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Everything posted by persephone

  1. As with everything.... there are good and bad stories. I know lots of dogs fed all sorts of leftover human food..with no probs. then there are warnings such as this Onion and garlic poisoning Top Onions and garlic are other dangerous food ingredients that cause sickness in dogs, cats and also livestock. Onions and garlic contain the toxic ingredient thiosulphate. Onions are more of a danger. Pets affected by onion toxicity will develop haemolytic anaemia, where the pet’s red blood cells burst while circulating in its body. At first, pets affected by onion poisoning show gastroenteritis with vomiting and diarrhoea. They will show no interest in food and will be dull and weak. The red pigment from the burst blood cells appears in an affected animal’s urine and it becomes breathless. The breathlessness occurs because the red blood cells that carry oxygen through the body are reduced in number. The poisoning occurs a few days after the pet has eaten the onion. All forms of onion can be a problem including dehydrated onions, raw onions, cooked onions and table scraps containing cooked onions and/or garlic. Left over pizza, Chinese dishes and commercial baby food containing onion, sometimes fed as a supplement to young pets, can cause illness. Onion poisoning can occur with a single ingestion of large quantities or with repeated meals containing small amounts of onion. A single meal of 600 to 800 grams of raw onion can be dangerous whereas a ten-kilogram dog, fed 150 grams of onion for several days, is also likely to develop anaemia. The condition improves once the dog is prevented from eating any further onion While garlic also contains the toxic ingredient thiosulphate, it seems that garlic is less toxic and large amounts would need to be eaten to cause illness --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from here http://www.petalia.com.au/Templates/StoryT...ory_No=257#ct-4
  2. Unfortunately ,this has now 'taught ' her that you don't mean what you say...and she only has to persistent to get her own way Also..to tire her out... put her on leash, and do 10 minutes of obedience work with her a couple of times ..late afternoon and evening..just heel,sit... walk- without- sniffing type stuff... You may also find that having to work for her night time meal..by filling a KONG with her dinner, helps.
  3. is this common practice? I would be devastated if I picked out a new pup/dog ..took it to the vet, and found it tested positive to heartworm
  4. No, I wouldn't give a 'catfood ' mixture daily.. and I don't see any harm in adding the plain sardines.. all it is is sardines, water and gelling agent...
  5. If she is very cold, she will shiver. remember..it doesn't really matter how many layers the dog is sleeping ON..what does help keep the warmth in is a low roofed, small doored kennel The small door(or one with a canvas flap) plus a lowish ceiling, keep the dog's bodyheat in, and make sure the surrounding air is a bit warmer than that outside. Lying on a flat surface is also not as warming as providing a hollow for the dog to curl in A hollowed-out sleeping area/'bed' means less of the dog's surface area is exposed to the cold air
  6. I would think the plain sardines in jelly would be fine to add
  7. I think its obvious we are all aware of the dog as an omnivore - but if you look at the diet of wild dogs, even if it's small reptiles, insects or carrion, they will seek out a meat source. While I'm fine with being a vego, I think its animal abuse to deny a prey species their basic dietry variety. I really think that if you feel the need to turn an animal into a vego - get a species that ALREADY IS ONE !! fifi :rolleyes:
  8. Not sure.... BUT my first thought is that at some time you have maybe grabbed at her? To catch her, to put on her lead, to get her off the furniture, to give her medicine, or something.....perhaps? The trick is ..to let the dog come to you
  9. Uh,huh...and what do the neighbours think ? LOL sorry, I just think it's funny... I am a grumpy old sod who doesn't play with her dogs like this No offence. Your pup sounds as if she is enjoying it, anyway!
  10. Stevie and jodie.. if the nail is bleeding a lot..sprinkle some CORNFLOUR onto it (a lot) and then keep dog still while it clots. I buy styptic pencils..one for humans, one for animals.like this... http://www.cincottachemist.com.au/product_....php?crk=144683 They sting a bit..but quickly seal off small blood vessels and stop bleeding in dogs, chooks, etc. Use it when removing dewclaws in baby pups, deformed toes in baby chicks...and heaps more.
  11. It's common with our dogs..I just clean it daily, and put betadine or purple spray on. I don't bandage, as I feel the bandage rubs on the sensitive nerves and causes pain anyway... We have never had a problem...a few nails will hang for a short time..but a rowdy run on the lawn chasing balls etc soon dislodges the broken bit, with no discomfort to the madly playing dog!
  12. Ok..up until now, all our crew have been done as pups, and then annually . We are isolated..so they don't regularly come in contact with other dogs, or where dogs have been. The working dogs do... sporadically, when they are on other properties... a lot of dogs with which they mix have never had any vacc's, some only puppy ones :D I am always careful when we have visitors..we usually don't allow dogs on the property..and if anyone has a suspicious-sounding sick dog at home...out comes the white king (shoe soles/car tyres, etc) !! I am just after ideas...is it different for dogs which are regularly amongst numbers of other dogs, and which have exposure to different 'bugs' on footpaths, etc? Or Not? I would LOVE not having to vaccinate every year! Thanks.
  13. Don't have one speck of advice re the biting...but what a perfect photo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Any chance of seeing his comments? You could pm them if you like.... was just wondering if he had changed his viewpoint any from when I worked with him many years ago.
  15. ?? why do something negative when he had stopped the unwanted behaviour? I would also recommend the triangle of temptation http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...gle++Temptation for this boy ... and maybe , if he IS going to be top dog...then pay him more attention etc to make it easier and quicker?
  16. Hi. With an adult dog..and such a change in toilet behaviour..may I reccommend he has a thorough ..vet check first....make sure to tell the vet how many times a day the dog toilets... when the beahviour started, and any other information.to rule out a physical problem. It could be anything from a change in diet, to something badly wrong in his gut, to...who knows. Impossible to 'diagnose' properly over the internet After he gets the all-clear then you can perhaps get in a behaviourist to find out the whys, and work out strategies to help. keep us posted
  17. Poor occy... I think he needs to be put on some stuff to help his connective tissue strengthen up!
  18. No, it's not Your puppy is a BABY..a bit like a 12 mth old little human.......not much control over bodily functions, and not quite used to to the rules grownups impose I think there is a communication problem between you... 10 week old pups aren't usually deliberately disobedient...as they haven't had much time to LEARN the 'right' way to behave Please either get a trainer in, or return the pup to the breeder. It is not fair on YOU, your daughter, the other dog, OR the puppy You have enough to do with a 2 yr old in the house... maybe wait a while before you attempt to train a new puppy.. I don't know staffies..but the pup sounds as if it is very bright, strong willed, BORED witless, and not yet aware of the boundaries.Perhaps it is not the 'right' pup for your household? Not every pup will fit into every situation...
  19. 8 degrees is cool, but not overly cold If he's outside a lot, his coat will thicken up! make sure his kennel faces away from where the cold wind normally blows..and that the 'doorway' is not overly large. If he's not a chewer these days, then put a layer of cardboard under his blankets for insualtion, and make the blankets loose so he can burrow into them shredded paper makes a good bed, as dogs can 'nest' in it, and it holds in the warm air,doesn't harbour fleas, and you don't have to wash it! our koolies sleep outdoors..they have kennels, and bedding, but some just dig 'beds' in the sand..even when it's frostyand showery. Don't worry about him
  20. That was a beautiful piece of writing. I am sorry your little mate didn't come home.sometimes it works like that. R I P Tess.
  21. could well be!! Dogs, as you kow, can hear all sorts of things we can't..so yes, it could be something they are doing:( At your vet check, tho..did they take blood tests etc? I still think a THOROUGH check is needed, then a behaviourist
  22. An answer? YES!! I would be having her sleep in there at night...so she sees it as 'her space' She sleeps in there, with her toys etc, and it becomes her own liittle secure spot. I guess, tho..you have her sleeping with you?? Hmm..some very noisy times ahead
  23. OK... What has started happening in your neighbourhood around that time in the morning? Anything? Like builders/extra traffic/neighbours doing stuff... ? He may be very anxious How long has it been happening? Have you/your family started doing/stopped doing anything different? Was there anything which USED to happen early morning, which doesn't? Did he used to sleep indoors, and is now out? Have you renovated the house, so now he can't hear/see what's happening in the house? No , it doesn't! It MAY mean, however that he is suffering from something, whether physical or emotional which is stressing him badly!! Please phone your vet and get a complete check-up for him!! he could have something affecting his hormone levels, sugar levels, could be a few different things, including something awry in his brain. best to get it all checked ...then if there is no obvious PHYSICAL problem... call in the help of a BEHAVIOURIST to assess his mental/emotional well-being.
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