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Everything posted by persephone
If you love HIM, and not the feelings you get when playing with him... it should be a pleasure- as you are setting him up to be comfortable and content!!!
Put on your raincoat.. and put the dog on a long lead.. and take it outside !
betadine...get a spray bottle
A thought.... there isn't a bitch in season anywhere near, is there? he may not know WHY.. but the scent may be a disturbance to him... Is he comfortable? No pain ? Has anything changed over the past little while? Guests/different work hours/new neighbours....cats roaming...
:cool: We do this too They LOVE em!!
Puppies RUN- they zoom about, they jump. they yip........ they PLAY The digging- as suggested make him his own sand pit... and bury things for him to seek and destroy
What do you do to deter him and show him that this behaviour is unwanted? You say he humps everything... but then "only to a desexed female..." Does he hump legs/cushions, etc too? Or just dogs...?
*NODS EMPHATICALLY* consistency is important!
Sorry if you haven't met any of the wonderful ones!! They can be terrific dogs... friendly, obedient and happy... like any dog- it is a combination of genetics and training!
Long-lasting "chew" Treat For Toothless Dog?
persephone replied to Kitt's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I would give her roo tails .. in LONG chunks- so she cannot fit pieces in her mouth. Our oldies still chew on them... they can suck off the meat... -
Hi After a vet check to ensure all gums/teeth/throat etc are healthy... Don't leave food down all day offer things like mince, chicken wings, pieces of lamb flap. Moisten her kibble with warm water...this will soften it a bit, and release scents . Offer her food.. put it down, and walk away. Pick it up after 10-15 minutes. NO treats, etc until next mealtime. Do not hand feed. Make sure she is getting enough exercise to work up an appetite .
So Sorry, Scouty- she looks a beautiful girl
Ok Hope you BOTH enjoy a week or two, at least of non-itchy time!!
I would add that you have a breed BRED to bite!! They were bred to nip at the heels of cattle.. to work all day.. to be tough, and very tolerant of pain. So... you really need to reward any occasion of calm behaviour!!! You may want to start with the Triangle of Temptation HERE and bring back trust... so he doesn't run away!! He needs to be occupied- mind and body. Several short obedience sessions a day... walks ON LEASH.. around the yard, or outside.. concentrating on walking nicely... yes, it's nice to see a pup sniffing and stuff.. but he needs 'work' I have never had a nippy dog, so cannot help specifically.
Our pups all get bones as soon as they can chew!! :rolleyes: He is plenty old enough.. and some nice chicken wings/pieces of lamb brisket will be very welcome for a teething pup! he will gradually lose all his baby teeth. to be replaced (once only, same as humans) with nice shiny big teeth!
A big meal of Canned food MAY help with a dog who is a bit constipated due to too much bone, not enough moisture, or lack of muscle tone.. I believe it helps because canned food is mostly water, and has ingredients which move quickly thru the digestive system... helping to liquefy the contents of the bowel, and relieve the constipation.
Jessie Keeps Shaking Her Head
persephone replied to kirsty79's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Yep- if she is still shaking/rubbing, then she may well do more damage before Saturday Vet sooner, if she is worried. -
Oh- ok.. haven't heard of this before . So- the prednisone tablets will stop his itches... temporarily.. what did he say about the one bare spot, and the smell you were worried about? Was it perhaps from his Anal Glands? While prednisone will help with the symptoms.. they also make it harder to work out what triggers the allergy Hopefully he will be more comfortable now tho.
Well.. actually it's just what youngsters do, often.. it's part of growing up.... and all that. It CAN be a show of dominance.. but not always. Do not let him be unsupervised with the kids... step up his general obedience training, so he KNOWS and obeys "No!" ,"Come", etc... Give him lots of other ways to use his brain & body. Get The 6 y. o to do some sits, etc with pup on lead...and to not run around with the pup and get him excited.
You restrain the pup by tying him up with a lead? is this overnight, or when he is inside... or when? I am hoping it is only when he is supervised... for many reasons, not the least being that if he chews at the leash, AND succeeds in freeing himself, he has learnt a VERY bad habit in one easy lesson .. and he WILL do it again!! If he is crate trained, why not leave him in the crate? (providing it's big enough).. As he gets hyped up when he chews...and you have just mentioned rawhides etc... maybe you could try giving him fresh raw bones, with no preservatives/additives/colours... and give him them outside, to be enjoyed alone, and undisturbed! Fresh raw bones are perfect now, as he will begin teething soon. Lamb brisket bones, roo tails... these can also be frozen for him, like a baby's teething ring!!
Good luck , and don't panic! Hopefully the vet is helpful.
I agree- the monthly tablets are good- and no trauma. The less stuff floating around in the dog's bloodstream, the better! If your dog is fearful... then contact a behaviourist and see if there are any ways you can help , maybe. or, something like THIS ?
Hi- many years ago.. (over 30) when we got our first Koolie.. we were told by a vet that her heart was similar to a greyhound heart... he said that meant it was a bit larger, and stronger, and had a lower resting rate.... No idea what was/is true... but I believe Greys do have a very low resting rate... so maybe you do not need to panic Maybe she is just very fit and healthy!!
repeat. I am not going to suggest a time frame for a 'cure'.. it is all dependent on many things Betadine IS anti-fungal/anti-bacterial... so will help.
chepet... What some of mentioned in the other thread.. was that your dog may have a yeast problem.. not an allergy TO yeast Yeasts are associated with a particular fungal infection. yeasts feed on sugary things... so avoiding sugar, grain and over processed foods can help. Washes can help ,as well, by controlling what lives on the dog's skin. Ask the vet, do some 'googling' on yeast, malasezzia(spelling) ?... and best of luck. It may NOT be a yeast problem.. but may indeed be an allergy... a dermatologist is the best person to ask, if you are unhappy with what the vet says