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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Both! Both smell/taste foul too Mc Dowell Herbal are always very approachable, and are willing to 'tailor' meds to suit allergies etc. Their vet is extremely helpful over the phone.
  2. I think it depends what you are treating? We have one dog on the collie nose herbal stuff.... some minor improvement noted, but time will tell. Used a painkiller/anti inflamm for old sally Horse.. worked well!! Gave her some good extra months have used a potion for problems with kidneys and diabetes in old cats.. once again.. gave us & them some quality time at the winding down of their lives Have used herbals for the humans too... seemed to do the trick.
  3. *nods- maybe more so in a herding/nipping breed such as an ACD.* Chaining her up will not help. it will remove her from the situation temporarily, yes- but will also increase her frustration and excitability ... so when she is released, she will be VERY full of energy. How much time each day do you spend training her? Does she ever get walks/training on leash? I would also recommend you read these two articles!! TRiangle Of Temptation and Nothing In Life Is Free
  4. Why don't you try HERE for FREE ones ..... then , as your skills and needs grow- download THIS
  5. Can only happen on DOL! a diarrhoea thread turns into a lunch thread
  6. what I'm having for lunch..but I'm adding butter and nutmeg
  7. another vote for PICASA !! I store my pics here- crop, and do basic colour adjustment, blemish touch ups and other simple stuff It is a fantastic tool for emailing/resizing pics too! THIS ONE was done 90% with Picasa. I also have photoshop, and lightroom....... use these infrequently.....only for 'special' photos .
  8. Please check with the vet re using LOMOTIL.!! There are certain conditions in which it should not be used...as it may cause serious harm. For a case of simple diarrhoea. yes it can stop it..... by slowing the muscle contractions. It does NOT kill the bug causing it, or fix an enzyme problem, or cure a food intolerance. It is a temporary 'fix'....and your girl needs a complete 'cure'.
  9. Oh at least now you know they are together again. So sorry they both left you in such a short space of time.
  10. No- he won't ..resentful is a human thing if you do not have dogs under your feet when you prepare food- feed each dog separately and pick up bowls- there is no argument
  11. Our pups get supercoat- and we have never had probs. We change them over at about 4-6 mths to a basically raw diet I agree with the suggestion that more needs to be done to find the CAUSE. You cannot cure it if you don't know what the cause is Is there another vet you can use? Or a Vet Hospital?
  12. Being small dogs- they probably chewed everything -so she may not have a problem. The thing with larger dogs is they swallow the cobs pretty much intact- and they can then block the stomach opening, or intestine She would be best advised to ask the vet about giving paraffin. I was told to use psyllium husks.. it forms a gel which is non irritant, and 'cushions' sharp bone bits, etc... Hamlet(nearly 20 kg) has a half teaspoon, moistened,and in wet food.Make sure the little dogs drink lots
  13. I would go the debarking- if only to lessen YOUR stress levels. A GSD - even a silent'ish one would deter me
  14. She is playing with the pieces of food !! She is NOT hungry If she is getting treats at training. stealing the odd bit of dog roll ( and I BET getting scraps from OH) she will not want to attack with gusto a bowl full of kibble Can you just use praise when training? and NO other food at all for a few days.........
  15. Stop mixing it up If you want her to eat kibble... offer her slightly soaked kibble. ONLY NO treats!!!!!! Simple. If you want her to eat what the other dog is one... offer her that. Small quantities. NO conversation .. put her somewhere... Do not stand and watch....walk out. Come back in 10 minutes... no conversation... pick up bowl... carry on as normal. If she will chew bones, eat hard treats, grab toys.. then it would not seem to be a physical thing...
  16. Your puppy could be allergic to plants/ ingredients in floor cleaner/laundry detergent or disifectant. Very likely it is grass or plant related... what did the vet say? Hopefully you have something to help ease the itches- lots of scratching= broken skin= possible infection. ???ant bites??
  17. I will suggest that she NOT be with someone 24 hours a day... give her some time... 15 min /half an hour somewhere warm with a big bone, her dinner, a ball ... and leave her be. She will cry. Do NOT fuss over her when she cries... or she will learn very quickly that noises bring attention
  18. For good molar cleaning- dogs need to use that side-on gnawing action over a period of time. NOT crunching NOT ripping large bones with meat firmly attached are ideal . roo tails are excellent. whole or halves for larger dogs. the meat and sinew is very firmly attached, and takes a lot of work to remove Bones can then be crunched. chicken carcasses are Ok
  19. AS has been said- feed the food with the most appropriate ingredients for a dog's digestive system- and the one you can afford "premium' grain free processed food is fine for some- RAW is fine for others, but millions of dogs live long and healthy lives on the lower priced foods. If your dog thrives and is healthy- he/she is getting a good food
  20. Sorry it's broked lenses are precision items- with all sorts of tiny moving parts.. any rough impact may do damage, unfortunately.
  21. If there is a puncture the dog needs internal antibiotics, I think- betadine won't do it make up a quite salty solution with boiled and still warm (not hot.. but warmer than blood temp) put it in a jar or contained which is narrow and deep enough to completely cover the foot.. and go a little way up the leg too. insert wounded foot.. and keep it there for about 5 minutes. Dry carefully. This will at least get something into the tissues....
  22. If you indulge in contact play with your pup- he will instinctively react by nipping and play-fighting. Maybe 'play' more fetch games- or hide treats for him to dig up or sniff out I would also recommend you type "mouthing" into the search box, and have a look thru to find some useful tips :rolleyes:
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