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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I was also going to ask- what Xrays/scans, blood tests were done to actually find if the problem is skeletal/or infection, or muscular... ?
  2. Ok- however to my mind- anything way out of character/routine signifies a problem. Sorry the vet wasn't more helpful... but guess they do need to hear more info - like pulse rate- colour, signs of pain, etc... tricky for you
  3. probably more restlessness... maybe trying to vomit? Not 100%certain, but I doubt he would just go off to sleep... I probably would have phoned a vet by now.... if he is acting so much out of character...
  4. Hope he's ok... just that there is usually a reason to be so flat.... maybe he'll feel happier later on....
  5. No- sorry - it could be anything, from pain, to onset of illness... if you know what his pulse does normally- check that .. what is his capillary refill like? (press a finger firmly on a gum.. leave for a couple of seconds..then count how long til gum turns pink again.... ) it should only take a second or two to go back to pink.If it takes ages- call the vet... does his skin feel hot/cold? Hopefully he just has a bit of a tummy ache. Will he drink some milk/water?
  6. from anniejac's earlier posts.. pups don't know what they are meant to be eating :rolleyes: PLUS_ they know if they don't eat - something better/different will come along!. Pick a GOOD food- either a complete ,tasty puppy kibble..... or a BARF mix. feed it out- leave it 15 mins. then remove bowls.Do this...with NO treats/bones/wings in between - for as long as it takes. Have they been vet checked lately? That might be a good idea .
  7. She could have an Urinary tract infection...or she could have vaginitis. which does occur with pups around this age..and clears with the first season... some vets recommend treatment- some don't. A vet visit will be a good idea- to find out exactly what is going on. If she is happy, not urinating excessively, and eating/drinking.. bathe the area in warm salty water, and make an app't for tomorrow.
  8. :D What a lovely description of a very happy boy. R I P Jack.
  9. Oakway- where, and how long ago was this?It's interesting, where these diseases were first noticed... To me,your description sounds like a very severe secondary infection, following on from the original tracheitis. nasty. I remember working with some of the first parvo cases That was just awful.
  10. I think ,too, that if /when we put a 'test' to a dog...eg: we put the dog somewhere, and determine to see just how well dog can complete a task/command... we do, however subtly, change body language/voice tone... dog reads this, and so the command/request/test is NOT delivered in the same way When training Guide dogs........... they could be reliable at ,say, stopping at every kerb/laneway/grass verge. Ok Comes a female handler's menstruation days... or days prior- and we would find many dogs just ignoring so much of what they had previously done We were working the same dogs,same areas, same tasks,same commands..... Our instructor warned us very early on in the training course to avoid anything too complicated on those days- rather do 'free running'.. simple straightline walks, or similar. So- I believe that dogs can read ANY change in our way of delivering a command- and perhaps their reactions are a response to the info. they process ...
  11. Good news!! Glad the vet said the right thing
  12. that's a big trap, isn't it? we laugh at the buggers, and lose our focus!!!!!
  13. See- that, I don't see as defiant, but rather, a preparatory/anticipatory response to the 'game ' of being picked up .... ??? It's MANY years since my dog psychology days....
  14. I have been thinking of this- and thinking what meaning I associate with defiant.... I don't think dogs are commonly 'defiant'... I think they can be confused, anxious, uncertain,aroused by something like a prey animal, excited, totally focussed on something other than the handler... but not so much 'defiant', as in "NO! I am NOT doing it- just because..." Maybe I am thinking wrong
  15. here as well :D It's what we use now when we don't have fresh meat... Cobber, last time we tried it, went straight through them... and Bonnie didn't hold condition on them.
  16. My vote is for Advantage Working with vet assistance, I have used it on puppies under 4 weeks old with great success.
  17. Poor pup I think codeine can be used in dogs- but obviously as it is an opiate- it can be very dangerous unless proper dosage rates are applied Hopefully the pup has recovered- and/or seen a vet. The woman in question needs some educating
  18. Hi- and welcome. Ok What are your 'house rules ' for the pup? eg. where does he sleep,what do you do at mealtime, how much excercise/training does he get each day..that sort of thing. How are you trying to toilet train him? What experience have you had with pups/dogs in the past? Info like this will help us to provide you with some ideas, based on your situation here is some 'homework' for you... "]LINK 1 LINK 2
  19. Thanks for the input, folks as I don't sit & read heaps of threads- (or remember 1/2 of what I DO read, and who posts what) Doing it this way kinda sticks in my brain longer
  20. HERE My understanding is that is a Firefox add-on. There are also a limited number of image-hosting sites on which it works . it can be used with photos stored on your hard drive I love it, cos it's a bit different, and it can move ....and I'm loving all these things which are new to me !!
  21. Wondering what everyone does re: feeding
  22. So sorry - he was obviously very happy in his last few years Well done!
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