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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Accept that the elderly gentleman does not HAVE to put up with a puppy .he deserves to have his space , his peace & quiet .... speaking sternly will never replace all the missing education/socialisation , and may just make him even more anxious . neither of the adults HAVE to play with , or even say hello to the pup ..there is nothing in their contract which says so ;) if you visit ..perhaps leave them home . if pup visits ..leave your boys somewhere of THEIR choosing ..and leave pup in a crate /outside/wherever .It's their home first
  2. DDD does amazing things for her houseful of dear old things ... Their photos show just how they repay every moment and dollar ......
  3. You are being responsible ..and operating from a very careful/caring perspective
  4. I am sorry you are so unhappy . if you feel we have assumed - then maybe we needed more detail so we could work on fact Y'know ... the advice on here is ALL heartfelt . ..even if it feels angry Then it is REALLY from the heart ....... SO many DOL members have been/are involved in rescue , and know what the environments/outcomes are .They do an incredible job with the abused/the elderly and the forgotten . many more are good and ethical breeders with many years of experience of rearing limited numbers of amazing puppies . Some like me do not show , or compete , or operate in the public domain ..we love being around dogs , have a lifetime of experience ,and experiences to share . We have all made mistakes at some time ....or have otherwise been devastated /disappointed . Any suggestions made by me ..reading links, 'advice' - are to maybe help someone make a better-informed decision , hopefully getting the best they can Wishing you and future dog/s fun & friendship
  5. @Maddy... i don't think friends mind puppy pics at all. may your wait reap rewards
  6. he, he, he ..She was such a lucky girl you waited all that time Number 3 will happen along when all is ready . Thyme's timing was good
  7. Ooh..yes!! Thinking about ..maybe'ing /should'ing ..all count, in my book!! Lovely thing to have . I may never ever have a little CC to drape on my arthritic knees ,some years down the track ..but looking at images/thinking/imagining is so pleasurable I can see its antics LOL
  8. @mingaling guess it would be a fool's errand asking for a decent hint ?????? (wonders what on earth would make a match with Tits ?) What great news :hug:
  9. can't find the thread, and recent discussion once again broughts thoughts to mind of folks here who waited years for a pup from a preferred breeder..or who flew many miles ... There are those who have foster failures who are perfect fits ( and not-so) Did you inherit a dog who was much loved and desired? It's an odd thing ... i have always carefully chosen my cats by colour , I just realised ( how embarrassing) but never chosen dogs by breed or colour LOL Mum had pedigreed dogs when we were kids ..Rottie , labs, OES...bought as puppies .. Over the past 50 yrs I have had a succession of mixed breeds of all shapes & sizes /coat types & colours ..pretty much who have all found me one way or another . I don't really have a dream dog ..BUT would like one day to be sitting in a comfy chair with a little one like this - maybe .... perhaps . I shall see what the fates have in store . how long DID you wait for your dog/s ?
  10. I'm afraid I'm taking a step back here - this is something that I would not enter into , and therefore I cannot advise you . One thing. How many other dogs have you visited apart from these? Go to a rescue ..visit with a few other dogs that catch your eye -maybe because they are different , or odd, or a puppy (not with a view to taking them home) - then compare their reactions , and that of your son It's a good experience . As a kid .. a highlight of our holidays was a visit to our favourite dog sanctuary ( 55 yrs ago ) .. it was such an amazing learning experience So many different dogs ..so much tail wagging .. learn what ? At this stage , what does 'mum' know? is she housetrained? does she travel well in a car? is she fine with strangers?Does she bark a lot at birds/cars/cats? Does she eat calmly , or growl at anyone approaching? Is she happy to have her feet handled, and ears cleaned ? can she walk confidently on all sorts of textures including shiny floors/asphalt /carpet? Sorry these people will, after all get your money - but I hope all works out well .
  11. Awwwwwww little bubbas ..................
  12. ;) Whippets in all colours & actions here ( as well as some other gorgeous hounds ) kirislin, on FLICKR
  13. Oh Teebs ............ It's been such a journey .. ............ can't do much from afar , sorry . Thoughts sent xx
  14. OK .. I thought holidays might play a part .. up for more reading ? (sorry) this is a discussion on pup's first days/weeks at home ... CLICK HERE and ... a niggle from me about the choice of colour ..what if the colour looks Ok ... and personality is not a good fit ? (one reason I end up with dogs ..none of which have my 'dream dog' looks at ALL ) LOL .
  15. she'll find it , for sure ..just a shame she'll be replaced
  16. damned if you do- damned if you don't ..it's a mess. Good for you on at least coming here to try & untangle some of it !! Just hang around ..there are whippet folks here..tho possibly away at present ..they may be able to answer more of your concerns . Sit with us for a few days ..or are you wanting to get it all done during holidays ? ....
  17. Ok ..next step . You are marked as being in NSW . Not every breeder advertises on DOL (believe it or not ! ) perhaps if you give us an approximate location /timeframe ..and reason for absolutely wanting blue ( being no doubt aware of the health probs sometimes associated with the blue coat colour ) ..someone may know someone who knows someone..... oftentimes the very best FIT can be found by some good communication ..and DOL breeders and associates are masters !!
  18. I would say RUN ..but think your heart is ruling yr head Your head is making an attempt ..good for it, I say !! ;) Think. You take /rescue these . in the next little while ..they will be replaced. The female in male's yard is possibly there to be mated . yes, bitches do sometimes 'sit on pups' ..BUT,rarely in a situation where dedicated and thoughtful breeders keep the bitch company, provide adequate beds available to prevent this , and make every attempt to ensure all pups/dogs are at optimum health. Accidents do happen though. All in all ... yes, you had a need..and a soft heart ..and they want money badly . You will get no pedigree no proof of any tests for genetic testing done on parents/grandparents as to genetic problems /diseases/temperament maybe not even any health records..or TRUE proof of vaccinations!! How risky is that ? heart worm testing ? When were they last wormed ? Have you read this ? Guide to buying a puppy here's an excerpt for you ....and , I do know that dogs in a pound or dog rescue do not have this backing ..however , most reputable organisations will offer support if & when there are problems . Will this person do this for you after you purchase these dogs ? Will you be able to phone them & ask advice? Return a dog if it doesn't work out? Necessities If your breeder doesn’t do this then walk away… Breeder shows concern and regard to the health of dogs and puppies – either in health testing or in the studs used (e.g. choosing old studs that show they’re healthy, using DNA testing, using x-rays, and other relvant tests) Breeder shows concern and regard to the psychological well being of their dogs and puppies – either in providing enrichment on site, by frequently taking their dogs ‘out and about’, by using Dunbar’s methods of raising puppies (with toilet area, kongs, socialisation), and preferably a combination of these methods. The breeder has a clear purpose in their breeding program that goes beyond ‘breeding pet puppies’ – they may enter their dogs in dog shows, participate in agility or obedience with their dogs, or have dogs that compete in working dog trials The breeder’s dogs approach you in a friendly and sociable way. You are able to interact with and handle all dogs on the property. The mother should be available and should show exceptionable sociable behaviour. The breeder is willing to provide life-long support to you as a puppy buyer – including taking back the dog at any point things ‘don’t work out’ The breeder happily shows you all the dogs in their care
  19. Poor kaos .... she is obviously feeling a bit off and not knowing where ,exactly ..just needing Mum ..
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