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Everything posted by persephone

  1. The supercoat food could well be the source of the irritant it has grains & things in it .. A vet visit would be a good idea, I think.
  2. If she has a crack in her pad- yes, that will be sore Is it a crack, or a cut? She may just have dry pads, and need some nice runs on grassy areas for a while, combined with something to help moisturise the skin.She may also have something stuck in the crack ....If you are concerned, then obviously the vet is a good idea.
  3. Poor pup- it may well be neither of the options you mentioned... she is still a baby, and has probably had at least 3 homes! No wonder she is agitated and noisy- she will be barking herself into a frenzy! I have not much advice-- you sound as if you are on the right track
  4. Firstly- find the cause :D retained baby teeth? Food/bone wedged somewhere? injury? Sore throat? Diet not suiting him? Activated charcoal- buy from chemists. brown rice flour - would that be at health food shops?
  5. Simple- dog and toy are not in the same room .
  6. persephone


    What was he being fed when you got him? It is usually best to keep to that, and gradually change over to what YOU want to use . The breeder should have provided you with advice to help you get off on the right foot .
  7. What a gorgeous old face R I P barney
  8. I thought this too, as a 'maybe'..but as OP said 'a line', I thought scratch.it seems dry and healing anyhow...
  9. It could be a scratch from part of the fence/shrubs/another dog's claw.... etc etc..
  10. Quite possibly she has scratched hard enough to break the skin. if the are falling off, and not worrying her- don't panic
  11. laila- Mags has posted good advice. There are plenty of housetraining threads on DOL... and yes, it IS work- but if done diligently, there should not be mess to clean A baby puppy is not responsible for taking itself out until it has been taught. The owner is the one responsible for whatever mess the pup makes inside. You want to avoid mess? then follow the housetraining rules 24/7 until puppy learns. You cannot afford to stop & start.. as pups need consistencey and repetition. Some info for you HERE and HERE and HERE
  12. If your dog lives a lot of its time outdoors, it will be getting ample Vitamin D , as this vitamin is synthesised by the sunlight . Dogs spending much time indoors miss out on this- and may need a supplement. Be careful though- excess vit. D can be toxic!! ( rare occurrence)
  13. Your little dog is growing up, is learning that at night there are cats/rats/mice/shadows...all very exciting, and worth barking at! This will probably become louder and longer as he gets older. We have 4 dogs sleeping in various pats of our house- stops them from barking!! I also recommend he sleep in a laundry , or the house proper- in a crate. leaving a puppy outdoors unsupervised is a pretty sure fire way to teach it all sorts of bad habits
  14. Agreed- unless you are home and with him 24/7 ..he will go when and where he wants.As you will probably be picking up a couple of times each day- you will notice which area he prefers to use.. and maybe gradually encourage his use of this area by praising each time you see him there....
  15. Honestly- if osca was mine- no way would I be giving him oral insecticide..no matter how safe it reportedly is. Flea bomb your house- thoroughly, and stay away all day or overnight while you air it well,vacuum thoroughly, give him entirely new bedding and look at NATURAL WAYS to help control any fleas you notice. If he is prone to seizures, the less chemical floating around in his system, the better, IMO.
  16. It's looking good! here's to pain and pus free days now :p
  17. A good strong fence! NOT something 30 cm high and made of chicken wire :p
  18. It was 5 days after application.... I would think an allergic or other reaction would show up sooner? or not?....
  19. It should be done early, and certainly not over a prolonged period! No bite inhibition .. just NO teeth on human skin at all!!
  20. Thanks, dogbesotted! :D That's nice.
  21. They really do need to stop it- I'm sure their bowel does not appreciate the constant scouring I would recommend the owners have them checked for iron deficiency/anaemia.
  22. Thanks folks. It is all too real today....an empty kennel space, and a quietness amongst the other dogs..they know she has not just gone to work. her work experience and excellence can not just be plucked out of the sky :/ It will take ages to train up another ..and they probably won't be as good. My brother depends on his dogs for a great part of his employment..with Dulc gone, he has lost a partner, his right arm... after 6 years...they knew exactly what to do. She wouldn't work for me- but none of his do ! He is not a happy man. My mum is quite fragile today- the shock of it all yesterday, I think- she was very upset. I shall miss Dulcie scaring me at the sink! When she was in the yard, she would come and look in the kitchen window at me as I was washing up.... used to frighten me every time! She would grin and her tail would thump, thump against the house Just because these are working dogs, and as such are 99% outdoors...and they are not 'pets', does not mean they are not appreciated and respected ... we mourn and miss them , too. yesterday I carried her and her babies out to the vehicle, and laid them on the front seat- she liked sitting in the front. I drove them to their resting place .. I wrapped them in one of my sheets , and I said a prayer over them. Where they are there are several other of our dogs ( cats have a separate area ).. and we can see the old tree on the hill from the house.
  23. Thanks folks... I'm ok until I come back in here and read all this
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