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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Hmm.. not sure about desexing as a young pup- but dogs I have had, desexed as young adults, have been amongst the best watchdogs/sheep dogs/hunting dogs we have had No lack of drive/noise/strength at all!
  2. This is a mechanism whereby more scent gets pulled into the mouth to be 'tasted'/smelled in the jacobsen's organ, in the roof of the dog's mouth. They may also salivate more and whip this saliva into a froth.
  3. Gillybob, from memory, this may have something to do with a form of epilepsy .... Someone else is sure to provide more info :D
  4. Can't really help, sorry. Old dog, young dog? Brachy dog (like boxer nose) or longer muzzle? No chance she bumped her nose when the car stopped, or when she was looking out the window and you swerved or something? just keep her quiet, and cool, and if it happens again, get her to a vet for a check up :D
  5. Oh My Word wonderful photos!! that third one- with the adults' trunks making a protective frame around her............. absolutely gorgeous Thank you so much for sharing!
  6. If that brings you a smile at the end of a day then it's all good! Mind you, having multiple dogs,whose delight is running races around the house yard, and chasing the birds/rabbits- ours do have their excitement phase!! They don't miss out on pure enjoyment- Just not around humans. Guess I spent too long training dogs who were to be around the sight impaired, and fragile people of this world- where bouncy,excited dogs are a hazard. It became habit to keep them calm around people.
  7. It is possibly normal- but I tend to discourage dogs getting so excited ...
  8. newfsie- we do the same here!! Old small car tyres are wonderful for holding water buckets! So are the milk crates
  9. swimming means you only ever get the belly wet! boofhead this morning . (he is a 7 yr old Koolie X English Cocker, for those interested) and NO - I do not recommend this cross at all and , yes- he is fat!
  10. at least he didn't leave you waiting and wondering Gotta love labs !
  11. The plastic bags would worry me! They look interesting things to pull/chew I suggest a few buckets at different points- and yes, plastic ones eventually get chewed
  12. bit of a worry that a 6 week old had such a drastic worm burden. Blood transfusions are a very good thing
  13. nadz- the idea of raw meaty bones is that the dog eats the lot- meat/gristle/bone. so- NON WEIGHTBEARING bones- ie: not legs/shanks etc are the best to use, as they are somewhat softer Shanks can splinter- and they are very hard. Not ideal, IMO. if your boy gets red meat in his patties- and gets soft chicken bones for his chewing/calcium , that may balance out
  14. Indeed!! absorption may take a while to reach dangerous levels/become symptomatic. Just a thought- but may well be worth checking!!
  15. It could be reaction to some sort of neurotoxin.... any spraying of termites/weeds or anything at your place or neighbours? Anyone been spraying their boundary with insecticide or anything? Have the dogs dug in the garden? Do they have access to behind a shed or under the house where residue could be found? Do you have any treated pine where they can easily access it, or where it may be in contact with kennel/water bowl etc? Carpet- when was that cleaned? Any work out on the nearby footpath- spraying/new paths/painting....
  16. Ok- then may I recommend you get the services of s good trainer - who will come to your place, and see exactly what the behaviour is- then give you some 'tools' to get you back in control Ask on here in training or general, and there are bound to be recommendations !
  17. Have you put your hand on the surface? if you are not able to stand comfortably on it in bare feet- neither is your pup How long do you walk him? Perhaps he just gets tired quickly? A vet won't really be able to check for behavioural problems- however they CAN rule out joint problems, etc for you
  18. Hi- here are some threads you may find interesting. When someone here tells you to feed raw/meat- they do NOT mean just lean muscle meat .You are correct- this is in no way a good diet for pups/dogs. in these links you will find lots of information to provide your new dog with all his dietary needs , in a form he will enjoy! LINK 1 LINK 2 LINK 3 LINK 4
  19. Yep- vet check first. is he stopping in teh same place, or after the same amount of time? What time of the day? On what surface/s? In what sort of area/s? what is his body language? lying down rolling over panting hard ears back ears forward tail wagging tail down fidgeting staying still
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