical elephant ..life size . Her skin is grey leather ..and she looks realistic She moves and acts amazingly smoothly , thanks to all sorts of gears . I think she's about 70 yrs old
  7. A very happy GOTCHA day , Tits
  8. OH MY ................... The Instagram page/s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I think I just melted my rose coloured glasses!!
  9. beautiful photos to tell the story as well ... i doubt those kind of photos can be faked Just lovely .
  10. It's a new week ! Oh ... Fri evening as I was driving home, there was about 300 mtrs of mallee forest where the rain just PELTED down . Dust and gale force wind the rest of the way ..weird
  11. IF your dog is allergic to flea saliva ... and IF whatever you are treating her with is a tablet she has to swallow .. then the fleas will need to bite her to get poisoned themselves , as the product targets their nervous system . Another thing to speak to a vet about , maybe ? personally , I don't like the thought of giving my dog these sorts of tablets , but happily use spot-on treatments which spread happily along skin and through coat when applied at several points along the back
  12. Dragging bums is , more often than not, an anal gland problem than worms ;) Instead of spending money on stuff that may do more harm than good ..I suggest a vet visit - perhaps a new vet ? get them to check anal glands - also her vulval area for abnormalities . Thanks for the update - she's gorgeous
  13. Welcome Do you have photos of yr pup ? We can help you better if we see her , and know what it is you are feeding her .
  14. @Thistle the dog. yes. I honestly can not understand how the problems have gotten so bad
  15. this popped up om my newsfeed earlier today ... https://dogbehaviorscience.wordpress.com/2012/09/29/100-years-of-breed-improvement/ with images like this :
  16. @cavmad Dame Danny's darling has a houseful of geriatric dogs ... she certainly is one with loads of experience in what they can be like
  17. I don't care what the title is : It is cruel . Denying animals freedom to take in AIR , to RUN, to GIVE BIRTH naturally ... Most folks would condemn battery hen farms & sow cages . Merle:Merle matings. prong collars ..oh yes , Sshhh..... electronic collars .... Why not this , where an animal has absolutely no chance of escaping its body ? ( yes, there is surgery , I know ....) Why aren't people shouting long & loud ? I'm confused & saddened ...
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