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Everything posted by persephone

  1. senior moment? nah..I would still recommend doing the cbasics in your yard at first, until she is very happy to walk around with the lead and collar on. Then go a few houses up and back... then increase to a block...etc. Have fun!
  2. bomber..8 weeks is very young to be walking out&about..especially for a little dog breed. To get her more confident..do lots of short sessions in the yard, with leash and collar..training her to walk at heel, and to 'sit'..make it just a few minutes, and end on a fun note Then,when she is old enough and strong enough to walk 'outside' she will already be comfy with the leash...
  3. thanks guys! Wow..there are some tricky ones, and an awful lot of hard-to-avoid allergens Hats off to you all for working so hard at locating the source, then treating the dogs.... It's good to see folks trying the 'natural' therapies, too
  4. Maybe dilute the lavender oil with some almond oil?I would think using undiluted oils wiould also be an assault on a dog's olfactory sytem! I used to use oils to deodorise my dog... a couple of drops of essential oil to a teaspoonful almond oil, brushed thru coat... that may not be quite enough for a fly repellant tho..?
  5. OK..Bear with me..new at this poll thing! I AM interested in the prevalence of allergies... For many years in the city, I lived with an everpresent allergic dog...Poor boy was allergic to grasses, pollens, food colourings..and lived on anti histamines/steroids for all his life. In the years I have been back in the bush..NONE of our dogs seems to be allergic to anything.Mind you, they don't get the highly coloured foods/treats which were so popular 20 years ago...but still have vacc's, flea treatments, commercial food/treats...and exposure to lots of different chemicals etc...never a sign.... I am wondering now, how is it that the dog population seems, like people, to be becoming more sensitive to what is around us? So..just thought we could perhaps put some info together...for interest's sake. Thanks
  6. Hi.. My first suggestion is NOT to let him see you clean up the droppings, or spray them etc. By watching you clean up and take away, he figures that there is something worthwhile being taken by you..and if YOU want it, it must be worth having ( or something like that) Make sure he has plenty of other interactive toys around! provide him with a treat ball, or kong or buster cube... so he has to work at getting his food,,, Try adding either some mashed pumpkin or crushed pineapple to his food. I have used this with labrador coprophagics before...and it worked. I don;t know what is in Dr Pitcairn's recipe... but if there are yummy things which aren't easily digested, and exit still with a smell or look....your pup may be trying to eat them the second time.?
  7. Hope it's something you can get on top of quickly. Looking forward to photos , if you can post them
  8. Aahh..Ok..I just thought it odd, as if HE produced the prong collar, he didn't say anything about it. Thanks:) yep, the light-obsessed dog.. a few corrections with the prong collar..to which the dog responded perfectly..as in..stopped the behviour, was then looking at its owner eagerly.... and ....a walk
  9. Oh..well, maybe having an empty gut made the rope toy segment irritate his insides ,and gave him more of an upset stomach... ? Maybe. At least that is out now!! Indestructable toys may be what you need to buy................. The vet not knowing if it WAS Fraser who vomited is a worry... Good luck with it all, Glad you;re happier
  10. Hmm..I just wish for more explanation..yes, he does a good job of demonstrating dog facial expressions/body language.. but my mum was telling me of a collar used..so I had a look..it was a prong collar, but To my knowledge he didn't once mention what it was, or show the audience the prongs? Maybe it would not have been beneficial? Don't know.... The program the other night with the Chesapeake..he (Cesar) had the pool fenced off when he started the dog's training...but no reference was made as to 'why'....or if it was to be made permanent? Maybe I'm picky I would like to understand..... ansd thanks to those posting on submissive behaviour etc
  11. Ah Good. Just give him little bits..not full meals, and don't offer more of the chicken and schmakos... if he is hungry and feeling better, his normal food should look tasty! He may decide that this new chicken diet is what he prefers... :p Having re-read..he has eaten all the meat of a whole chicken? He shouldn't be hungry then
  12. No, I'd call you a photographer
  13. You certainly are putting in the effort... however, I would be feeding more large meaty bones,and meat, and drastically reducing the vege portions. Dogs systems are designed to run on mostly meat proteins etc..not nourishment from veges or grains :D The vegetable matter eaten by dogs, as I understand it, is just a supplement..a vital one..but a very small amount.
  14. Hi, ..by now, I would have thought he would be eating something, and wanting to do more.... I would phone your vet or another, and get him checked this morning again. Sorry he hasn't bounced back :D
  15. Shaun..as suggested..don't panic Dogs are pretty good at self-healing... usually we don't feed them on the night they come home..their tummies settle ,and they are ready for breakfast! I would also suggest not offering food until this evening.... he will be fine!! Anaesthetics can play havoc with their bodies...and it can take a couple of days. If he's on antibiotics,is well hydrated, and is not in obvious pain...just let him REST. Don't try and tempt him with food..or to be socuiable,or to be active... let his system get over the insult it has suffered
  16. The vets I know all remove testicles from just in front of the scrotum..I have never noticed any fluid buildup or problems with young dogs His aloofness and odd behaviour I would put down to the drugs still circulating in his sytem. The 'shivering' may also be related to this..sometimes their thermostats take a while to kick in. Drooling is also a recovery thing... some dogs are more affected than others, dependent on all sorts of things. Tomorrow, he should be feeling much more "together'
  17. :p Thankyou..I am glad someone can write what I thought, but couldn't find the words for.
  18. That has, unfortunately , left me wondering about the man. From the bits I've seen, his theoretical knoweledge is good.. ( I have agreed with quite a bit of what he said)he can very accurately describe to owners what the dog may be feeling/doing, and he has such self control it's almost scary. BUT After bullying that little aggro fluffy dog, and controlling it by simply being the one who could hang on longer and harder... perhaps... ( and no, I haven't seen more than a couple of his programs..or read his book) one of the reasons the 'pack' he's seen running with appears to me to consist of very happy "muscle/streetwise-dogs " is that he is the best 'fighter' ?..and prefers to interact with these dogs? (not meant as a derogatory thing..just that perhaps his forte IS to be much stronger and more persistent....) ? I don't know.... just my 2 cents worth. Whatever..he is very successful...is making heaps of money, and obviously enjoys the physicality of his challenges. Good for him, to have climbed the tree, so to speak. Whether the dogs are happy or not, I don't know.
  19. I watched this last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt sorry for the dog..although it was in a rage.... Cesar just kept on and on, and in the end the dog was almost exhausted, and did stand reasonably still..tho it was shaking /trembling and still very much aggro. The dog was aggressive..its 'mum' knew that when she chose it from the pound. there was a notice on the gate!! This dog growled at everyone..could not be brushed, or patted at times... It felt, to me, like watching someone 'break' a horse..by hopping on, and , even after the horse's firts rush of fear/anger is dissipated, then goads it to further effort, until it DOES submit..but because of being subjugated..not from any understanding of what is required. I was not impressed.
  20. I would suggest hanging shadecloth down the sides, but out of puppy reach..as sun doesn't just shine straight down ;)if the roof is iron/tin ..the temp will be very high underneath it if you can..mount a shade sail over the metal roof....with a gap in between of about 30-40 cm...this will provide a slightly cooler air 'pocket' over the actual roof. leave him with a large SHALLOW (couple of inches) pan of water to puddle in.... or better yet, a clam shell full of damp clean sand.(under the shade).in which he can dig a hole and enjoy the cool, as water evaporates. Now..the best trick... (hopefully you have a chest freezer) get a few large icecream conatiners or buckets..fill with water and freeze. empty ice out into shaded part of pen..and let him use that. Alternatively...freeze 2/3 litre plastic juice bottles about 5/6ths full of water..with lids tightly closed!..place in a pillow case or some sort of STRONG, non fray bag..and place somewhere so he can lie on/alongside them. We use all the above methods here... it is hot for days on end ....I love seeing baby pups of a couple of weeks ..clambering on to their ice-bricks, and flopping there like multi-coloured polar bears, sound asleep. )
  21. Must admit..I got badly burned by digital post-processing... commented on a so-called professional's pics... to find that he had indeed changed landscapes, removed houses, edited colour, and in a bird photo.. taken out all background branches etc,and added an airbrush look... This is fine, if it is then described as DIGITALLY ENHANCED...but not if it is described as a PHOTO... 'cos, in my mind, it is not the photo which the camera produced. I crop, and maybe darken/lighten, that's about all. Any more tweaking, and I decribe it as being photoshopped.
  22. Hmmm.. Watched him with "butch" the very aggro bulldog. I just pray the average dog- owner never tries his methods yes, they work for him, because he can read the dogs, has excellent timing and reflexes ( he did get bitten this day).. I try not to watch him...but have to admire his confidence and his ability to anticipate the dog's moves.
  23. I only use calcium ascorbate..and then only if dog is unwell or stressed. Me..I take it daily I buy mine at the pharmacy..in powder form.
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