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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Good work so far Thanks for the update .
  2. he is a pup - and IMO (not up with the modern feeding regimes ) needs more than pumpkin and/or carrot to fill him up Turkey wings and necks ,maybe? Pumpkin and carrot are good for dogs who need to lose weight..... or for dogs with digestion probs. puppies need meat/bone/fat.
  3. good idea!! *goes off to put a couple of things in *
  4. It sounds like an allergy to me.......... the redness and muzzle rubbing...... I would be surprised if it was anything to do with being used at stud... although.. something different may have triggered the allergic response? What else has changed from about that time? Food, detergents,shampoo, plants in the yard,medications, collar material.. treats, new furniture, Has he been to the vet? It sounds as if he is uncomfortable
  5. Hmmm.. one would surmise that if heat mats were used whilst surgery was carried out ,then the practice would have heat pads for use in post-op- not water bottles? We were a very basic practice- I used to warm the operating table with HW bottles.. prior to surgery.... then we had a heater on out in the recovery room.. it was lovely and warm. HW bottles were only used for tiny animals.
  6. Giraffez - he is very much a baby still! You need to teach/guide him into the correct way, as STITCH said ... make sure he cannot do the wrong thing, and praise him for doing the right thing How often are you clipping/grooming him? maybe he also has sore skin from over zealous grooming? puppy skin is tender! edited to add- do these dogs really need constant trimming, etc? does their coat grow so quickly? Had friends who used to show mini Schnauzers- but I can't remember how often grooming/clipping was done.....didn't seem to be all that often...and was always frenetic at showtime!
  7. ?hotspot? as in wet excema? or a 'burn' from bleach or similar? Dunno.... The AB's and cream will sort it ,anyway.. poor little man...
  8. Lamb flaps........... providing dog has been cleared of any problems
  9. Bad habit- stop him every time you see it...same as jumping up, or nipping, or any other similar behaviour. Don't provide objects which may trigger the urge (fluffy toys, pillows, etc).Plenty of exercise,and stuff to chew... i
  10. Hi- I wouls also suggest you stop feeding her 'junk food' like all the shmakos goodos, etc :D For training treats- maybe use VERY TINY crumbs of hard cheese, or tiny pieces of chicken... She also doesn't need her meat cooked! She is a dog, and they are made to digest bones and raw meat Try giving her some whole RAW chicken wings... or beef rib bones, with her raw mince (and only a tiny portion of) vegies
  11. Frozen is good Gives them a chance to work at getting their meal :D
  12. depends what the op was for. was it gut surgery? If not- then feed what she will eat After surgery , she needs all the nourishment to recover... roast chicken (no skin) lean beef, scrambled eggs ( no fat/no milk), If she did have some surgery on gut... then maybe add some stock/flavouring to the chicken/rice? A chicken stock powder/liquid with no onion.....
  13. Oh- I didn't think about that...you're right. bugga.
  14. Oh- and feed them in seperate rooms until you get a bit of control back :rolleyes:
  15. Ok- if he doesn't want to be a sportsman, and you desire a career for/with him... would he perhaps enjoy being a dog who visits the elderly or ill to whom a wet nose and waggy tail bring delight?
  16. With his health problems, and medications- his body chemistry will be a bit skewed. he quite possibly WON'T be operating at 100%- and his brain may well be not accepting of learning. If he's good at home, and generally well behaved, why can't you leave him at that? Was he bought so you could do advanced training stuff? or?
  17. Gosh- it could be anything, from senility, to pain, to sudden loss of eyesight, to some form of abnormal brain activity......... Sorry - I have nothing with which I can help. poor Teddy he sounds very loved and cared for...
  18. A day is nowhere near long enough- it neds to be done ,as suggested, over a week or so. Maybe BUY some of what he has been reared on... and then you can do the changeover gradually, and without tummy trouble?
  19. Yep- I carry it with me at all times- humans/animals/birds- it is perfect for cases where there is shock/severe anxiety, or pain
  20. The turkey and some brown rice, with maybe some raw turkey mixed thru may be a good start Just a little raw to begin with.. GRADUALLY (like teaspoon by teaspoon), change over to raw turkey.... then gradually mix in other foods.... maybe? Otherwise, just cut out pasta ,and increase turkey....
  21. It is often a sign that something s not being digested properly.... usually grains or a high fat food,or milk ,with our dogs
  22. Did you get her a tiny puppy kong? They smell nice
  23. As Far as I know- antibiotics will kill the good bacteria with the nasty ones- so yes, the probiotic will be wasted.
  24. COMMUNITY BOWL!! he probably has NOT been asked to eat alone :p Don't handfeed- but as well as the mince etc- add a tiny piece or two of roast chicken, or something else yummy. start on the floor... with half a meal- put the rest in the bowl next to it.. and see what he does. just do everything matter of fact. No fussing/hovering/talking.
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