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Everything posted by persephone

  1. That way of doing things doesn't work as well with animate beings as it does with INanimate objects Every dog is somewhat different- every person is as well- so there are an amazing variety of techniques and responses to be dealt with . One-on-One training is great, as trainer and handler can observe, discuss and practice The handler can practice with confidence, knowing someone experienced is there to offer physical/instructional and emotional support if needed
  2. He is obviously much loved- and fantastically well catered for! *fingers crossed*
  3. mm... that isn't a really good thing- AFAIK food only stays in the stomach for a couple of hours- then moves on down... undigested food being vomited points to a problem I think? poor old boy
  4. Glad he's home ! It is usually recommended to keep pup on the diet he is used to - for a while, til he settles in..this avoids any chance of an upset tummy....can you feed him what the breeder was feeding- GRADUALLY introducing the food you have bought? Please don't hand-feed your pup One sure way to set up finicky habits Hand feeding(meals) is for very ill or incapacitated dogs, or those with behavioural problems,IMO ;) It is perfectly normal for a new pup to NOT be interested in the food/treats on offer.Everything is new & different- and he is getting heaps of attention. Take it slow- you have all the time in the world
  5. he is certainly a grand old gentleman- and he will leave knowing he is loved. We can't ask anymore
  6. I would suggest giving a child dose to a little dog- benadryl can make them quite drowsy -which is good - keeps them quiet !
  7. well- get a mince with lots of bone in That way he is getting the calcium carbonate hardening the stool- and no risk of damaging his teeth .
  8. puppies, like human babies, explore with their mouths...when she is outside- provide her with a bone, or a kong.... as something different. The more you stand near her interesting spot- or speak to her when she's there- the more you actually draw attention to it (IMO) When you leave her out for some time- does she stop eventually?
  9. I would be inclined to feed soft bones everyday, . not just bulky stools, but hardish ones help squeeze things out
  10. Pancreatitis was my first thought as well. Hope he's ok.
  11. Thoughts are with you - run free Cassie
  12. Without seeing the dog- it is difficult- plus we are not vets (well most of us) I also recommend a vet visit- as such a youngster should not have problems with his gums this early on. A retained tooth/teeth could be problematic... there are many possibilities- but a vet check is the ideal. hope you get some answers tomorrow
  13. If it smells, and seems more than usual- yep- vet visit would be a good plan
  14. time for you to do some homework these links explain it much better than I could LINK 3 LINK 2 LINK 1
  15. there are - computer age/speed, internet connection type.. all sorts of things!
  16. same here. That last one was great, tlc !! fast, and still enough detail for a 'happy snap'
  17. first one is HEAPS faster :D Mind you ,I'm on dialup still, too very cute pic ....love the doggy kisses
  18. hi- another picasa user here..800 is ok- but drop quality level down a bit ,maybe ? I often put pics at 640 ..and quality at 'normal' with my photos- this equals around 150 kb.
  19. How tall is he? measure from his shoulder to the ground- or have him stand side on alongside a human ...
  20. Scamp looked a very cute and loved boy RIP scamp.
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