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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Hi- have a read here... CLICK HERE here.. CLICK HERE and.. CLICK HERE This will give you some insight into what's happening
  2. This NOT a good idea. It will not teach him anything. It will NOT let him pant/breathe properly, and he may overheat and get very ill. It may also increase his fear. I will again recommend you get a trainer in privately... one who can see your dogs, talk with you, and help you manage these niggling problems ..for the longterm health & happiness of your boys
  3. If it's hot- and they are unused to it- don't do it Once a week is nowhere near enough walking.... once a day is ok..twice a day is better Where are you situated?.. someone may recommend you a trainer who can help you make well-adjusted little soldiers out of these gorgeous guys
  4. Oh- so not 'proper' KONGS 30 minutes is a LOOONG time to be doing obedience , I think. maybe split this up into two or three sessions... So- these two never get out to walk around the block? Dogs NEED to be smelling/hearing/seeing/feeling the world outside their yard... otherwise they stand a good chance of going stir crazy. You may benefit from meeting with a trainer one-on one...especially if you have a fear aggressive boy Are they desexed? Do you walk them seperately- or they always together?
  5. What 'work' do they get? do they get nice long onlead walks, training sessions everyday...visiting different places..playing with different dogs? If the are destroying kongs- maybe you gave them the wrong size/type? Dogs which are 'working' for periods during the day- using their brains, having to obey commands, be calm, and think--- these dogs are usually MUCH more relaxed and happy to rest, as they don't need the stimulation chewing the woodwork brings
  6. haven't heard of this- thought it was just that mozzies are more active in warmer temps .... Will be interested in results, too
  7. Don't forget- a treat for him- a chocolate for you............ two full and happy participants
  8. Ok- so you prefer to use no muzzle. you MUST NOT flinch, pull back or let go of his foot if/when he wriggles or snaps- and this is hard to do if you think he may nip if you let go of his foot when he moves- HE has won...and it will be harder next time....
  9. Not sure, but loud noise and hand clapping may well stir a pup up more then just a very quiet and forceful walking right up to him..looming over him...with maybe a low growl.... no speaking. if you can thus get him to back away slowly- that's good. 19 weeks is not 'quite young' he ideally will be having a couple of short obedience sessions each day, plus at least one walk outside. If he has not been out walking, how have you socialised him ? Walking on lead, being taught how to walk correctly (ie: NO sniffing etc unless YOU say) is hard work for a dog.. and will usually lead to a much calmer dog ..as their brains are tired
  10. I have never used advantix- didn't realise it had permethrin in - APOLOGIES. Have used advantage- and love it! being allergic to advantage AND advantix tho- doesn't sound like a reaction to the permethrin..advantage is imidacloprid only. Frontline has neither of these two ingredients. Maybe you should find a veterinary pharmacist or something... if she reacts badly to one compound- then perhaps other compounds in a similar'family' may also react We are lucky here- no 'dog fleas'.. but we do get the little rabbit/stickfast fleas which can be kept at low levels using the permoxin as a spray.
  11. Yep- if this is fear related- you need to go slow.... make every SHORT experience a positive one. I second the muzzle idea- that way you can act confidently- knowing you will not get bitten, and he knows that he is under restraint
  12. Hi. Did you phone Bayer and let them know? if not, please do- I have phoned them on a few occasions and they have been very approachable. Sorry she is reacting like that- nasty. have a look at every ingredient in the product causing the reaction.... and choose something completely different! Do you have a flea problem where you are? Maybe you could get by with using something like permoxin spray... as long as you have no cats!! It's all I use here.... best of luck with it.
  13. Wing- a photo would certainly tell us exactly what covering he has on his bones to be able to 'almost' see my dog's ribs would be great !
  14. Hi-vegetables will not put weight on... nor are they necessary except in small quantities.( they are recommended for dogs on a weight loss diet) he does not need rice either ANY change of diet needs to be done gradually and slowly...to avoid tummy upsets. What breed/age weight is your dog? What dry food is he eating? The meat you give him... is it lean? ( he doesnt need his food cooked, either) What meaty bones does he get? Does he like chicken wings, or turkey wings?
  15. Phew ! What frightening thing for you all. So Glad she is OK now-well done!
  16. Hi . You've been given the name of someone, which is a great start! :D Now you will have professional advice from someone who can see/hear your dog...and that is the best option!
  17. Ha ! like that one - he looks as if he's sucking the end of the jacaranda flower
  18. Thanks folks... she certainly was a character! Thank heaven age settled her fiery nature down somewhat Tho it was only a few months ago she got into a brawl over a couple of bikkies, and ended up with a couple of holes in her face .... the spirit was willing...but the reflexes were waay off!
  19. The first has him with nice twinkly eyes...and the colours are good. I like the lighting, too Oh- and the uniform
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