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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Good thinking, anyway, kirislin! It is hard to get good shots in a war zone
  2. We have had a couple of blind geriatrics - providing they know their way around, and you keep everything in the same place, they do well!
  3. ozzie was born on Australia day- one of identical twins.They were 6 weeks prem-one was stillborn, and Ozzie could not stand alone for 24 hours after birth. We milked Sally into a bottle, and fed him around the clock every two hours for the first couple of days ;) he grew into the most lovely boy- temp. wise..and I was very apprehensive about having him gelded. It happened on his first birthday... unfortunately. he walked up on halter, and the men commented on how good he was.I couldn't stay and watch..so went inside. They came and told me that , as he was prem.. the ring which was supposed to close and seal off the scrotum from the abdomen hadn't.. and when they opened him.. he had herniated. It was bad...and he had to be put down shortly after.I did contact the vet- and even if we had him operated on etc, there were no guarantees... Every Australia Day (His birthday/dying day)... I mourn my Ozzie boy.PTS On his 1st Birthday.... under the same tree which saw his first breath..with his mum by his side...and me ? I could not be there . I said goodbye to him earlier......... I will never forget how very proud I was of him..and how absolutely devastated I was.
  4. I am going thru some photos, and found a few of pets who died ... mygentle giant, Kieran died about 6 years ago. Grunt- my beautiful patient porker, about 10 years back. My gorgeous cuddlepony, Ozzie left me about 5 years ago... at exactly one year of age. jerome cat lived a full life, and left us about 2 years ago, the big boof- in his prime he was around 12 kg. ;) Gladys goat left us around 12 months ago, a grumpy old girl to the end. ..and my Sal gal.. just over 12 months have passed since she went. There are quite a few more I think of often..may find photos at a later date.... Damn animals- they crawl into your heart and rip bits away when they go.....
  5. Poor little guy. Infection is my big fear It will be slow and painful if it happens You've done well...and I am hoping/praying that the skewer has only scratched his oesophagus and not left holes ! fingers crossed for them...it must be such a worry.
  6. if he is on AB's - I would think it will be fine to leave him wherever you normally do Clean it etc when you get home... if he is not limping/whinging.. he should be fine. It may just take a bit longer to heal, that's all. (MY OPINION ONLY)
  7. Urk All I can suggest is that you see if anyone can get you some human penicillin..and ask a vet online for the appropriate dose ....It is so very hard, not being able to access vet help- been there,, know how you're feeling.
  8. Snowball...one point only. DO NOT appear anxious- do NOT fuss and watch your pup continually, or panic if you miss something!! This will affect how objectively you see things...AND transmit to your pup..who will ,in a sense copy what you are feeling/doing. Your pup is a dog.........he/she will see things differently to you,and react differently - so don't burden yourself with guilt etc
  9. Is it on the pad, or under the toe near the nail? pressure, ice/rest. Maybe a vet visit if it looks deep...is he limping?
  10. <<<<A hot spot isn't defined by size, rather it is a patch of moist dermatitis>>>> That's what I understand as well
  11. Puppies breathe faster than adults .. if he is warm, but not hot enough to pant...or too sleepy, he may well breathe faster instead... dogs lying on bedding/carpet- or confined to a crate with bedding may not cool down properly...and stay uncomfortably warm for a lot longer ...
  12. persephone


    Thanks, ellz- I was only talking about 2 hours.... The 'against the law' bit is a tad confusing tho- what about pre-surgery fasting, or travelling in a car for a couple of hours? I'm sure many people would be then breaking the law?
  13. persephone


    Oh- Erny- I was always told to withold water for a couple of hours- to avoid that vomit reflex..dog is nauseated.. drink, drink... Oops, vomit..drink, drink... vomit. A couple of hours being kept cool and quiet and waterless shouldn't hurt ..and could well help to relieve the nausea.(Obviously, if there is an increase in vomiting and or diarrhoea they should be at the vet anyhow....) Obviously after that, all being well, drinks in small quantities and frequently are the way to go- once again, to avoid a load in the stomach,and to provide small quantities which can be quickly absorbed i am happy to be corrected if protocol has changed tho :D Hope your little girl is feeling much happier now.
  14. persephone


    Don't panic just yet no food or water- keep her cool and rested for a couple of hours. If there is any diarrhoea, and/or she vomits again...or continually tries to vomit- then contact the vet . As said- if she is sad looking, looks very tired, is at all wobbly or uninterested in you, then call the vet!! puppies do get nasty bugs, but they also swallow junk, or get hot & tired & stressed.... they also eat grass and vomit... You know what she's normally like- if she really looks unwell..then definitely a vet visit is called for!!
  15. well done to everyone .pete is lucky to have a 'family' who care enough to educate and love him !
  16. If it's only for a castration- by all means take it off for short times,and, if it is several days since the op,maybe take him for a little gentle onlead walk..or just let him relax Just watch him, and if he tries to chew stitches.. then stop him. With his ear- I am always paranoid of infections floppy ears, restricted air circulation and warmer temperature in the 'mini climate' of an elizabethan collar are the perfect breeding ground for a number of ear invaders Check to see if the ear is clean and cool and dry...
  17. Well put!! Without seeing this dog,its body language and its response to its owner/handler generally, plus how the owner is communicating with the dog- we cannot give specific instructions on how to work this problem thru. We can generalise- resource guarding is because... it may respond to.... if your dog bites, this may be an idea.... but a personal consult with an experienced trainer/behaviourist would be my suggestion. A dog prepared to snap/bite needs very knowledgable and sound handling....... it is not the ideal time for practising techniques suggested over the internet.
  18. persephone

    Dirty Bum

    Dogs should not need to 'clean their bum' provided they do not have diarrhoea... I would also think anal glands. What is she being fed? (the anal glands are small sacs internally, which express a strong smelling liquid each time the dog defecates. If there is not enough firmness/bulk in the poo-(having bone in the diet helps- the glands aren't squeezed out as they should be..they can overfill, and leak... ) It may not be that- she may be leaking faeces for some reason..... or who knows what... a vet check will find the cause for you
  19. that said -(sorry ,edit function not working atm) ..I don't like the thought of them being used on young pulling dogs .
  20. I have used head collars quite a few times, on dogs who were already trained,as live-in therapy dogs and the halters were chosen as they enabled better control by the infirm owners. The dogs were labs, and already settled...and adult. This use of them worked very well indeed, and I can't remember any problems....
  21. Unfortunately- with floppy ears AND a plastic cone collar- any infection in that ear is going to go ballistic Try and let her have air around it as much as you can.... the heat and lack of air circulation are just what ear nasties love . take collar off and take her for a walk onlead.... anything! I certainly would not be waiting ten days for a return vet visit either !
  22. You have had good advice I agree with it, esp the vet check. Keeping dogs inside at night is an excellent way to keep the night air free of noise! PS you may want to change the title of your post- I looked in expecting a puppy problem :nahnah: Not adult dogs.
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