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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I agree- unless the dog has a problem and can't digest or chew bones etc. ... teeth used correctly are self-cleaning The 'scissoring'/chewing motion used in getting meat off the bone (NOT crunching thru bones) cleans the molars beautifully +
  2. Yes- a visible tape electrified fence may indeed keep her from busting thru/over the neighbour's fence .. Hope it all goes well, jessca.
  3. I don't think they can stop it dead-of course there needs to be physical restraint of some sort ! however, if it were my dog, I would love to know the 'whys' first- so I knew if I was going to subject the dog to anxiety-making methods, or if the dog's drive is such that it will NOT be deterred by the invisible containment system....or if there is something in the environment which may be changed slightly to allow for a more settled dog.... sorry- but I tend to look into things a bit much, perhaps...
  4. ermm.. yep! same as a dog's tail, or a person's coccyx.. they are an extension of the spine.. providing lengths are long enough, he should just chew and chew. freeze them if you're concerned, perhaps.
  5. Nooo.. you can cut thru the joints between vertebrae with a knife- definitely not the actual bones :cool: feed as a long-lasting meal...
  6. I think you may need a good trainer or a behaviourist firts, Jesska. It is all well&good putting up a physical barrier... but you may end up with a much noisier/frustrated/anxious dog if you have not tackled the CAUSE of the barking. What is driving her?and HOW can you address the problem... Instead of spending a fortune on electrical help- try professional one-on -one help first :cool:
  7. OK... What exercise does the dog get each day? Is there anyone living at the house where the dog is? Can the dog see out ,to the street or whatever? Bones/Toys?/Pool?/digging spot? What does she have?
  8. Could well be the Groomer's product!! Leave off bathing him there for a while!! give him some extra vit C (non-acidic)... Hope he settles soon :cool:
  9. Can you post a photo? Sounds odd...and is hard to visualise.. How big are they? Are they all over? How long do they last? Is it possible they are there all the time, but become noticeable after a bath?
  10. I won't give any advice on actual amounts--- keep her to her current diet for a couple of weeks- the GRADUALLY change it if you want.... Good luck with her
  11. Ahh! Hopefully she hasn't got a piece stuck! It possibly will not show on xray, either. *fingers crossed all is ok*
  12. There are many ways of teaching this.... each dog is different, and some methods work better on some dogs. May I just ask first up WHY you taught him to pull??? have a read.. HERE and HERE and HERE for some different views!
  13. If she's happy, I wouldn't worry too much---she may have just eaten grass or something... keep her quiet- no food tonight. If she starts to look hunched- or is restless.. or vomits/dry reaches again... then call the vet. Rethinking- I just read this again Could it be everything? Or is just dry food expanded with moisture, perhaps? if it IS everything from the day- yes- a vet needs to be seen as there could be an obstruction....
  14. When working in kennels it happened frequently with young desexed dogs.. I would not have thought they all had prostate problems ?
  15. ULead PhotoImpact 12 I installed it from the disk which came with my bamboo fun tablet... and have had such fun!! Photoshop may be /is a terrific tool- but for some reason, I don't feel comfortable with it. While this does get very confusing... I find some things suit me more than photoshop- like the 'magic wand' and 'fill' options- seems to do a smoother job, and simpler than PS. The greeting card templates are fantastic- I've been busy doing Birthday cards and there are some good frames to use. Like LightRoom- when working on a pic there are side by side, or split ,Before/after examples- which I need ... can't judge otherwise :rolleyes: Anyway- I'm enjoying it... different things, and a lot of the same things... I now have so many programs- and just use bits from each! PS2 LightRoom Picasa PhotoImpact Paint.Net I am not good at altering exposure and stuff- just like playing !!
  16. Oh.................;........................................ ........................................
  17. Take it to a computer shop? They will have programs to find/extract stuff, surely! Good luck with it...
  18. Is he actually getting an erection? If he is then the penis would NOT slip straight back into the sheath again...it would be very large and take time to get back to normal size. What is possibly happening, and happens with a lot of dogs I know,both entire and desexed.. is that when they crouch and strain, the penis just slips forward a bit, and becomes visible for a minute or so... then retracts. It happens frequently with Hamlet- he is desexed. A dog's penis is normally not 'soft' as such, as it contains a bone.
  19. ;) I must not be sane then.
  20. OK- I'll put up my hand for saying a stomach pump out MAY have been unneccessary I thought Leigh would weigh around 12 kg or so... and now someone said she only weighs about 7 kg? Well, a vomit/flush out was probably a good thing then . apologies.
  21. I'm glad you are trying for a new vet :rolleyes:
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