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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Hmm..this is one of those tricky things you could test your cat today and have the blood test show negative(yes a special blood test can be done) . In a short time, it may show positive , depending on whether ONE flea , carrying the bacteria has been in contact with the cat . It would be best to NOT experiment ..as blood tests are expensive ..but to speak with a veterinarian ? I think cat Scratch fever is only a big problem if a human has a poor immune system - so check with your child's doctor about that ? I have been scratched/bitten by all sorts of cats over 50 years or so, and never had a problem . Cat teeth are known to be a great way of getting bacteria into whatever they bite - but good and quick first aid ..and perhaps a visit to a doctor , should stop anything drastic happening . Children and the elderly, and those with poor immune systems do need to be careful.
  2. Yes, he's still around ... and very fluffy in his Winter coat! Smoke ! aka Ewok aka DropBear aka Spewbucket aka "thats-not-a-dog" he is showing some wear & tear .. sometimes he gets TOO annoying & the others really need to , ermmm, make a point . One day he may learn . may.
  3. Wise decision . Selecting a dog for a child who may not yet know the best way to touch animals is best done by experienced people. best of luck in the future .
  4. That sounds like a great day !! @Thistle the dog ... (I put a laugh emoticon as there's no LOVE one ) ;)
  5. Ohhhbaby George ......That face !!! Thanks, @Scottsmum
  6. I gather the separation of a dog is to keep dog and child safe, while parent cannot give full attention to interactions between the two. For a first-time dog owner, having a new dog and a child who needs close supervision around animals, it obviously seemed a solution. As none of us know how the child acts generally ..maybe baby gates aren't suitable /maybe a dog which lies on someones'feet would indeed be in the wrong place , and who knows what else ? It is a situation with lots of things to consider - none of them easy!
  7. Not a tank ..... we had 17.5 mm RAIN 2 days ago
  8. @Roova wow! Not something usually seen outside a restauarant
  9. I didn't comment ...I was too stunned by the lovely photo ............. how caaaalllmmmmm ;)
  10. Dogs don't think that way ..so it doesn't worry them . They live in the moment .Being given a needle at the pound is not the worst thing ever to happen to a dog , believe me . the other thing about a dog from the pound , if you insist is that they are a TOTAL UNKNOWN !!! things which would worry me ( and why I would never take a dog direct from a pound to my home ) is it in the early stages of a disease which might kill it ? is it in the pound because it is an escape artist? Has it climbed high fences , or dug under fences ? Did it chew through a wooden fence ? is the dog here because people just got sick of it ? Why ? Maybe it barks a lot . Perhaps it jumps and is too active ..or perhaps it attacks other dogs when out walking . So many things which I would worry about ... Gee, this makes me so sad . having to constantly supervise . having to lock a dog away having to limit all sorts of activities to avoid situations which might get too much excitement happening.. A thought . Could you maybe take your child along to a dog park , or a dog obedience school ..watch from a distance for a while ..perhaps talk to an owner with a nice dog ..baby steps ..and gradually work up to having a dog at home , if that is what your child wants ? if you think animal contact would be useful..what about RIDING FOR THE DISABLED ? Kids learn SO much from being around the horses & little ponies ... and it is very good for physical and emotional development
  11. JWT as people who train/breed/work with /share lives with dogs we all care very much about the quality of dogs'lives . Not one of us would choose a dog from a pound to go straight into a home situation like yours . It would be unfair on all concerned . There are great rescue groups who have their dogs in foster homes , so that dogs are used to all sorts of things . The rescue groups then check out the new home/yard/owners ..and only place a dog if all looks to be good it's a wonderful way for everyone to feel secure in what they're doing ...no little surprises . Your situation is unique . IF you were to get a dog ..as someone who has not owned/trained a dog before , I would advise you to contact someone who places dogs WITH special needs kids ...they can talk with you , answer all your questions http://www.dkd.org.au/ https://www.guidedogs.org.au/autism-assistance-dogs for ideas. IF, though, as it seems, your child is,as yet, not quite ready to live with a dog ... consider a lovely ragdoll cat ..a stress reliever , if ever there was one .
  12. This is so sad , JWT . it seems to me that YOU may need a companion , a dog ? Your child must use up a lot of your time & energy ..and it would be nice for you to be able to relax with a pet As someone who has worked around dogs AND special needs children , your child doesn't sound ready to live with a dog ..and the lifestyle you propose for a possible pet is not one which I would recommend for a dog to stay well-balanced and happy . Dogs do best exercised away from the house pretty much every day ..twice a day . Like humans, they NEED to go places , see new things, have outings ...learn in a structured environment , and be with their family . Dogs certainly will find ways to entertain themselves ..and often this takes the form of barking/digging/chewing/scratching in the house or yard if they lack mental stimulation ! Trust me ...they WILL find something to do . A large breed cat sounds a possible solution he/she can have a secure enclosure in the yard to enjoy the sun & fresh air & stay safe ..also to have some 'me time' . You are experienced with cats ..so less stress for you - no having to go for walks /worry about child being jumped on /bitten...and a cat would be quite happy with a room furnished as its own ! My cat spends time in my /her bedroom - with access to her outdoor enclosure . She comes into the rest of the house a few times a day
  13. Ok .. Using a room as a kennel may well encourage barking & scratching at doors . Being a first time dog owner, doing a LOT of homework is essential . There are a hundred questions like this one ... good for you A new puppy/dog needs a LOT of work . About the same as a young child . Do you have the time/energy to do this? Does your child like dogs ? How do they react to dogs being in their space /taking their toys/ pushing at them /barking at them ? have a read here, to give you more of an idea of what dogs need /do best with. https://www.sitdropstay.com/do-you-really-want-a-dog/ Oh ... have you decided WHY you really want a dog at this time ?
  14. I shook my head as well ... it was a foregone conclusion ... crocodile would win , one day .
  15. Don is madly barking as huge flocks of cormorants fly overhead this morning .....
  16. I'd be concerned about a dog falling off them/getting stuck in between fence & stump IF they tried . 10/10 for thinking about it though!! I too would suggest hiring/getting a mate with chainsaw to cut a foot or so off the stumps ..paint them, and use them to put potplants on ;)
  17. evil invaders - arriving by air .... ALERT!!
  18. She is just lovely I have a very soft spot for black dogs ...and with those contrasty eyes, she's really noticeable. The beauty of finding the right dog is that often, as with humans, hair colour ends up unimportant !! LOL
  19. Nice thought - but this time they can not EVER meet .
  20. I guess this sort of thing happens ... I've heard of things. There are unscrupulous and inhumane people in every single aspect of animal ownership/care . I have never heard of modern duck hunting retrievers being culled in a lethal fashion . Probably because they are not kept as a pack 'unit' .. and are very much individuals?
  21. Chasejax- you have acted well . bet it was a very sad decision , but , yes, it is very much a safety and health thing - for everyone ! Go slowly now ..spend time with your dog making good memories
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