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Everything posted by persephone

  1. if she doesn't even have all teeth-- she must be very young. Good for you !! Glad she is enjoying her meat and goats milk :D Looking forward to photos!
  2. yep - a vet needs to see this, and test for blocked tear ducts, etc.
  3. slight hijack.. nekhbet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how dare you show off such a surfeit of green growing stuff in your yard!!!!!!!!!!! :) I am very envious! *resume normal programming* That electric fence setup looks ideal for the boundary-busting beagle!!
  4. I agree!! if both/all dogs have a problem. it is more than likely DIET Plants Chemicals in the home.
  5. Milk which comes from goats it is MUCH easier digested than other milk... and great for babies/convalescents. Your poor little pup should still be with its mother At present....I would be feeding 4 small meals a day... of good quality chicken mince, some bonnie puppy, some goats milk, or plain yogurt... amd some chicken wings to chew
  6. That gorgeous wise 'old dog ' face Glad she went at home ,with you there..
  7. If you have taken responsibilty for this dog... it is up to you to make sure it is healthy. Any new dog should be taken to a vet for a checkup...advice on flea/worm control, etc... Oh, and . Cynthia =\ is a despondent face the licking could be pain or anxiety. The dog needs a vet check.
  8. persephone

    Treat Time

    Pups can have bones as soon as they have teeth She can have chicken wings now Whole and raw. The best food? Depends on your dog.. your pocket, and whether you want to feed a premium processed food... or a raw diet, or just an ordinary processed food. Introduce new food gradually, so her system has a chance to get used to it :D Dogs ,as a rule do not need grains or milky things. Their bodies aren't made to easily digest such things... they can, and do.. millions of dogs, every day.. but there are more suitable foods ! My choice would be a fresh raw diet. Treats? You don't 'have' to use food for training... but piecxes of her normal food..or tiny pieces of cooked chicken.. or liver treats, or cheese, maybe?? TINY pieces only..or else when mealtimes are there.. she won't be hungry!!
  9. It's pretty simple, really.... feed your dog with food his body is designed to use.............. MEAT and BONES and OFFAL, and oily fish and eggs and a smattering of green veg and yogurt.... some reading for you.. HERE HERE and http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=154388
  10. Just had a look at the website for that training company. If the cartoons are anything to go by... you end up with the the perfect dog!!
  11. keds... have a read HERE and also HERE Hopefully it will be of help.
  12. *whispers* would this be helpful for a dog owner who is phobic about trimming nails,and whose dogs' nails are like a bears???????? *slinks away*
  13. :shakehead: ".......Sounds like worms. Dogs can get them from other dogs or from eating to much human food." Ok.
  14. Scary Stuff was googling to look for more info re: teeth cleaning for dog with pancreatitis....... read some of the questions down the bottom,too.
  15. Trimmed Chicken frames would have almost no fat on them.... have a read HERE
  16. This is tricky without knowing anything of the dog's habits/environment..... Belly band when they think this may occur, for a start. lots of close leashwork... busy time, so he doesn't get a chance, training to pee on command! T O T Have the dog more restricted in his privileges (being inside, being on furniture, being around when humans eat ...all are PRIVILEGES, not rights ) Yes, he can be inside... but lying on his bed ..if not interacting quietly with his humans. Yes, he can be around when humans eat... but on a down stay or similar..and NO feeding tidbits!
  17. poor little thing is going to have a very uncomfortable night! That loose nail will be annoying the heck out of him... getting hooked on things, and hurting..... try muzzling him.. wrapping him in a towel if you have no one to help... grab the nail in pliers or a gauze swab.. and clip the thread thru.. with nail clippers... it may not be weak enough for you to pull off cleanly...
  18. yep. When Hamlet rips a 'normal' nail.. and it doesn't come off completely.. I get him to run after a rabbit, or another dog.. so he will rip it off on the lawn or something.... he is so full of adrenaline he doesn't feel it, that way! then it gets washed and betadined and I apply a drop or two of deterrent to stop the infernal licking....
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