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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ahh.. I can believe it.. the few I've met are just such lovely people dogs
  2. In australia ? any websites ? I am not involved in the dogworld much these days.. so wouldn't know if they are employed here, sorry...
  3. Good thing I'm not drinking coffee!!!!!!!! The keyboard would be full
  4. baby steps ... good! please don't let him chase the birds....for many reasons. It is in his blood... but is not really a good habit to get into ;)
  5. I only have a couple... our walls are terrible.. they don't like having nails/picture hangers put in.
  6. AFAIK there is no blood test for tetanus, and in mild cases, the body temp is normal or slightly elevated.. as it often is at a vets anyhow..... I guess it's a case of looking at the symptoms and the timeline... I know it's not the 'right' thing to do... but the cases I've googled all had very similar symptoms.. eye discharge, third eyelid.. wide open eyes.. ears erected.. face muscles tightened.. stiffness in limbs..... I do hope your vet considers tetanus again.... time is of the essence here!
  7. Hope they can find something SOON
  8. some great portraits and imagination-fuelled work, expressive eyes, and snippets of life. Clever people This one, done in PICASA, is a spathyphillum flower ;)
  9. Tetanus was my first thought, too... ;) have a read HERE, perhaps? Sounds similar... I just googled.... and prayers sent...
  10. oops ;) you may just be inadvertently rewarding him for feeling scared I would also be a bit concerned if he is so uncertain around other pups... and then gets blocked by a fence... I have no suggestions, sorry.. other than next time.. maybe have him onlead outside the pen... let him have a good look/sniff...first..
  11. Well- at least you now know what's happening, and can work on that . *fingers crossed for your girl *
  12. Leica...........Droool........ leica lenses and craftsmanship are Don't know about modern cameras... but many years ago I inherited a leica film camera........................ *sigh* it was beautiful. Some low life burgled our house one day and stole it
  13. Monie... No time for guilt or embarrassment now- you need to contact a professional, as poodlefan suggested! Where are you situated? If we know where you are (city/town/subub) .. someone can be recommended to you by folks here. Do not just pull a name out of a hat !
  14. I don't know what you mean? If you are just looking for training tips.. browse/search the training/puppy forums here..
  15. IMO the fact he is entire would NOT be the whole reason Your other pups/dogs... were they kept under such close scrutiny? ie: inside all the time/penned etc... when you weren't around? Were they a similar breed? there are so many variables ... The crux is.. he has never been decisively corrected for the behaviour. simple...or given an activity to perform which gets him such a high quality reward!! the reward he gets .. you shouting/running/giving him toys FAR outweighs any feeble attempts at correcting/modifying his behaviour Dogs are very good at getting action! Oh.. and he is not past puppyhood!!
  16. Yep It could be a perfect ambassador !
  17. So, Luke... I hope the injuries have healed, the cardboard and cellophane are back where they belong, and that you now have the video camera working!!!!
  18. sydking , like many, thought owning a pitty was a great idea.... didn't do enough research... and is now learning all sorts of things sydking... I hope you find a way to keep your dog safe....and have learnt some lessons ;)
  19. I'm glad the diarrhoea has stopped, at least Hoping she continues to improve!!
  20. Hamlet had it a while ago... luckily I remembered people posting about it on here... so I didn't immediately think broken tail ;) I just gave him some dispirin, kept him inside, and put heat packs on the base of his tail. The initial pain only lasted overnight... although the tail was still non-functional for a few days.. it wasn't as uncomfortable for him.. and cleared up quickly Daisy-- AFAIK it's like fibrositis... the muscle at the base of the tail gets extremely inflamed/painful.. and so the tail won't work !
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