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Everything posted by persephone

  1. do a search for IRONCYCLEN we have used that in the past.
  2. I never use soap. I use salt water (or prepared saline solution) and betadine or 'purple spray' (has an antibacterial + insect repellant, and is primarily for livestock. Terrific stuff ;) ) STAINS!!!
  3. Oh, yes....BUT even if they were dog aggressive- hounds would quickly sort them out, and make them behave!
  4. Oh- bad news indeed..... Sorry that you are having a sad time.
  5. Ooohh.. I don't know- but I'd be phoning a vet ! Have no idea what happens to blutak when digestive juices hit it... it could dissolve, or form a hard ball, or ...... Hope the dog is ok.
  6. Vit C may have helped if given immediately. prayers sent, jeddica-
  7. Ok have you considered doing a BARF type diet? There are lots of threads on it .. have a read. Your pups would be getting a balanced.raw diet, and it is probably cheaper than the processed foods.
  8. Huh? Growing pains is, AFAIK a symptom of something wrong...not a 'normal' ocurrence. dysplasia, panosteitis, stress fractures, etc. If a vet told me my dog was sore/lame because it was 'just growing pains', I'd be out the door,sorry.
  9. I was going to suggest what nekhbet does Always start off with a closed fist hiding the food...they won't usually attempt to chomp a fist If they are very keen on food- this method may also be used to teach them to raise a paw /wave on command- as some food motivated little sods will start pawing at your fist . Instead of getting cross- associate it with a command
  10. Depending on how bad/longstanding the 'constipation' is . Some folks see a dog straining a bit to pass faeces and cry "constipation" Others let the poor dog strain for a day or two before mentioning it. I am always hesitant to suggest 'remedies' if a dog has been straining without passing anything... as there can be serious things happening which need vet intervention....and the longer it goes on, the worse it gets Hard faeces/bone blockages lose moisture the longer they sit in the intestine... making it harder and more dangerous. Older dogs can lose bowel muscle tone and ,with extra bones or something, can have some trouble- diet adjustment may help here ...Hope all is well soon.
  11. You may want to try getting her to sit, and 'down' when in with the chooks.... don't just let her wander. As she grows there is the chance all that feathery movement will excite her... but if she links "chooks" and "lying quietly".... maybe....
  12. Did she seem to be able to do her work? Did your dog respond well to her methods? Did her being there help you? Energy projected can be a good tool- however I have not seen it used exclusively ... Positive energy- imagining ,no, SEEING the dog perform the task required.. feeling content and confident .. all this is good
  13. And the breeder said they were lazy, and ran with bunny hops...............
  14. Glad he's been properly 'stitched up' this time - hope it all heals quickly...also hope the insurance coughs up!
  15. Lock him out the back? Does he fence run, or is he actually out on the road??
  16. I also wouldn't suggest doing this Just because she's big doesn't mean she should miss out on 'real' food. Correct feeding is even MORE important for a bigger pup.
  17. Some dogs just don't have strong tissue, and /or don't heal quickly If this is the first time something like this has happened- be aware next time Hope it gets fixed, and you have no more trouble!
  18. Hi- welcome! I am not the best person to tell you about diet - to start with- have a read of THIS THREAD That will give you some ideas A good idea is to feed exactly what the breeder has been using- until pup gets settled!! This can help avoid tummy upsets and toilet accidents in the first week or two . ( they should give you a diet sheet etc with the rest of the info, but PHONE them and ask, so you can have it ready) GRADUALLY change over to whatever food you wish to use...once again- to avoid tummy upsets. I know nothing of samoyeds and a predisposition to any problems- but would recommend you look at feeding a raw diet. Dogs don't need grains, really, and also , they only need small quantities of veg/fruit. have a read in the "health ,Nutrition, Grooming forum ", too
  19. Well- I can recommend LIGHTROOM Started to use it yesterday- and am in love ! It has so many ways of 'developing' a photo- is easy to use, and ,the thing I love- there is both a 'before' and 'after' shot right in front of you- so any changes are obvious . I do use PS- but find LR suits my way of attacking things
  20. Ok- Hamlet- No "formal obedience training " as such... came first up, and sat at my side. I tried again-this time he came and walked around in front of me- with a confused look on his face I'm happy .
  21. Could be anything from a blocked sebaceous gland, to an old injury, to who knows what Vet will sort it out for you
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