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Everything posted by persephone
That's good news for all concerned :)
Your pup doesn't need vegetables
Wiping the end doesn't help- the infection (if it is one) will be in the sheath cavity. We used to use a plastic syringe----NO NEEDLE Use warm saline. Gently insert the tip of the syringe- and squirt
If you can- gently flush it out with some warm salty water... without too much interference We used to use an empty ,needleless syringe- just insert the tip ,into the sheath, and squirt- it will flush/drain.
Frudix is a fluid regulator for the body. What exactly is wrong with your dog?? so the seizure could be a heart irregularity bought on by the effort/stress of a bath? ahhh.. poor little dog.. I did wonder about the medication- but didn't look further ;)
Why is he scratching? Does he have fleas? Is it perhaps an allergy? Does he have dry skin? Itches can be caused by many things- and, for a lot, a bath is not a 'cure'. IMO provided he is on a colour and preservative free, low/no grain diet, is treated for fleas regularly, and has no access to the common plants which may make him itch (wandering Dew, some grasses)- Regular wiping of his coat with a damp cloth, daily brushing with a soft brush, and rinsing his feet daily( just with a wet cloth, if he doesn't like being handled/washed (dry them wellafterwards) SHOULD minimise odour, and keep his coat nice and healthy.
Labmummy- where are you situated? there are DOLers on here who are excellent trainers- or we could recommend you someone nearby. When a family is 'divided' about a dog- outside PROFESSIONAL personal help can defuse the situation, and provide an unbiased assessment. You need some training- your husband and kids need some training, and so does Harry ;) IMHO- young male labs - esp 'teens' are a bit like human teen boys Difficult!
I look at a 'walk' as an opportunity for the dog to be 'working'.. ie: heeling, thinking, listening to me,watching me... except when I give them some time to check out the scenery ;) It means that ,at the end of a walk- the dog has had physical and mental exercise-- and a few chances to find out what's been happening in the neighbourhood Dog is usually relaxed, and ready to chill...
It's actually dead easy to do... and so very very useful!!! Our dogs always toilet before they go anywhere- walk,car,whatever...
Do you let them walk at their own pace? No Let them Stop, Sniff, Squat and or lift their leg when they want. No- only when I say so Or Heel them and control walk all the way.. Depends how far the walk is if we are walking into the river, then it's MY rules until we get there- then it's whatever dog wants to do (withing reason) ;) If it's a longer walk- then it's my rules pretty much all the way..with a break or two for a sniff. Dog gets an opportunity to relieve before a walk- does it on command- so there is no need to toilet whilst walking
Behaviour, Is This Marking?
persephone replied to Rainy's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
good news! -
he had a reasonable night- only squeaked once :rolleyes: Raced outthe door and scrounged someone else's bikkies this morning. The tail is still looking very limp and uncomfortable- but the worst of the pain seems to have disappeared,thank goodness! he is now back in bed with a hot wheat bag..and his blanket....
yeahhhhh..Ok ... *crosses fingers- does not want anal gland abscesses or worse :rolleyes: Yukky *
I have had a look , and a poke, it didn't seem to bother him, and there's no leakage, or swelling that I can see.......... ack! I hope that's not the case.......... They emptied freely yesterday,with no pain...
Thanks Unlike Hamlet- he has put himself to bed- in my room! he has a bed under the kitchen table,and on teh couch- but he has spat the dummy and gone to his proper bed! Mr.Wilson the cat has gone to keep him company When I let the dogs out at teatime- H took off around the corner after the guineafowl.... so I don't think he's dying just yet
Thanks- as I said- guessing only- but he is a cocker sp. X , male, about 6 yo.. and it seems a big coincidence that he was washed 24 hrs ago .. he is now lying on his bed, with a hot wheatbag on his bum... he has had some food- appetite is FINE!!.. It's going to be a long 2 days/2 weeks, whatever
.... Am guessing , only, of course . Yesterday- I had to wash my beast ,as he rolled in something putrid. (first bath in months) It was late afternoon- I used a watering can & warm water- did his A.Glands,then a quick rinse with teh hose- a towel rub, then he ran around for a while (had been off after bunnies beforehand) This morning, he was a bit clingier than normal- and a bit more vocal. Now- he came to greet me and the tail is still able to be wagged at the tip= but is being held carefully- can't be raised to proudly flag like normal, and is causing quite a bit of discomfort. He will race around, then squeak, and look at his tail. I can probe around his anus etc without a problem, but he doesn't like me touching the tail base Having never seen this - what with the racing around, then the sudden chill from washing (I left him outside to dry) perhaps this is it ? I will now bring him in and give him a hot water bag on his bum, and a half dispirin... and let him settle, I think. Bugga:( We are going to town Thursday- so if it gets worse he will have to come too.
Thankyou ...I hadn't thought of it that way
In which case I would NOT suggest using an aversive to stop her barking If she is already anxious/fearful- then anything else is yet another stressor for her to handle. Have you had professional one-to-one advice on her fear/barking issues?
Yes- it is not the 'best way' to do things . I don't suppose Whyalla has too much in the way of dog behaviour resources That makes it hard for you-
RIP Cindy. Dear old thing ...
she ran away...
Good- I see rappie is reading It could well be a transferrence of bacteria from one to t'other, I guess... But not sure why he wants to fast the dog?
never heard of 'pink paw'...... If it is the fur stained in between toes etc.. it is possibly an allergic reaction, making itches, which then get chewed.... Also- AFAIK,some dogs with very hairy feet get irritation between their toes, when sweat/ dampness and sand etc gather there :)They lick to clean/soothe it. Licking CAN also become obsessive... the dog is a bit anxious? Lick, Lick. Bored? Lick , Lick... Hopefully ,allergy tests can be done to rule that out, or feet can be checked for an elusive flea ..it only takes one bite!
Vets All Natural Complete Mix
persephone replied to Shoshana's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Just a query- wouldn't it be MUCH cheaper to buy a couple of KG of whole oats/barley, and sprout it? .. only cost a few dollars that way- a scoop of ester C, some chopped parsley....