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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Sorry- I wouldn't muzzle him- what if the muzzle gets hooked on something? If he gets even more stressed being muzzled, and thrashes around more.. Poor Choppa.
  2. R I P Seth .............
  3. The collar should stay on for at least week. You will have to be vigilant in removing it often- to let her drink/eat...OR provide containers that will enable her to drink whilst wearing the E collar. A higher, narrower water container often works... the container will fit 'inside' the circle of the E collar.. and dog can rink quite well You can also ask the vet for some bitter bite stuff to spray around the wound to deter licking- tho this is often not enough ORRR if you are round to supervise, I would recommend a muzzle like this!! A dog can drink with one of these, if container is nice & * deep* and does not get disoriented and even more clumsy! The ones I have are the BEST thing I have bought for the dogs
  4. What is your routine for toileting him? How often do you take him out? have you started training him to toilet on command? With the crate- how much time is he spending in it? How different is this crate to the other one?
  5. Oh dear rental accomodation, too NOoooo !! He doesn't dig while you're around, because he is happy...he is with his pack...he has company and entertainment, and is allowed indoors.... why should he dig? What does he have to use up his mental energy while you are away? Does he have interactive toys/treatballs/bones/kongs/rope toys to toss/a soccerball to chase/some juice bottles with a few bits of kibble in- to rattle ,chew and shake...??? If he has toys like this- maybe you need to rotate them.. so he doesn't become bored? what about getting him a clamshell or something as a sand pit... then burying treats /toys and teaching him to dig there? It may stop a few holes elsewhere...and he gets rewarded for it! a couple of hintshere- but as he has an injury... not practical at the moment
  6. for Uncle Albers here...but it does have a high fat content. Excellent for working dogs- or to keep condition on in this cold weather! Oh- in tiny niblets- is excellent pig-training treat material
  7. Sounds a structural/mechanical problem.....and all the elimination diets in the world won't help Maybe time for a visit to a big Vet Hospital... or a specialist, to see what can be done. Poor little dog.
  8. I am SO glad you are getting some professional help! Looking forward to reading updates Oh- and a firescreen or babygate can be used to protect bookcases, etc
  9. Good point, Erny- I always take young pups out for a run/play when we have rain/thunderstorms... I love it..and so do they eventually
  10. lamb necks are fatty- and this is the probable cause of her upset tummy fast her today... and then light food tomorrow... I would suggest turkey necks , whole chicken frames, and kangaroo tail lengths
  11. Kangaroo tails!! lots of protuberances, and if you get meaty ones as a meal.. no fat...heaps of sinew etc to clean teeth..... providing you don't cut the tail into smallish chunks- they are ideal!
  12. Hi- You need to buy tougher toys- or just provide her with heaps of chewing things.. like roo tails, and pigs heads and other delightful anatomical things ;) maybe have a look here for toy ideas? toys
  13. I agree with erny- he should not need much washing...a good comb/brushing will remove dirt, stimulate the skin, and leave the oils in his coat/skin Hamlet gets about 2 baths a year!! he gets brushed ... and rarely has an odour...
  14. The problem with trimming an unknown breed or X.. is that the hair may never grow back the same- or it may mat more, as you will be removing the harder outer coat- and leaving t he fluff ? The clipped coat will also not be anywhere near as wind.water-proof, IMO. My recommendation is that you get some hints on proper grooming, and obtain the correct combs and brushes to suit his coat! That way, it won't take long each day... ,he will be weather proofed, still, and gorgeously shaggy!! ;)
  15. The first step would be to gather up a sample ,and head to the vets.... Failing an infection or digestive problem.... then as said- do a good look at the diet, and eliminate food which upsets her....but this has to be done in the correct manner,and over some time.
  16. also-- depending on the shape of the piece of meat (and most of the meat is leg)..she may find it tricky to start chewing?..some of the muscle is almost intact-and a 'bullet' shape- with the smooth fascia over it still... it can be hard to get the teeth in first up
  17. Hopefully everyone can sleep poor Diesel:(
  18. Can you muzzle him (nice comfy basket muzzle) when the cats are in close proximity..esp. the older one? yes, he could still squash em...but couldn't crunch
  19. And then he hangs back, and is reticent to come inside... perhaps , with all the manhandling, and changing of positions.. he is a bit anxious? Dogs , IMO don't get 'sulky'..they get confused or anxious, often... What procedure does your obedience instructor use/recommend? No sorry that's not right at all. As I said in my first post he is pulling ahead of me constantly. When he is pulled ahead I stop. . I am manhandling, I am trying to get him to stop pulling! I didn't ever say you were dragging an anxious dog along - What I was commenting on is the fact that YOU keep him still while you position YOURSELF...which is confusing for a dog ,to start with ..hence he may get anxious, wondering just what he is supposed to be doing.... then this is repeated- so the dog is not being guided to walk at heel- he is learning to "pull - get stopped"- get held in position-wait for handler-walk off-pull, etc etc..." Nekhbet's explanation and suggested method sounds good let us know how you go!
  20. Ok. This is not unusual..this is what dogs do with food.... but, for human society It is also NOT acceptable..or cute..or 'a phase' may I strongly suggest that you start on THIS as soon as possible- make sure pup is used t collar and lead , and begin. Until then... whenever you feed her..make her sit beforehand....please do not take her food away, and give it back...take away and give back... this is teasing, IMO. You can start 'taking' toys etc, first... when she has something in her mouth, get a happy voice, and ask what she has..and tell her how good she is. If she comes to you with teh object..pat her, , say "give" ,(I use "gimmee", as it can be said with a smile)..and gently remove the toy. You can offer her a tiny treat, if you want, as 'swap' Admire the toy, and tell her just how wonderful she is... get her to sit..and when she does-give toy straight back. Once only each time. All this should only take a minute..... Do it a few times a day.......... it is a pleasant thing.... she is basking in your praise for a) carrying something b) coming to SHOW you ,and c) giving up an object Do NOT run after her... it gives her the power- as she can pretty well always elude you!! It becomes a game of power....... and by the time you do catch her- she is ready to defend her prize I do it with our puppies when they can't run very well... when they are babies... and continue... so most of our dogs will willingly give up even a bone or piece of stolen meat. I am too old and fat to be chasing dogs around, retrieving dangerous or stolen items
  21. She is a baby- and wants her mum. simple. Not separation anxiety.....that is a whole different thing! Not being 'naughty' ( in dog terms, anyway) Just being a baby, who is now suddenly alone for the first time in her life...and who is showing her distress in the only way she can. Does she have a good training/play session before you leave her? Toilet opportunity? Do you fuss over her when you leave? (if you do...then STOP ) feed/play/toilet... then a treat such as a chicken wing or turkey neck.. make sure she has a nice warm bed (maybe even a heating source) just say- bed time now..or whatever..no cuddles etc.. put her in- give her treat..and walk away,don't look back
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