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Everything posted by persephone

  1. have a read Here and have a look at his work!!
  2. Love aggies of any tint... clicking mad.. that first rose shot is deeelicious!!!
  3. Our dogs do it regularly.. either from hot sand or mud It takes ages to grow back... but it will ! odd tho... was it a hot day? Maybe the skin got too soft from the bath
  4. It really does sound like an allergy... and detective work is required to isolate the trigger!
  5. I went searching, and found this one A good article/post! Giardia Treatment
  6. It does sound like allergies.. and can be from a thousand and one things Do you have a holistic/alternative vet anywhere close? Years ago with my Mitchell.. he had allergies to grass and food colourings.. and often would get some relief from I/M injections of vitamin C.. I know, I know..... BUT it seemed to work. He was on prednil tablets for about 10 years....
  7. Ok.. he has kennel cough... BUT What are you going to feed him as regular thing? pick a food.. and stick to it! Don't just give him what he will eat.... or he will refuse everything else UNTIL he gets that particular thing You teach a pup very bad habits by letting THEM choose the food , sorry. Pick a very good quality, MEATY puppy kibble if you want..so he is getting his nutrients.. and /or some good RED meat and chicken wings.turkey necks, lamb necks..all UNCUT.. and with meat on.. so he can suck and chew and play ( and if he's hungry, he WILL) ! What puppy kibble are you offering him?
  8. Glad it was nothing too serious..... although, having said that.... just watch her. I have a friend whose dog had hypoglycaemic episodes fairly often.... where he collapsed.. and at first they thought it was heart attacks!
  9. Bloat is when the stomach fills with gas.-torsion, is when it twists itself around. (imagine a two ended balloon.... both ends are 'almost' closed... and the middle is filling up with gas.... One end closes off! gas keeps expanding.... then the whole airfilled bit rotates...shutting off both ends completely!!! gas keeps on expanding the balloon.......not good. )
  10. Just reminded myself this is an 8 week old! .... at 8 weeks.. a puppy isn't going to be that focussed on a task !! He is still a baby... and if he is getting his 4 meals a day.. then a food filled kong isn't going to warrant much of his time! At 8 weeks.. he is still learning about smells and textures, and associating them with either food, things to chew, or things to play with.... he will spend a small amount of time on a squillion tasks during the day ... don't worry. Put the kongs etc away for a week or 2,... then try again :rolleyes:
  11. use DOG stuff as treats... chicken wings,or frozen chicken hearts/livers, a small amount of roo mince, a mix of whatever dry food he has, with 3 or 4 dried liver treats mixed in....
  12. Mind you.. he is probably straining as the muscles and nerves in that area feel odd after being cut&shut .. and are 'signalling' him to toilet, when perhaps he doesn't need to ??
  13. Psyllium husks go to a slippery gel when they absorb moisture! they do not increase stool size like veggies do. When Hamlet had bowel surgery.. he was on psyllium for weeks. If you use psyllium.. soak it before mixing with food, this way it doesn't absorb as much water from the gut! If you want soft stool.. use some canned food.. and some psyllium, and some rice, maybe...
  14. Maybe fleas, but more likely allergy related. The red staining is usually from the saliva. Agreed.. vet check .
  15. I am a bit the same with my Mitchell... I know how you feel...
  16. Tis the season... for pollen, and grass... could also be food colouring, grains, or any one of a million things! Does she have any sort of different smell?... have you been washing her more frequently? here.. here's your backpack
  17. Poor boy.. he will be very sore Hopefully with AB's ,it will settle.
  18. I've never seen it happen with normal teething. My first thought is an infection.. from a bite or something. a retained abscessed tooth? an insect bite? Something in the sinus cavity? Sounds like a vet visit, Midol.
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