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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Lucky boy , Thyme .. your own fashion consultant , as well ! :D Enjoy your date !
  2. The family needs to want a dog . the 11 yr old needs to REALLY be committed to caring for and training a dog . What dog does SHE want ? Getting a dog SHE does not like the look/size/popular image of will possibly mean she will not invest as much into its care & training . have you spoken to her ,away from the family ..just conversationally ? maybe go thru dog books, or online sites together ..see what she thinks ? Some of these links may be of use LINK LINK LINK LINK
  3. ..and we do need some more photos now you've given us a teaser :P She's a lucky girl - fallen onto her feet comfy big bed this time !!
  4. Ohhh..I am sorry that your family didn't get the dog you all wanted ..and I am sorry that Zac is where he isn't understood . Good on you for asking these questions - but honestly, I think it is a bit late now . Zac has habits which have had years to form ..and he has the personality he was born with . Work can be done on these - but, they need PROFESSIONAL help - which is not cheap , and if your family would not have him castrated , I doubt they'd pay for a behaviour specialist to work with him and the family Please do not just advertise him on gumtree or in the paper ....This boy has special needs, and will do best in an experienced home where someone is willing to spend a lot of time ( and maybe money ) to help him along the way . Dogs aren't people ..they don't think/behave like people ..BUT they get nervous and scared, they worry .they get anxious and upset when they can't be with family . They feel defensive after they have been bullied . They do stuff to try & make their place in the family/society ... in many ways they act like we do ..and so deserve understanding and respect , education and care . Rehoming may be the best outcome for you all , and perhaps after lots of reading /research , you may feel ready to look for a different dog who you will treat as a family member ..and who will respond with a very different way of behaving because of it
  5. Just an observation .... staying with a friend in 'the big smoke' last weekend .Friend has recently moved to an older treed suburb , with a high percentage of the old houses /backyards in place ..very attractive & peaceful in many parts . Wandering around with the dog ..I noticed dogs barking at us loudly , as they were larger dogs ! Labs, Rotties. Border Collies, Great Pyrenees, a Newfy , a couple of GSDs . Nice to see . I guess this happens ? high density housing = smaller dogs? Anyhow - the dog park in the next suburb has/had a nice mix always ..from little shihtzus to a Bernese All getting along well .
  6. malamum .... awful time for you Kira was a happy and loved part of your family ...and is surely now with all the DOL dog family who have crossed the bridge . take care .
  7. Time to spend some time sitting outdoors , well rugged up , with a book, a cuppa , & a bagful of patience . I will also suggest this dog gets NO food unless from your hand Every morsel of yumminess is hand fed , so she quickly associates you with this important and delicious resource We have done this for dogs who were not bonded to humans ... it worked very well
  8. teeny baby steps outside , if that's where she's comfortable .I wouldn't be bringing her indoors at all yet , until she wants to follow you in . Do you know why she has had so many homes ? Is her history as a purely pet suburban dog - or was she a working/rural dog ?
  9. I have used check chains and prong collars in a previous life ..neither is 'cruel' if the operator is trained in their use . prong collars appear an instrument of torture to many eyes because of the way they are constructed ..then again ..so do these things ;)
  10. The three stooges. yesterday in Adelaide. These three live near each other, owners are all good friends,and the girls enjoy visits !
  11. @Roova..wow!! that's mosaic with a difference wonderful!
  12. Another new week This little bush has caught my eye many times, and this morning was the day to click!
  13. Hi, BobR , When your dog goes back for stitch removal/check-up ..ask the vet to explain it to you , or perhaps a nurse at the clinic could do it by phone ? I hope all goes well after this surgery now .
  14. So do I ..Tho I am no good at ID'ing them without Griz's help LOL I just adore this photo I got of her last year ..... She has such a sweet and wise face .... and we were looking at each other ..communicating ..they are so very special .Wish I could spend more time around them ... *sigh*
  15. Oh. @Dame Danny's Darling Dear Zombi is Mum to Zuri 6 ?& Enzi terrible 2 ?
  16. *jiggles with excitement * .. not long now .. I get to spend a bit of time with them on 4th August , @grizabella any chance of meeting you there? I really am looking forward to the day ( I have earplugs in case we get to do a second visit and there's a group or a talk happening ;) )
  17. That really needs a correct diagnosis ...it seems a very quick progression , if arthritis - and I've been thinking again about that falling over when toileting - that is odd, and worrying . Hopefully you can find a vet who will get to the bottom of it all for you so correct treatment can be started , and Luci begins to live again
  18. Ohhh, redangel - that sounds distressing for you all . What tests did the vet do to diagnose arthritis ? Do you think it may help if fresh eyes (2nd opinion) have a look ? Obviously some weight loss will help ... but were she mine ..I would be videoing snippets of behaviour candidly ..esp the depressive signs , the uncomfortable positions, and any episodes like you described Poor girl . I'll leave it to others to discuss meds etc .. I've had hardly any experience with arthritic dogs . I 'll send this shout to @Jumabaar who may have some wise words ...
  19. Interesting reading/viewing. excerpt : https://doyoubelieveindog.blogspot.com/2018/01/the-owners-behavior-elusive-puzzle.html
  20. Sorry you lost your girl it is almost impossible to diagnose from the information your provided , sadly ..... Are you in that same house now ?
  21. awww... I am smiling now as well, when I remember how 'Secret' got her name ..they were good times
  22. Ohhh..I had almost forgotten how beautiful (and teeny) Neko& Secret are . Dear old Tag ....
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