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Everything posted by persephone
Agree with Nekhbet Yourdog is not a puppy anymore. he is from a working breed- and as such he may have a stronmg instinct to herd and chase. if nothing else is available for him to herd/stalk/chase, well, cars are what he has in plenty! :D re: the alpacas/donkeys: he is attempting to do what his instinct tells him... to WORK The cars aren't 'bothering' him. the inability to use his brain and body in a purposeful way - that is 'bothering' him Sounds as if he needs much more WORK... not just house manners and walks on leash. Agility sounds good- but try for a herding course as well...
Dominant Dog Vs Submissive Dog
persephone replied to jaybeece's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I would say yes, It's good to see that you are letting the DOGS decide their place in the pack- and not doing what you think would be correct :D -
:D thanks all... he is back to his annoying self We did have injectable antibiotic- it has expired without ever being used
we have all sorts of stuff for injuries.. we have eye/ear treatments.. we have other stuff... just not for stomachs That will be remedied hamlet seems quite comfortable... hopefully he will be even better in the morning :D
Let pup out of the bathroom after 3 hours crying.... NEXT time, he may cry for four hours!! Once the long term crying is reinforced... it will continue I agree with a pup pen.. containment - not solitary confinement... another one who agrees with Miranda, too.
Don't worry- I asked him for the bone straight away He has not 'been to the loo' now for over two hours...and the chicken/rice is still in place- I took him with me to hang out washing and he shot off after a rabbit! .......... Guess that's a very good sign ;) He is most upset at being tied up outside......... even tho he has his bed and pillow, and hot water bottles.... Looks like he will have to wear his muzzle again when outside - for a while- It's what he had to do after his obstruction surgery. Stops ingestion of JUNK!! (if you saw our place, you would see the neccessity )...an acre around the house... all overgrown and weeds and dogs and bones and chooks and everything...... Think Ma&Pa Kettle anyway.... I am now able to myself eat something- my tummy is slowly 'uncurling' Thanks everyone- here's hoping next update is better again! :D
Well.. he still is passing small amounts of liquidy matter... with a streak of blood... His bloated belly has gone, and he has stopped the incessant drinking. Is charging around.. and stole a bone from someone a short time ago. I have him confined outside again... and have given him a small amount of boiled rice/chicken. he has also had some CS again. *fingers crossed *
yep. With regard the Vit.C.... I thought the non acid one was ok to use! Oh well... live & learn. I'm off now to make him a up a bed....and settle him the best I can for the night... thanks all
Ok... oh- ester C can still do that? Ok.... gee.. poor boy- I've probably aggravated things!
Thanks..... The practical/clinical side is fine... it's the "what if" side which now has me shivering and with a gut ache !
commercial one.. 25ppm and dammit- today I was supposed to buy more... forgot! Going to town shopping once every 3/4 weeks means I forget so much
outside chance.... rasberry cordial? noooooo... *slaps self soundly* can anyone die from embarrassment?? This morning I gave him acidophilus, and some esterC. Tonight he had about 20 ml Colloidal silver.
Can he have human Gastrolyte? I think it has artificial sweetener in...... aspartame and phenylalinine It has been over 20 years since one of the dogs was sick.... then it was hepatitis. hamlet had an obstruction 5 years ago... I am so out of practice!! We just never see tummy bugs etc, as the dogs are only rarely exposed to other dogs/properties...
he hasn't had any food since this time last night. No. Nothing at all ...
There are times I wish a vet was easily accessible .... This morning... wee small hours... I was awoken by Hamlet having explosive diarrhoea at the foot of my bed (on floor) I was away all day- had to go to town, and as he was bright, scrounging food, and racing everywhere..didn't worry.Got updates from family during the day-all good. Tonight, he is drinking lots... and is having diarrhoea which is now a mustardy colour, ands very frothy... with smears of fresh blood from irritation somewhere he is still playing and scrounging food. Dammit. Our dogs never get sick Well, rarely........... he will have to stay outside, tethered, for tonight. outside my room. Not sure where the dog thermometer is- we haven't used it for so long! Being an absolute 'hoover'.. I am so hoping he has picked up a bug somehow, in some rubbish he's eaten... Having seen parvo .. it doesn't immediately present as that... it also isn't as drastic as hepatitis.. or a blockage situation. Vet visit is not to be done lightly... 120 km on a mostly dirt road... and we are down to one vehicle at present, due to the rough road breaking the shock absorbers on one :cry: Tell me he'll survive..... and not be worse in the morning Please? After 4 1/2 hours sleep, and a 12 hr day in town ..... I would love to be able to sleep relatively peacefully tonight....
Whats The Hardest Dog To Train?
persephone replied to Colliewood's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Welll.. I have always thought (but could be wrong), that the ones which would need more work would be the ones who are not so - people oriented - ones who are more comfortable in a pack, or working independently. -
Whats The Hardest Dog To Train?
persephone replied to Colliewood's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Train to do what? A kelpie is MUCH easier than a shihtzu to train as a sheep dog ! -
Thanks, powerlegs........... not sure how Auntie will go, actually... this is the first time she has actually lived 'alone'.. no family or animals...... Shilfie was a great Cairn ambassador
Today, my auntie had her little old companion put down. Shilfie was 14. She was blind, and had kidney problems. As a pup she was a bit of a terror terrier.. a cheeky cairn, with twinkly eyes, and a busy black nose My auntie has never been into understanding dogs.... and there were often many problems. Shilfie took it all in her stride- she may have been a runaway... but only to where there was fun and company . She may have been fidgety to groom... it hurt when the wrong tools were used. She was called disobedient..... well.. she was a lot of the time-but incessant repetition and bad timing will do that! At obedience school they both enjoyed it in their own fashion... didn't progress far, or quickly, but it was a much needed outing for them both Moving to the small unit with tiny yard was a trial at first... not many walks, and no company made for a wriggly and noisy dog....... this did settle with age.... The two of them... both fairly deaf and sturdily built would toddle around on short walks.. and then retire, to sit in the sun and think on other times. In the past 18 months, Shilfie got quite ill, and wasn't the sparky little girl we all loved...Auntie too had her problems.. but "good Morning, Dog" was one of her bright spots every day . Now that's over. A tiny unit, a grumpy old lady.. a miniscule lawn which now will grow evenly, and without holes under the shadehouse roof. A sad old lady.. with no one to shout at.. and no one to rip up the tissues dropped near the bin. Run happily across the bridge little girl........
.................... and all that is wonderful and has NOTHING to do with how she reacts when she feels threatened She can have her own palace... hot & cold running kongs... and still feel as if she is threatened. and... Growling is instinctual... she has no other way of responding....BUT if then it actually works... dogs and people back off- then she may get the idea of growling more often, and for other reasons.... as you have found . The idea peple have been trying to explain is that, as her 'pack leader'... YOU should be keeping the other dogs in line! it is not HER job... plus bouncy bigger dogs could cause her injury....only takes a second . Meeting/playtimes should be well choreographed.... with older dogs kept calm and settled,and not bouncing. Pup should be handled often, and always with a pleasant ending May I also recommend you and your pup start THIS PROGRAM It will gently re-enforce you as pup's leader... and give her some brain exercise each day Hopefully your trainer will be of help to you... As words can be mis understood it is usually easier if the person trying to help sees the behaviour in person
I'm afraid I agree Your baby puppy is learning that growling gets results...even if it was unintentional the first time/s! Not a good habit to get into -
How much 'free' time does he have? What mental excercise is he getting? does he actually get enough physical exercise? if he is getting enough exercise, he should just flop and sleep after it! How long is he expected to stay in the crate for??? I have not done crate training, but I would not expect a baby puppy to stay in a crate for very long at all to start with. A crate should be the ONE place he gets food, and his favourite toy, and his bed....so a crate is associated with GOOD things.. not a place that takes him away from all that is good. One hint... only put in one or two toys... packing them in achieves nothing. Rotate toys every couple of days..just use a couple at a time.
peoples' SHOES Flies Fences aren't germ proof Glad she seems happier today
Phew!!!! :nahnah: *breathes*
How is she this morning?