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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Definitely!! There will be tears before bedtime
  2. I would.. It sounds as if they are totally ignorant of cameras.... and are just trying to offload it... Or are being deliberatley misleading...
  3. Ours crunch up rabbit heads.. so duck heads should be fine
  4. oops wet and DSLR are two words which should not be anywhere near each other Hope , that after leaving it open, and wiping everything... it will be ok tomorrow *fingers crossed*
  5. *nods* Lucky all ours crave it then They often leave a meal... except hamlet ... but are always happy for attention.
  6. Please get Teddy to a vet as well ! Dog bites can become infected Your BF's pup and the goat need to be penned seperately.................... Please do NOT have them all in together :D puppies will chase.... As for training /stockproofing her..I will leave that to the experts . We have standard sized goats, who will bunt/roll pups.. and pups do not do it again.!!
  7. males! easily pleased Thankyou folks... It is interesting, and now it does make more sense... looking forward to hearing more :D
  8. Ok... Apart from occasionally teaching "down"/Drop with a food lure.. I have never done it.I was never taught it, and , truthfully, don't feel like trundling around with a bag of food on my belt all the time I am after stories of WHY you do it this way... advantages/disadvantages??? I'm of the old school.. sincere verbal and gentle physical praise as reward.. quiet calm voice, or whistle to communicate.. sometimes a leash/collar. None of our working dogs are trained on leash.. apart from their initial meets with yarded sheep as youngsters. They know they will get patted/cuddled for a job well done...and they get the satisfaction of using their abilities/instincts None of my 'pet' dogs, or dogs I trained as Guides or Therapy dogs were ever trained using food... I understand using Drive.. and am guessing this is why food is used.. but it seems such a hassle to buy/make treats/ have to carry them... blah blah . Convince me Please? make me UNDERSTAND Thanks..
  9. oh.. I can't remember.. but I do remember corresponding with both them and cobber, saying how disappointed we were. Bonnie had 2 big changes. one was being sold to purina the other was a scarcity of kangaroo meat due to drought conditions. This led to a change in ingredient placings and ingredients. Cobber also changed, due to not being able to source meat. They introduced more fish.
  10. That's a very tough call... run free old girl.. Take care, weeacre.
  11. Simple... do NOT buy any Chinese sourced/manufactured food products, for animals or humans !!
  12. Sounds like something with melamine in but how it would get in the meat? Oh.. perhaps they put in the meat to increase the protein levels....like they did the milk pdr ? Yuk.
  13. chuckie.. how long has he had this? Is it on the upper surface of his 'wrist'? It may be a hotspot.. but ,maybe.... I am thinking it could be a lick granuloma ...hard to tell without looking !just thinking out loud These are very annoying! It starts with a nerve irritation.. dog licks it .. it feels a bit better... 'itch' /lick... skin gets a bit red/lick/skin gets worse, bacteria enter/lick... etc etc... If you think it may be one of these.. see the vet. he will probably need an elizabethan collar or soft basket muzzle to break the cycle, either way. You MAY be able to use a bitter spray to stop him... instead .
  14. menacebear... I would also recommend swapping them to a meaty bones based type diet... NOT marrowbones.. they are too hard.. but all sorts of things like chicken carcasses, lamb flaps, pig heads, fish, turkey necks.... Do a search on DOL under BARF IF you would like to swap dry food... try Uncle Alber's/great barko http://www.lauckemills.com.au/dogfood1.html HERE The two brands you are feeding have gone downhill rapidly lately with changes in their recipe .. and we have changed over to the all australian one, which we use when no meat is available for our guys Not a premium food.. but is ok It does have a high fat content .
  15. So sorry. He looked a beautiful big boy.. who obviously was an angel , and never had a pillow fight, or anything silly
  16. Rocco 1..great photography!! Ypou might want to put them over in the thread especially for such things There are some fantastic photographs of all sorts of wildlife ! HERE
  17. This bit has my attention... how does using lukewarm liquid help avoid astigmatism? Thanks.
  18. Hi.. I would be going back to the vet, and explaining the situation. Tell teh vet that you don't want cortisone injections..and ask for an alternative It's YOUR call ! Kasper may need some locally applied cream to help around his eyes... there is always the risk of more inflammation and infection. Dogs' allergies can be to anything, remember.. carpet shampoo, anything sprayed on the grass at the park.. different grasses.. dust containing pollen or chemicals can cause reactions...
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