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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I've been thru this with Hamlet!... thinking of you .
  2. Sounding good now They do sound lovely vets! Lucky you (and Phoebe :D )
  3. Slightly off topic- but could there be a physical reason your girl doesn't want to jog uphill? Has she been all checked out in regards to any joint/muscle isues?? or something else- to do with the noise the bike makes in a lower gear, or something?? if she were mine, I would be addressing this ,before buying more equipment
  4. good that is has now gone, and is nothing drastic.
  5. a salivary gland can block and clear- the thing is to then find out why it's blocking- is there a physical barrier, is it a crystalline blockage, or what my mum has a blocked duct- and she also gets a swelling under the jaw. We do solve it temporarily (hers is due to crystals) by her sucking a piece of lemon! The gland squirts out extra saliva in a hurry and flushes the crystals away :rolleyes: (til next time)
  6. She'' ll be fine, I'm sure- just look a bit odd with a shaved tail :rolleyes:
  7. The vet should have given you dietary suggestions- AFAIK- pancreatitis dogs need to be watched carefully-.... Maybe a second opinion with a vet you feel comfortable with? Hope the vomiting settles down quickly
  8. Oh that's sad- I hope she can be made comfortable...
  9. Oh fifi- that is terrible news. I am so sorry- bloat/torsion is a curse- and a sneak. Tamsyn , RIP.
  10. My first thought was salivary gland blockage- but ,coupled with the 'honking'- maybe something else?
  11. If he wants an slr that isn't ... try the fuji finepix S8000fd which is what I have . Not a tiny camera,not a large heavy one either takes pretty good pics! Can be used on either Auto OR manual.. Fuji Finepix S8000fd here are some of mine, taken with one of these cameras... photos
  12. Hopefully it's just a blocked sebaceous gland or something Best of luck tomorrow ,Colleen.
  13. How warm is the inside of your house ? Is she more restless than usual? puppies tend to pant a bit more than adults,IMO as they are active little things! Sitting with her/patting her etc when she is 'stressed' may ,I'm afraid, only make her MORE stressed/anxious! pups are not made to think like a human- she pants/snaps/grizzles, and you sit with her ,telling her how wonderful she is........... So ... the behaviour continues, as you are telling her it's GOOD Pay her attention when she is settled and quiet!
  14. Miranda- good thinking ! I only took in the general shape - but now ,looking at the violet leaves with it- and the little flowers- ... You could be right!
  15. It certasinly looks like the culprit!! You need to rip every last shred out, if that is what is causing the allergies... I hope your dogs are feeling more comfortable soon! Itchy, sore dogs are no fun to take care of...
  16. And---- be careful- get a boy dog, and watch your husband get very evasive when the subject of castration comes up!! Don't let him put the op off!! Be Strong!!!!
  17. I second the choice of a male- less likelihood of aggro betwen them
  18. he doesn't need the carrot -especially if he's a bit thin- carrot is basically just a 'filler' Regarding chicken necks- IMO they are way too small for a lab- and worse if you cut them into bits. there is a risk , if he doesn't crunch them into tiny pieces, of them becoming lodged on the way down ... Glad he enjoyed his mince
  19. Maybe you could try the brands some others here use- they are 'premium' foods , leave meal in bowl for 15 minutes, remove . next meal time do the same..... Every time you add something yummy to the food--- of COURSE pup will eat that in preference, cos he knows you will give him something else yummy next time Like feeding a toddler ice cream, after he has refused his meat /vegies!! OR ,you can try feeding puppy on a meat-based diet.... lots of fresh raw meat- soft bones, some fish, egg, yogurt, etc... check out the health, Nutrition,grooming forum !! What breed is your pup? How old? (because if pup is around 4-6 mths, he may be teething and have a sore mouth, which hard dry food may hurt)
  20. not neccessarily I give my dogs and cats large bones... BUT They have the meat still on them for whatever meal it is . The point of the exercise is for the animals to gnaw and chew and work to get the meat off- to exercise their jaws, and ,using the sideways,molar, chew chew chew to slice meat off bone- clean their teeth!! Then- if they want, they can eat the bone as well... or they can wait for softer bones.
  21. Yep- for smaller dogs- chicken necks aren't suitable--they are 'just' a good size and shape to get gulped,and stuck in the oesophagus bones which are completely chewable seem to be better . Our dogs get bones every day...
  22. Papi Searcher- earlier in one of your posts, you said that your boy loved raw food- but you didn't want to feed it, as it wasn't a complete diet..... Now, you have a pup who you have to force-feed a vitamin/protein supplement, and who you are buying all sorts of things for Why not feed him a variety of meats, bones suitable for his size, and some fish, eggs,yogurt in small amounts- plus a side serve of some vegetable matter? Dogs are designed to get everything they need from a meat-based diet, so don't worry... here is a sample of what can be done... 24th Jul 2008 - 01:32 PM Post #7 Slave to two pugs & numerous foster pugs Posts: 979 Joined: 10/1/2008 From: Melbourne Member No.: 22,218 Here's my feeding plan for my pugs. I do offal once a week and just chop it up and add it to their other food. They get 2 to 3 tablespoons of the veggie slops with their meat/bones. I actually cut the chicken necks up so that the pugs don't swallow them whole and choke. They still crunch the pieces a few times before they swallow them. BARF FEEDING ROUTINE MONDAY -Chicken Necks & Slops TUESDAY- Fish & Slops WEDNESDAY - Chicken Necks & Yoghurt & Slops THURSDAY- Kangaroo & Slops FRIDAY- Chicken Necks & Offal & Slops SATURDAY - Lamb bones & Slops SUNDAY- Beef or Lamb or Kangaroo & Slops BARF SLOPS INGREDIENTS & METHOD Things I always include: - container of alfala spouts - bunch of spinach (roots cut off) - 1 to 2 green capsicums (stalk cut off & seeds out) - 1 to 2 red caspsicums (stalk cut off & seeds removed) - bag of carrots - bunch of celary - 4 zuccinis - 3 to 4 oranges (peeled) - 1 pumpkin (seeds removed) - 2 to 4 apples (pips taken out) - 2 to 4 bannanas (peeled) - 8 to 10 eggs (whole including shell) - flaxseed oil (approx 250mL) - kelp (approx 100g) What else you can put in: - bunch of silverbeet - turnip - squash - sweet potato - 2 to 4 pears - half to 1 pinapple - brussel sprouts - brocoli - cauliflower - bag of beans - Apple Cider Vinegar - Vitamin C Chop up then process up in blender/food processor so that things turn to slops. Put each blender batch into a big bucket. Usually leave the eggs & flaxseed oil for things that don't blend very well like the pumpkin and carrots. Ingredients should fill up a bucket. Mix bucket with big ladel till all mixed through then put into take away containers & freeze untill needed. Go to the top of the pageReport Post +Quote Post puggy_puggy View Member Profile Add as Friend Send Message Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts post 24th Jul 2008 - 01:35 PM Post #8 Slave to two pugs & numerous foster pugs Posts: 979 Joined: 10/1/2008 From: Melbourne Member No.: 22,218 QUOTE (PandaGirl @ 24th Jul 2008 - 12:56 PM) * She's getting her necks frozen and it's just not slowing her down anymore, she's been getting beef soup bones daily. My biggest problem is getting my parents to respect my feeding decisions... Get some chicken carcusses. Also beef bones are very hard. Does she manage to consume the whole bone or just rip the meat and fat off them? Dogs need to actually eat the whole of the bone not just the meat off it for them to have a balanced ratio of calcium and meat. If she is not eating the whole bone then I would change her to lamb
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