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Everything posted by persephone

  1. That ratio is way off! Not sure where your research has taken you :p I think any vegetable matter should be, at most, 20% of the diet... the rest being made of (in DECREASING order) RAW meaty bones, meat, offal
  2. Sorry--- new gardens and young dogs home alone do not add up :rolleyes: forget the gardens for a while... or put up fences. I guess you could try looking HERE
  3. So sorry R I P beautiful Paris.
  4. Sorry- this is not true Dogs/wolves will maybe eat the actual stomach/intestines... BUT after they are emptied genitals, kidneys, tongue, brain and liver are all prized... gut comes way down the list.
  5. He is a dog He's playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is a baby!!! he has no littermates to play with... so he is entertaining himself. It sounds very normal to me. leave him be- or throw/rattle a toy for him when he is quiet for a minute... do NOT interact with him when he's barking/digging/growling.... or he will be TRAINING you to come and give him attention when he is being noisy!!
  6. I agree with the feeding-- give him his food. leave him with it undisturbed for 10 minutes. pick it up... put it away.. NO TREATS or anything til next meal. Also - do a search on DOL for BARF... and read up on the way to feed meat/bones etc.. Don't play tug with your puppy... at least until you and he trust each other enough to calmly exchange toys/bones!! When our pups are babies.. 4- 8 weeks...and have a toy/bone, we encourage them to show us.. lots of praise and pats then we calmly take the object, with much praise and no hesitation. we admire it, and give it straight back... along with a small food treat . That way- showing the human a toy/bone, has no anxiety... they KNOW they will get their treasure and/or a treat back This continues thru life then.... and there's no running around after stolen objects- no posessivness... Must admit- I have never played 'tug' with any of my dogs. Don't see the need for it :p
  7. Allergies don't just 'disappear usually ;) The shots/tablets your dog has now will stop THE SYMPTOMS for the time being. Dogs can be allergic to almost anything, and dogs which spend a lot of time indoors can be allergic to any household product/chemical. Think about it... the dog crawls on/lies on /walks on the carpets/floors... and is absorbing/breathing chemicals all the time. Food colourings, grains,beef, pollen, grass.... the list is endless Please don't be too disappointed if the allergic symptoms come back..... An allergy test is not cheap... BUT if it can find what exactly is making your dog uncomfortable... and means you can then try and eliminate that thing.. it's worth it!!
  8. Hi- has he been down to Werribee ? best of luck with him...
  9. WATER This called "Water = Life ".. and was just taken... this juvenile Honeyeater was very fragile looking... and he was so desperate to get a drink, he came very close, as I was using a hose...
  10. that's about all you can do , really... best of luck with her..
  11. Sorry- the vet sounds either young or not really concerned... mange mites can only be 'seen' under a microscope- in a skin scraping- so if he didn't do that- then it 'could' be mites Fleas... well, it only takes ONE bite to make a dog itch. The flea/s then jump off... and, of course when one looks- there are no fleas to be seen. What was his comment when you told him of the mother dog's poor condition? He wasn't worried that something could have been passed on? What flea treatment did he recommend/sell you? At least he did that much - and the aloveen sounds a good plan The flaxseed oil- was that after you had mentioned it? Hopefully she will improve with this plan .. poor little thing.
  12. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yep- where are the photos!
  13. You have all done well... Thanks for the update... now, where are the photos??????????
  14. Good for you. Write/type everything down! Questions on flea treatment etc, pup's history.... remember...YOU are paying HIM.. He is there to answer your questions!
  15. yep A very common cause of allergic reaction... pups love to roll in it, and chew it
  16. Ok- two things, both related... Another vet would probably be MUCH more helpful!! (and knowledgable) AND When you take her to the NEW VET in a few days..... tell them this fact!!! The pups may well have a low grade bacterial/yeast parasite load, transferred from the mother. please find another vet who will work on what you have told us. Don't fuss around at home ... it may not be allergy related at all.... or- it may be an inherited allergy, and the mother's condition could be the result of an untreated case I hope you get something sorted soon .
  17. She should be fine with the Ab's now She will maybe sleep a bit more- this is good, means she can fight off the infection.
  18. Under 200 kb have fun!!........and breathe!!
  19. Hi- try THIS try different 'quality settings' until you get what you want it's my choice (when I don't use picasa ) there are lots of image resizers out there--- just find one which suits you!
  20. No idea- keep her cool, and good luck at the vet tomorrow... puppy acne?
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