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Posts posted by persephone

  1. Quote

    If you are not wanting to show him, personally I'd be embracing his individuality if his ears aren't perfectly set... it adds a special jauntiness to his countenance, wouldn't you agree?

    I second this :)

    • Like 3
  2. 8 minutes ago, Roderic said:

    he has another large wolfhound that has recently ruptured an ACL in his back leg. He believes that the pain the dog suffering now justifies putting this dog down as well.

    ACL corrective surgery has a high success record. It also relieves pain. 

    • Like 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Roderic said:

    Following on that ... is it a myth that a dog gets a "taste for blood" which would lead to further deaths?

    A dog can discover just HOW rewarding a chase/hunt is, and seek to do more ..this is how working sheep/cattle dogs learn to enjoy their work :) No blood involved, and yet they have a taste for the "hunt" 

    • Like 1
  4. I hope his claim was true - otherwise the dog died for nothing :(  Did he check for injuries in the dog's mouth ?  Did he check for loose teeth etc ? Was there wool in between the teeth? 
    Perhaps the maremma had attacked a fox or a feral dog ..and it was fox/dog  blood?
     I dare say this DOES happen occasionally - perhaps a youngster wasn't solid, perhaps a dog wasn't trained properly ...but I would like to see a dead/injured lamb first before deciding on euthanasia.

    • Like 4
  5. 19 hours ago, Kazm said:

    In reality there was a red belly black laying in the sun.

    Eek...I bet that got your heart rate going ! 
    Placid RBB - a little story ...years ago I had a friend visiting, and she had never seen a snake . We were out & about , and I saw a RBB lying in the sun , so I pointed it out to her . She was sceptical, as snake was just immobile , enjoying a sunbathe . I stamped on the ground to try & get it to move - nothing. I showered it with small pebbles and finally it stretched and meandered away a short distance , and my friend was convinced it was real ! If it had been a brown, no way would we have been so close, or had an opportunity to just observe :)

    • Like 1
  6. I have seen more snake tracks around just lately than I saw all Summer! On these warm Autumn days they come out to bask ..and although slower because of the temperature, can obviously still bite. 
    My Grandfather always used to say April was the worst month for snakes -exactly why I'm not sure ,but the last few weeks they have certainly been about! 

  7. LINK

    It's not what you might think - no bloodletting involved. 

    Dogs compete in rat sports at Ratapalooza in Arnprior, Ont. on April 9, 2022.Arlo, a German shepherd, finds the tube with the live rat and seems like he wants to keep it.

    While some may worry about the welfare of the rats, Guindon says she breeds and trains them so they’re comfortable in the tube, which they enter on their own, and they spend no more than an hour in there before they are swapped out. “They’re pets and treated as such,” she said of her rats, who all have names and live in her home.

    • Like 1
  8. Pudden ran past me  earlier this afternoon,and picked up a shiny looking brown stick.
    When I noticed the curved stick had a head and tail I yelled at him to leave , and he dropped it immediately.
    The almost metre long brown snake then hurriedly found shelter in an old  cellar wall,and  I 
    thumped the wall with an old broom to hurry it along!
    That's my adrenaline rush for the day....wish the snakes would disappear for a few months :(


    Unbeknownst to me, Clive had taken off...and had run the 400 metres to where The Boss was working, at the homestead on the river.

    The Boss thought I was sick or injured, so came roaring back home.He knows Clive is never seen without me, normally.

    So, that's my story for Friday!


    • Like 9
  9. 11 hours ago, Rebanne said:

    My only experience with kelpies ( 2nd hand ) was them being used on sheep.

    Dogs can have very different careers than their general population does :) Many years ago, one of our better yard dogs with sheep was my little dog, Wreckit ..a dachsieX Aussie terrier! She LOVED it, and had a few tricks the other dogs just couldn't/didn't do! 
    Then there was my Brother's Koolie bitch who was a brilliant duck retriever - such a soft mouth and great retrieve! 
    I firmly believe kelpies are tough enough and quick enough to be very good with cattle. 

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