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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Sounds awful I do hope he is feeling better in the morning.
  2. PHONE the vet... send photo by email if needed- take his temp and pulse yourself and let them know...(ask the vet/nurse to tell you how if you do not know) Hope he's ok.. poor boy.
  3. ....and crating with an elizabethan collar is probably not a good plan because of not much room to turn..and the noise of collar on crate would be unpleasant
  4. As you will be in a totally foreign area to the pup, my advice would be to get him a long line... about 5 metres or so- and run him on that! A pup running off in a strange area can get into all sorts of trouble
  5. Hi-she ideally should be confined to a crate or a room for the first few days- with on leash toilet breaks- or on leash 'being with the family time'. JUMPING up is the worst thing- so no jumping onto furniture/people/cars etc. I would think she needs to be kept quiet until her stitches come out... especially since she is having hernia repair as well. Make sure she has an elizabethan collar or a soft basket muzzle, so she doesn't lick the wounds, or chew stitches out! Today/tomorrow she will probably be quiet and sooky and may not want to eat- that's fine. Don't push her to be active, or interact with anyone...leave her rest and recuperate. I guess this depends on individual dogs- their age/health etc , as well as the surgery they had done
  6. Glad you have found out the cause He will be much more comfortable after treatment! Hopefully you will pass on the diagnosis to this vet- so she may look a little closer next time someone brings a pup in with a weepy eye
  7. beenie- with kids & dog/s in the house.. maybe you would enjoy reading THIS ?
  8. I agree here......and her 'sweet' nature may well change once she is well fed,and over her upheaval, and starting to feel 'at home' ........ just a little warning Nothing about her yells dingo! to me... not saying there is none- but from those photos- nothing too obvious
  9. the salmon head is possibly more dense than a chicken frame..ie: more food in it.. I would be resting her for an hour or so..separate from the other do.. let her tummy settle for a while
  10. make up a pen outdoors for her?
  11. Oh Ok well, while he is around the spoilt dog- it is your responsiblity to keep him on the straight & narrow :D It can be done... just do not let him do things when he's little & cute, that you do NOT want him to do when he is built like a brick S#!thouse !!
  12. So- your pup will be living with your mum and her spoilt dog, and not you? or do you have the spoilt dog at your place?
  13. Hi did you contact your girl's breeder? What did they say? Did the vet say exactly what the problem is? bone, or tendons, or ???
  14. have a read thru HERE.. there are links & things scattered around which may be useful to you also... keep her on a leash perhaps- then when she starts to grab- give her a little tug, say Nooo in a growly voice (DO NOT YELL- except in a life threatening emergency) and then ignore her--keep walking repeat as necessary....
  15. Where will you be staying? this is more important than the trip In my books, anyway.. Is it dog friendly accomodation? Does he have a pen/secure yard? Do you have a longl ine for walking him?- I don't believe a pup should be free run in a new and strange environment.... 5 hrs.. he will be well exercised beforehand, and put in his crate ? A break for a toilet walk onlead every 2 hrs... and a little drink maybe- he should be fine.
  16. Oh, Shaun That's awful news. Fingers and paws crossed for your boy....
  17. glad things are quieter and calmer now Well done!
  18. Now that's helpful for a new owner NOT! some links for you.. LINK LINK LINK
  19. My first thought- when you say she was desexed, and anaesthetised/intubated that there was some injury to her jaw?? Definitely vet visit!
  20. In the past, I have used a chain leash for the first few times... pup won't chew that ..and you can walk around happily
  21. Do you mean, go the whole hog and get a DSLR..with interchangeable lenses and all that ? Or- get a camera which gives you manual control and the opportunity to do macro or zoom.. and pre set stuff, but without having to buy extra lenses?
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