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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ... managed to 'almost' catch these wrens this afternoon ;:rolleyes: my camera will not focus on 'soft' things like fluffy feathers... almost,but not quite! Still,, I am happy just to capture wrens!!
  2. I have never taught tricks..so can't help With food preparation... why does he have to be there watching? prepare it when he is outside, or in bed...that way you cut down on the excitement! I find it's a lot easier to set a dog up to succeed...by sometimes using physical things like doors/leads... than to correct a bad habit. It is MUCH more peaceful and easier on my brain :rolleyes:
  3. having him on lead will transmit the 'mood' to him...and be a metod by which YOU telhim when to walk, when to stop and rest... he is only a baby.. and needs lots of play /running around outside.. and also needs to sleep lots If he is tired from onlead training ( just a few minutes at a time,a few sessions a day).. and some chasing balls etc..he will be more inclined to rest on his bed/mat, and chew a kong or something....
  4. have him on a lead ... then you control what he does... until he can be trusted generally- what obedience are you doing?what rules does he have? it reads a bit as if he is making the rules :rolleyes: I would suggest one thing. he gets NO attention, unless he is sitting. NO voice,eye contact or physical contact... good or bad. turn away... walk away.. but totally ignore his bad behaviour. praise him CALMLY always... don't raise your voice and act excited... but give him lots of praise/treats when he is sitting calmly ....
  5. As laffi said.. panting can be anxiety related,or a response to pain. Is he panting more/less in his crate than if he 's in the same room, but free?
  6. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!! Great progress well done both of you !!! *goes to look for elephant stamp*
  7. he's a young goldie.. He'll eat eventually . persevere... and NO treats!! ahhhh lurve..........
  8. He sounds pretty keen What is he like with other things sit. come,etc? IMO you maybe would prefer to teach your pup to calmly "give' first ... have him sitting. on leash perhaps... give him a (low value,to start with) toy . then ask him to give.... and gently open his mouth and take the toy.. praising him. and offering a treat. When he is entirely comfortable with the fact that if he gives you something, then he will get a reward... THEN start on 'fetch' This is just my opinion... I have never enjoyed playing tug or anything with my dogs..and as they are not going to be competing in anything, or learning anything formal.. don't need to use their 'drive' (don't much like high drive dogs, anyway )
  9. melbomb... the other dog will put a stop to it if they want it to stop hamlet puts up with it for a whle.. then tells widget off... no probs.
  10. Gross?? No..It's dogs behaving like dogs. I understood it to be the action of a subordinate to a superior...similar to what puppies do to their dam,as a precursor to her regurgitating food for them... Why you would stop it,I don't know ....
  11. ;) forgot yesterday! here is yesterday's 'Moonset' and this morning's 'martian landscape' (macro) both straight off-camera.
  12. That's a lovely tribute to your boy, boots ;) he was a character. and perhaps all that fresh food and fish helped his lastdays be a lot more pleasant
  13. sand box is a great idea for a digging pup/dog however.. perhaps he is a tad young yet.... are you sure it's him using it as a toilet? Cats aren't getting in overnight? He will not dig in it if is smelling like his toilet..
  14. Good that you now have more options, and hopefully it is something which can be addressed soon
  15. I am glad that you did make a decision - and also happy that rusty found a home so quickly Dakota will miss the company for a while...
  16. Oh dear... you have more patience than me ok.. just where did he come from? friends kennel breeder ws he an inside puppy an outdoor puppy a kennel puppy a cage puppy Did he have littermates with him? or was he kept alone? Did he have lots of human contact,and early training?
  17. Can we have pics of barkly, benched ? You could always get him his own puter... then he wouldn't need to bench surf
  18. That would be the ideal...but if he can't be trusted, then exclusion works! practice his training.. think up a booby trap without noisy tin cans.. and then re open the door. he shouldn't need 'freedom' in the house...he gets walked... and played with... and has you to sit by..... If it were my dog.. I would have a bed and kong for him in the office... and a leash to encourage him to stay there whilst you are working.... Contentment all round... and a setting down of a good rule
  19. Exclude him from the area. have him on leash ???
  20. Aahh yes- you MUST tell it what to grab.. or it WILL take over!!! ISO? On that one 100. The 'noise' is just because I have a finepix S8000..not a DSLR and it was at full zoom...and it canna do any more ( and one day,maybe, I will get a DSLR) The bird was first cropped... then film grain applied, then a bit of saturation. a little. then selective colour.. then some blur....
  21. He is very cute thanks for sharing the photos !
  22. Hi. put her leash & collar on when she is indoors with you ..that way YOU have control of what she does easy ! You may want to make a rule and stick to it... consistency is important- especially to a baby. Iwould also suggest starting THIS ... now! it will benefit you both, I think The problem with this.. is the word "eventually" She is being taught that after you saying "no" , or OFF.. 2,3,4,7 times ...THEN she stops what she's doing ...not stop after you say it ONCE !! They pick this up quickly ;( have a read HERE..too
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