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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Oh dear,poor little fella fingers crossed for him. bruddy toads !
  2. Hi- what about those 'cool bed things' ? they would be soft have a look here as well.
  3. re Milk only use low/no lactose milk= ordinary milk may upset his tummy
  4. PERMOXIN is NOT recommended if your dog is in close contact with cats...cats cannot metabolise permoxin properly it is a poison to them
  5. Hi- I amnot very good at this - BUT I think you should be 'feathering" when you extract- not smudging.... Go to photoshop help and look up feathering....perhaps? Now I don't know whether you CAN feather with extract- or only when using the lasso ....Can't be bothered getting the portable HDD and opening PS,sorry
  6. WooHoo! You will be be able to go mad,now
  7. I agree with settrluvr... a routine like this is setting puppy up for much disappointment
  8. Griff...hugs and prayers.. Sinna- be happy over the bridge.
  9. Perhaps the attending vet thought castration=less sexual stimulus= less chance of erectins= less chance of getting stuck? Fair enuff- however it takes weeks for hormone levels to drop,anyway,and a lot ofbehaviour is learnt/habit... so waiting until it was NOT a public holiday would not have hurt... Perhaps it was a young vet.... hope dog is ok,anyway
  10. Often a 'nick' needs to be made in the opening of the prepuce,to allow the penis to move freely in& out...
  11. Hi- I buy ester C powder from the Chemist-Wagner is the brand...
  12. Hi- My old Mitchell,used to.. and also Hamlet now will vomit after eating hard bones like shanks- the jagged bits irritate the stomach- and back they come. Most of our dogs handle them with no problem...altho I tend to use the non-weight bearing bones more nowdays...shanks, etc occasionally. I don't give them to Hamlet anymore... but he does steal poor Ham- he was in dire straits a couple of days back- threw up 5 times after stealing someone's harder bone! he had roo tail last night tho- no problems!!
  13. I would advise not letting the dog have it- too much salt etc for a start!!!
  14. I guess chewing hard at bones help build up muscles on the head, which would then provide more support for ears ....
  15. I just call this teenage awkward stage- their ears go up&down until they decide just where to stop!
  16. naah.. that won't work... you have to poach the voodoo doll as well !!
  17. Take it slow... has he had blood chemistries done to see how his liver/kidneys are working since you have had him home? It must be a real moment by moment-- but he is hanging on! he would have such an amount of toxins in his body....no wonder he's vomiting...
  18. That's good- it can drain Sorry he is in teh wars
  19. What rollercoaster! Would you be allowed to have him on a drip at home?Or give him fluid subcutaneouslyevery 2nd day at the vets or something? That would mean he could be hydrated without the fear of vomiting... and get his correct electrolytes. I guess with reduced kidney function, it is hard to balance his electrolyte levels to suit his condition.... *fingers crossed for him*
  20. That's good news! I am sure the extra walks are helping, too
  21. Marrow bones are ideal for smaller dogs who can NOT break bits off, and need entertainment, rather than nutritional value if your dog is a cruncher--- large roo tails and/or WHOLE lamb necks would be a better deal
  22. Hi- normally I would say to use psyllium husks, and feed more bone. However, if your boy has spinal issues, are his muscles up to forcing a hard ,large stool out easily? IMO.. anal glands are only 'properly' emptied when dogs have to strain a little to expel faecal matter, and when that faecal matter is bulky and hard. He may need a slightly more soft consistency to avoid constipation too much straining... ?
  23. I'll miss his computer hints.....
  24. He is certainly sounding bright! :rolleyes:
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