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Everything posted by persephone

  1. look in the supermarket or butcher for containers of LARD or SUET Pig fat and beef fat respectively. A spoonful or two a day...he will LOVE it :cool: MANY years ago... we used to render down the fat from sheep we butchered... mix up dry dog food in it... and skinny dogs/bitches with pups used to get that
  2. this is my opinion only I am not happy unless a dog is relaxed and happy . If they are trying something new... and look anxious.. we repeat and repeat , until their confidence comes up...when they are happy , I am happy No food bribes..no baby talk, just "suck it up, and DO it", basically. We just do "whatever" as if it is a hum-drum thing...over and over... They may get a 'good boy/girl' if they attempt to do what's asked , independent of me... but the full-on verbal/physical praise is left for the millisecond they are looking much more pleased with themsleves :D Do you have to bath your dog in the tub? have you tried her in a human bath... or outdoors with a watering can... May I suggest you place a folded towel on the bottom ..if you don't have a rubber mat already.if her footing is more secure, she may feel better. Have evrything absolutely ready...water at right temp. everything. because she is picking up your uncertainty.... be calm and sure.... Pick dog up..plonk her in tub. wet, wash, rinse, dry. out of tub... dry again..run around... life as normal..no big deal .... Oops..Pax..I didn't copy, honest..slow typer :D
  3. he doesn't need ANY rice :D Dogs don't need starchy stuff :D Some supermarket deli sections stock chicken frames (for soup). Your pup will LOVE one ) Chicken wings are also excellent...give them whole..don't be tempted to cut it up!!! he has very effective puppy/adult teeth!
  4. Hi..if you can , avoid dog bikkies, sugar/fat... plain rice will be fine for a day or two...let his gut have a rest! lots of water.. any acidopholus caps in the house, or good plain yoghurt? Give him some to help his gut... Hope he is ok.
  5. Oh..what a horror find for the carer RIP rowdy.
  6. Pebbles.. Maybe anti-inflamms would help wiith the pain, and provide a 'masking' I know what you mean about the driving and no decent vet at the end of it, believe me! *fingers crossed*
  7. Oh, bugga Could he still have 'something' floating around in his gut... causing pain..but not a blockage? Can you afford xrays to check? Hope he is feeling more comfortable soon...
  8. Hi..I would second the suggestion you visit a vet who specialises in skin problems. there are SO many things which can cause symptoms on/in the skin..both externally as allergies (horribly common) which all the washing in the world won't fix.....to yeast/fungal problems... then there are the internal things as well. Lots to check over..environment, diet, hormones, .... HEAPS
  9. I am the original lazy person..and started off religously burning disks/deleting off puter...didn't last long I cull HEAPS of photos....often only end up with 1/3 of what I shot. (I only have a 30 Gb puter) The other week, I bought a 120Gb HD.... :rofl: WONDERFUL!!..All the pics are where I left them... all in their folders that Inamed ,etc... and no more wondering what is on which disk (cos I forget to name them properly) BUY more storage space!!
  10. :rolleyes: sounds like you are doing well! outside needs to be a puppy's paradise ;) make sure he has a secure area.. one where he can 'den'..and feel safe. his world needs interactive things... cardboard boxes, noise-making toys ( a couple of toys at a time,only.... at a time...rotate them)/... things to chew..large bones..a puppy kong with treats /peanut butter inside..a rope toy... a large ball..like a soccer ball..even small pups enjoy rolling them around A large bin or something full of clean sand to dig in..play with.... Basically..outside should be somewhere his treasures are, and where he can enjoy being a puppy!
  11. If the phone casing os hard plastic..there could be sharp 'spears' where he has chewed it!! I would recommend a vet visit..this is NOT going to dissolve in a hurry... hopefully he has already vomited it up or something.... (although if he had trouble swallowing..vomiting will be very uncomfortable) Hope he's ok.
  12. Oh :rolleyes: what a dilemma. if it were me, I would be giving him his wings, and not putting him thru any more pain. *thinking of you, and wiggs*
  13. :rolleyes: having never taken a dog to a groomer...this is horrifying! You have to put up with being snapped at, covered in dog anal gland muck, get scratched and shaken on...and THEN have to be polite to some uneducated owners Can you call the RSPCA on some of the cases? Sounds as if they should be involved ... poor dogs. Well done, all of you!
  14. I agree with the others... find something irresistible..cheese, a small piece of salami, a small piece of roast meat or dried liver treats... show him the treat... use an inviting voice..NOT a worried or 'scolding' voice..and do NOT attempt to take his 'treasure'. offer him the trea..make sure he can smell/see it..say "do you want this?"..when he goes to take it, and drops the 'treasure' ..IMMEDIATELY say "swap" or gimme. or something..casually pick up the "treasure' and PUT IT IMMEDIATELY out of sight. praise him..and go back to whatever you were doing. All our pups get this treatment, and most will drop ANYTHING when told to 'swap' :rolleyes:..bones, dangerous items, hankies, tissues .... chasing pups is not my favourite thing...I would much rather they gave things to me!!
  15. Unless she is on dry food , and doesn't get a chance to drink before bed, I wouldn't worry . Don't have the heating turned way up, and she will be fine
  16. Glad you have advice from Steve... but sorry that the dogs are not together, at this stage Hoping for a resolution soon ;)
  17. She is young..and learning about her world..fair enuff... BUT she should look to you for guidance. have you tried this with her? http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=64101 It may be of help getting her to see you as the 'all-powerful'
  18. Ok..then she needs to learn to WALK past distractions, and at your speed and wherever you turn .... when she can do this..and she is concentrating more ( it will take a while , as she is still a bub) THEN incorporate the 'sit', maybe.
  19. How have you tried? You are a person..the leader, and much larger and more competent than she is ... say "sit" ONCE ..don't ask! lift her head up with the leash held in one hand, gently push her bum to the ground with the other.Look A Sit! Quiet praise, so as not to excite her... then a 'release' word..or just step forward. repeat, repeat, repeat..... It is not much use trying to teach her the 'sit command' in a situation like roads, etc...she maybe should have a couple of sessions in the backyard each day, so she obeys without distractions..then when she is pretty reliable with the command..you continue it at kerbs ;) also ..have a read here ... http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=62375
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