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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Ci... thinking of you. sorry :rolleyes:
  2. Working (farm bred) dogs are often working part time by around 4 months....when they have had enough, they will stop..... and sleep for a little while...then start again . I believe walking on hard surfaces should be avoided at a young age.....but running on sand /grass is ok ..provided they are not 'forced'
  3. No way should it be touched. Spores can be transmitted on clothing, shoes, combs, collar/leads.....
  4. this is the perfect time to teach down-stays, and all sorts of little 'good manners things' like waiting at doors, not jumping on furniiture... enjoy the enforced training time!
  5. keeping bitches quiet is suggested for a very good reason!! The midline incision line is under a lot of pressure..and if it is weakened and sutures break..there is a real risk of abdominal organs being exposed. Not nice. A spey is a total hysterectomy.......... ! How hard is it really to keep your bitch confined to a room, or on leash for 7 days???????? Not very,if you are consistent. Weakening of sutures and tearing of skin may not happen often...but it DOES, and is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. The vet does not recommend it just because they can........... it is to allow the body the best environment for a total and rapid fusion of tissue,a smooth scarline, and less risk to the bitch. written from the POV of someone who has seen the results of stitches giving way... not a good outcome. Most dogs don't get that much exercise when they are FIT... personally I think it would be excessive for a post op bitch !
  6. Hi Your dog does seem to be getting a lot of food , mothers are like that...feed,feed... anyway..briefly..have a read here! http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...351&hl=BARF There are lots of ways to feed..but a lot feed raw food, which can be made ahead, and is VERY healthy for your dog. I don't know personally what the cost would be..but wouldn't think it waay expensive. best of luck
  7. This boy had such a gorgeous face..I have been playing with that photo quite a bit...hope you don't mind, pandii... :0 here is the latest
  8. sorry... if she is reluctant to use it..then why not have it xrayed BEFORE she starts weight-bearing on ? I would worry about causing more damage.
  9. Duuuuh how did i miss THAT one ?????????????? THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  10. contact a professional..they will need to see her in action to advise the most suitable methods.
  11. hi... I am looking for a FREE ,SIMPLE resizing program for my elderly Dad...he keeps on sending me 2mp pics :rolleyes: takes nearly an hour to download!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! photorazr and irfanview are out,definitely.(don't know how anyone can understand irfanview... :D ) he does not use picasa, photoshop or any online photo-hosting programs. I would like a very simple..visual on-screen thingy... remember seeing one at some stage..it showed the photo..then previews of size etc..and was very much click and click, and done cannot find anything decent...and it is taking forever with dial-up anyone? I don't think he uses O/E or outlook either May have to suggest it. Seeing as how he lives waay up in Q'land any explaining is on phone or via email... makes things tricky. THANKS!!
  12. hard to say..but betadine a couple times a day wouldn't hurt could be a scrape...
  13. our dogs LOVE taking tablets..if they hear a pill bottle rattle..they often line up having your mouth opened and a finger shoved down seems well worth a treat afterwards, they think!
  14. get someone to help you hold him.. approach from behind.. put your hand over his muzzle, so that your thumb and fingers fold his top lips over the sharp teeth ;) tilt his head up a bit, and then with gentle pressure on the bottom jaw right at the front, his mouth should fall open with the tablet coated in butter... and chilled in fridge so it doesn't melt... poke it as far down as you can... let him close his mouth..give him a treat . he needs to learn that you CAN and WILL open his mouth to do medications etc. You do not ask his permission
  15. I also don't think they can 'grow out of it' The way the bone is shaped wouldn't change... BUT.. as the dog matures, muscle mass/strength around the joint may increase and hold the joint together better... for a while ... perhaps this is what they were thinking?
  16. Well said Ok..now I've read this. http://www.petshampoos.com.au/About_our_Products.ews .it appears they do not use 'soap'..just lots of oils and things... maybe that makes a difference
  17. softish bones fed as part of his diet... chicken wings/frames... lamb flaps/briskets/tails
  18. I have never given pups milk/slops... To my mind..learning to lap is not very easy..it is easier to walk in the mess ;) However with large bones full of meaty chunks..they explore..taste, then SUCK... after a little while, the sucking turns to chewing..then it's easy, and there is no messy bowls or poor pups trying to slurp up porridge I think pups get confused by semi-solids..their tongue isn't quite under enough control to hold much of the heavy mush... and if they try and chew..it's not solid enough to grip Many years ago I used to do the milk/mince thing...never again. No need :D puppy teeth are adequate tools!
  19. Hi... our pups all start on raw meat...at around 4 weeks they are given large meaty bones, on which they suck and chew..... when they have a bit more control over their chewing, they are given chopped up meat with additives like eggs ...apples and other fruit whole, as playthings., and lots of chicken necks/wings
  20. Oh..and to add..she is a 5 mth old puppy..full of energy, and aching to learn about her world... What type of exercise is she getting to wear off some of her 'attitude' ? Training her may be easier when she has had a lot of exercise
  21. Hi.. Actually... putting her in a crate , while the cat walks around... may not be such a good plan (I am happy to stand corrected) The dog can see the cat...and can still FEEL excitable, and can want to get to the cat...and can feel very frustrated With no way of correcting these feelings/behaviours, they could well escalate and become permanent... On a leash, I feel that corrections given at the first sign of any trouble...coupled with CALM sincere praise for the dog behaving by ignoring the cat would acheive more.
  22. We just fast for 24 hrs..then small amounts of meat only...
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