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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Ok this is yesterdays... the 18th Some galahs feeding near the house... just looked funny- all in line
  2. You sound like an inexperienced , younger new dog owner. You have a restricted breed, and, while keen, sound as if you don't have much idea of what is involved in keeping a pup/dog of this breed. ANY dog's cleanliness, manners, training, bad habits ARE A RESULT OF WHAT THE OWNER DOES. If YOUR pup is smelly, if she barks, if she destroys things.... it is YOUR responsibility, and not the pup's fault. Please read up anything and everything you can on puppy care, dog behaviour and traits of your chosen breed.... so that you will be confident and practised in getting her to be an accepted part of your household
  3. Hope she is comfortable tonight, and happier in the morning
  4. I'll have to come back..... don't have time to wait for them all to download... dialup burnout
  5. I guess it depends what you are feeding? he may not be able to tolerate the dairy.. or the fish, or the oil, or a certain type of offal... or maybe there is too much of a type of veggie? veggies should only be a TINY part of the diet.. as dog's stomachs are primarily made to digest bones/meat Then again... he may just be feeling some discomfort.. his tummy may be 'rumbling' with the changeover in food... it is the grass which makes them vomit.. it may not actually be the food. did you gradually introduce the new food?A gradual introduction gives the stomach and system time to adjust... You might also want to try feeding him the same amount, but divided into morning and night feeds... see how that goes ...
  6. sounds nasty... like a massive infection. Hopefully they can get her stable soon.
  7. We did for some time... then they started putting heaps of fish meal and bran in it... so we haven't bought it since. The dogs used to do well on it prior to the change of ingredients. Maybe they've improved .... do you have an ingredients list?
  8. chez- with my dogs- if they have a grass seed they are VERY sore... head tilt, worried look... Hope the vet finds the problem tomorrow for her :rolleyes:
  9. Apology for the sidetrack..... PUGGLES Nooooo
  10. Hi No , he is not a good watch dog... as he is barking out of fear/uncertainty, from what you've written... Without knowing his background.. at that age, I agree with midol and kavik- get a booking with a behaviourist, have him professionally assessed, and get advice on how to work with him. Trying to correct his problems by yourself could make things worse... and as we cannot watch you walk your dog.. or be there to observe all his(and your) body language.. we cannot give accurate advice .
  11. glad you like it here so far . Your boy probably needs 4 meals a day at this stage... very tiny ones :D I'm glad the ABC is keeping him company... just be careful that he has some time without it.. or he may become dependent on having voices to settle. unless he has a tummy upset still.. chicken does not need to be cooked . So- when do we see photos? :cool:
  12. If he was fine with Royal Canin at the breeders...... pup could be sick.... or stressed... or both. Have you contacted the breeder for advice?They know the pup and family,and may be able to shed some light ....
  13. Ok- Hi. The thing about dogs is that, they only learn what their owners teach them... either intentionally, or inadvertantly . have a read HERE Whilst genes and temperament play a aprt in what a dog 'is'... the examples it is shown at home are very important. Basically an owner must know more than the dogs,and understand a dog's body language,and learning processes ( not in any formal way... but to teach a dog effectively, one must understand what is happening to the information you give ... That said.. it is YOU who need the professional input more than the dog. so... having a professional come to your house,and work with everyone in the dog's environment is the most comprehensive way to help solve problems. (imo) I don't believe in those training camps... YOU need to see the dog in training... what is said/done, having the reasons explained to you,and experiencing the results . YOu need to be handling YOUR dog, with the support and guidance of a professional. who is there in case of difficulties . A LITTLE bit like learning to drive. The instructor gives you the information... but it is You who performs the actions.... Please tell us where you are located...and someone will be suggested for you
  14. I agree . Sorry your dog has had this happen...but the vet couldn't forsee it
  15. Hmm..been ultra busy the past day or so... catering for a group of fellas doing a boat trip to raise money for the NBCF just put a few on a collage ... sorry nothing terribly artistic Have had a quick look thru- lovely work yet again!!It's good to see some people trying new tecniques too
  16. so he knows to get his fluffy duck- he bites you on the leg ?
  17. the 'rules' are a good start ! have a read HERE as well
  18. I don't comment individually... run out of compliments!! What a talented bunch you all are ! It is so nice looking through, seeing the set-up shots, the gorgeous post processing, that shot which is asking to be captured, or the shots full of love... Great way to spend some time ! Oh... and I am being rude! I forgot to say thank you for the compliments on my photos
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