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Everything posted by persephone

  1. *fingers crossed that THIS time, all will work out for you*
  2. Another one here who would strongly suggest you get some professional help asap.All the meeting other dogs, and behaving as she does is just reinforcing her behaviour.. Targeted one-on -one help now will be a big help
  3. I don't have tiles anywhere- but do scrub spots with an enzymatic soap powder like DR##ve..leave sit for a few minutes, then rinse & rinse. Then I use a damp vinegar cloth.
  4. Best to give the vet a call--Loss of appeteite can be a symptom of lots of things- and the fact it has gone on for several days is a worry. A few things to consider- has it been hot the last few days ? Could he be getting food somewhere else? Have you checked his mouth for either loose teeth or something stuck? What;s his breath like? What are his droppings like? does he go the same amount as before? Are they the same consistency as before? Is he drinking more/less?
  5. you could always get the dew claws removed, if accidents occur regularly....
  6. My suggestion as well- NO meet&greet unless she is on lead, and can be helped to keep 4 feet on the ground! Also- NO immediate meet& Greet when either you get home ,or visitors arrive.Leave her outside for a few minutes, THEN ,without speaking/patting, put her on leash, get her to sit, and say 'hello, good girl' whatever
  7. Poor boy - sounds as if he didn't have human contact at all Glad he is responding to you , tho You will have to get him to the vet soon- for his needles and desexing.. the crate will be handy for that , and perhaps, if you explain-the vet will give you a mild sedative for the journey?
  8. I am guessing you have obtained a MAREMMA pup ? Sorry, I cannot help with specifics.. You might want to do some more research on them- there are lots of sites which will help You might also want to check if maremmas are prone to bloat/torsion!! Just for interest, here are some to start you. HERE HERE HERE
  9. If you are using pine-o-cleen, you are effectively 'peeing' in the corners yourself- and he will instinctively try and cover the scent. Most of those cleaners are ammonia based, so do smell a bit like urine to animals . Oh- and unless you catch him peeing..actually DOING it- sending him outside will just confuse him, and may make him fearful. He may indeed still be stressed after his fright on Thursday.... take things slow and easy....
  10. that is a very sexy image, there, Luke W I must come back to this thread and learn stuff
  11. OP- no stories, but if you are not 100%comfortable with the trainer's response, maybe try another one .
  12. Dogs can get a virus at any time...IMO there is absolutely no difference in a speyed or entire bitch! The gastro bugs certainly don't discriminate !!!!!!!!!!! Don' give her any more food- make sure she has water.. and if she throws up overnight, develops diarrhoea or suddenly appears 'flat'.. get to a vet ! being in season does NOT make a bitch vomit
  13. I would tend to start quiet...and, each week or two..move things up a notch. Start with streets...then nearer to main road, then main road,nearer shops, then a quiet shopping stretch, then main shopping stretch... ??? Dunno, really...
  14. *fingers crossed for him* Hopefully the vets realise the seriousness of it all .
  15. To me it doesn't sound excessive. To 'tire' a puppy out- you can't beat the MENTAL exercise of doing training!! You know yourself- if you're working/thinking hard... how tired you get. Same with a puppy- they need the mental exercise :rolleyes: Several short sessions a day ....
  16. I have not been to obedience classes- but this doesn't sound very 'educational' :rolleyes:
  17. Sorry- nothing to add except hopes for a complete recovery...
  18. Our dogs/puppies all get raw bones from 4 weeks old. (Koolies and Koolie x's) the only 'choking' incident has been Hamlet almost choking on a chicken neck when he was younger. Chicken necks are exactly the size&shape to be slurped whole---- BUT their diameter and that of a smaller dog's oesophagus is just not quite a good fit.... so the necks can get stuck :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I do not use chicken necks anymore.. but with puppies, do use wings with no problems, as most of our dogs are chewers not gulpers, thank goodness.
  19. His exercise is mostly what 'he' wants to do? run and sniff? try doing 10-15 minutes of leash /heel walking, with some basic obedience, where YOU decide what is to be done, and he gets his praise for a job well done! This will help make him want to just 'switch off' when he's home- plus he's not doing too much running on those young bones
  20. Crazy puppy- private sessions with a Trainer or Behaviourist are a great tool ! Glad you got some help- once we learn how to communicate with, and understand, a pup/dog- the difference is amazing
  21. persephone


    Sorry, TB. ;) Sounds as if Duke took matters into his own paws, and decided when and where to send his spirit over the bridge ... That's a nice thing, really - took any guilt away from your Dad
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