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Everything posted by persephone
@Roova excellent haven't been to Wang for many years .. gorgeous part of the world . interesting winery pics , too!
This is a baby in disguise A young visitor & Mum ....
looking good, Tits
Trouble is only 12... inoperable tumour... grrr!
persephone replied to tdierikx's topic in General Dog Discussion
Good to hear she's still having more good than bad -
have to add one more for this week .. A young visitor today ... Puddy LOVES jumping into cars (oops) ..this poor kid was a tad apprehensive ..but not for long ..
teebs ..so horrible to learn of this . Lots of thoughts& cyber-hugs coming yr way ...
The type of person, her behaviour, and her lifestyle will determine the best type of dog training these dogs needs to be amazingly thorough..and obviously is much more than being ok with crowds . I suggest you do an online search for autism assistance dog ... and see what comes up in NSW .. If the dog needs to legally have the right to go into public places etc , it will need to be accredited /official ..so my idea is you're best to enquire at organisations who deal with these situations every day How exciting for your young friend ... I hope it all works out well :D here...this may give them some idea ... https://assistancedogs.org.au/autism-service-dog
think. Vulpines are already well established . they are everywhere. they do NOT take down adult stock . Breeding is limited.Hunting is underway Canids on the other hand can breed huge litters twice a year ..grow large , works as packs to raise litters .. the higher bounty, my guess is... tries to stop them getting too much of a foot hold ?
Gee, PC ..that is a bit close for comfort
Ohpoo I forgot . I do it to stop digging OUT .
oh ..ok ..if the fence is only 4.5 ft ..you might have another option which may also keep yr cats at home too .bonus!! http://yoursassyself.com/roll-bar-fence-diy-keep-your-pets-in-others-out/ maybe instead of electrics ... run a strand of new barbed wire along the bottom of the fence on outriggers ! It stings ! I do this on puppy pens/pig pens ..it only takes one or two 'ouches', and digging under drops down the list of good stuff.
Thanks @PossumCorner... managing foxes ..not easy when it's freerange, and probably much greener pastures than where I live our house yard is an acre ..and in its heyday the fence was built of 6 ft netting ..then an additional 3straight wires at an angle out - but that was to stop the turkeys we bred from flying IN :P I do suggest some additions to the fence for foxes ... a netting flap facing out , like this stops climbing and definitely a hot wire as has been suggested !! off set , and just a few cm off the cleared ground . safe as ;) I have only bantams now ..feral cats are my nemesis they are in a fully enclosed, Fort Knox Aviary . I just do not need any more worry in my days . We have never had a crow take even a new hatched chick . Wedgetailed eagles have taken turkeys/guinea fowl ..and foxes took geese, yes . cats have taken ducks/chooks and guineas I've gone off poultry keeping . Honestly . A maremma is a whole other set of worries me? I have been typing & thinking ..& for banties , with overhead raptors a worry ..id build tunnels for them so they are enclosed and roaming at the same time ;) .....tunnels can me moved around being lazy , I'd get plastic/wire mesh of a strong variety .. mould it into an ellipse or similar shape ..tall enough for banties to stand & flap, etc ... & as long as you can ..add some turns/elbows .. some ideas here ? http://www.homedesigninspired.com/build-a-diy-chicken-tunnel-in-your-backyard/
Raindrops on the fallen
Snakes . we live with them ..live in some fear of them ..have respect and admiration for them . they take a dog every few years ..but we live in their bush ..we provide the water , in neat little containers , we provide lots of mice who feed on spilt grain, crumbs of dog food , etc ( yes, we do use a 'safe' poison regularly..) we see tracks on the sand to & fro water sources ... 90 times out of 100 they go on their way . IF they are in , or directly around the house ..then they go to God . No questions asked . That said, there have only been two this Summer, thankfully - one of those a youngster , in the kitchen . late one night .Gave me a bit of a shock, it did. LOL . We have Eastern Browns - fast, well camouflaged - and sometimes, King Browns - absolutely gorgeous beasties, But NOT in trellises outside the kitchen , sadly . I would not spend money on those repeller things as I do not believe their effectiveness. yes, I know stomping on the ground alerts snakes to our presence and allows them to move . I also know of snakes who shelter in machinery sheds, ..or shearing sheds with the movement of sheep ..or under house floors , where I'm sure there is all sorts of vibration being carried down to ground level ... I hope the newer ones keep you as safe as you believe they wilL. This page is interesting..but dated > LINK
Lovely to see them again - thank you ! <3
She was a such a cuddly , chunky teddy bear ... I am so very sorry she finally had to leave :cry:
She looks lovely ... well done - I've just read the back story
Yayyy keep doing what you're doing
I feel very sympathetic for the older dachsy having to cope with a young , very solid, uneducated and energetic staffy was certainly not on his Christmas list, I bet . there may well be some serious fights happen because of attitudes to other dogs /ages and temperaments . i do hope you find a good training set up for the new pup ... as said ..most puppy schools don't really teach you much have a read here ....: http://blog.k9pro.com.au/getting-a-puppy/
awww..PC ..babies are always good .. something cheery and better to watch than drought/fire/dust.....
wow... a curly question . how old is 'mature? is the breed one which would have had a lot of effort done with regards to health testing/temp. testing of the line? is the breeder well known and a breeder of good quality dogs? is the breed a common one, or one of the not-often seen ones? is dog desexed? what register is it on ? doesa it have all its papers ? In the end , it boils down to what the breeder wants to charge, really - there is , AFAIK, no 'set' charge .
Very, in my family!! Mum & my grandpa always had an after lunch 'rest' , esp in the heat of the day . love the shot of the legs on couch .....