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Everything posted by persephone
Unfortunately- many things are said which, in a conversation would be lost in the air... on a forum such as this, the words can be chosen with consummate care, they remain, so the meaning, perceived or real, is staring a poster in the face . These words then can be gathered up by others, added to, and used by them. The 'written' word will always have more power because of this ...and when combined with passion and skill, can be a very daunting display!
For a chunk of raw sweet potato?? LOL!
The report button is a useful tool - and the mods do a mighty job.!
No pics of her doing stuff- as the times we walk the rest of the household is in bed- and she doesn't stop still long enough(yet) for me to manouevre a camera and wave a treat ! I am thinking- she does get a 'special' treat for the 'wave' trick..maybe I should discontinue that now? here is 'her' thread... LINK
Those front ones look good ;)
;) I am not one for trick training in dogs- never have. April gets a bit of training each day.. not much- just something for her to think about She knows 'sit' and that she will not get a treat if she sits there with her mouth open/head moving. She comes when called, and will put her trotters up onto an indicated spot- like a log/chair/fence... That's about it.Oh- and she has always toileted on command. I'm slack . Now- I have been getting her to lift/wave one trotter when she is standing up on her box or whatever. She is now 'offering' ( is that the right term?) without being asked ;) I just ignore- call her off that position, and do a couple of sits etc..then throw in the command for what she offered. What can I do different so she doesn't anticipate? Shame she can't do it comfortably whilst sitting - BUT when she does try, her head nods- so I am now working on just the head movement Pigs bodies are such different mechanics to dogs- movements/reach etc. are interesting she gets treats for correct actions. My last pig loved pats/scratches- this little piggies just loves FOOD- altho I do icorporate a behind the ear rub with the treat(and a vocal praise). Thankyou (It's her first B/day soon !!!)
The vet obviously doesn't eat REALLY chewy apples ;) Our dogs have big bits of all sorts of carcasses- which they need to chew on a lot to eat. I am talking the sideways gnawing, using those moalrs, and exposing the tooth surfaces to teh abrasive action of the tendons/bones/skin, etc. A couple of crunches on a wing won't do anything- it's that side action which cleans teeth... like removing the meat from a leg, or a head of something, before crunching the bone Glad your guys were well behaved ;)
How Much Food For A 15 Week Old (indication)
persephone replied to GABBA's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
If your dog just swallows - chicken necks can be dangerous ;) they need to be slowly chewed..otherwise they may block his throat. maybe try a turkey neck , and let hiom have time to chew it? The ideal amount to feed is what your dog does well on, if he's ribby, feed a bit more. if he has NO waistline, and you can't feel his ribs at all- feed a bit less. The breeders should be able to point you in the right direction! -
Workshop And Home Dog , Can My Dog Be Both And A Seperation Question
persephone replied to mrsjohnno's topic in Puppy Chat
If she is not keen on the great outdoors(and it will be more that she is a baby and wants her pack around her)..then a large meaty bone or a turkey wing of a morning , given outside may encourage her another hint - NOW is a great time to do her basic training - in the backyard get her used to having collar and leash put on/taken off- get her happily sitting, etc, and also happily walking on a loose leash around the house/yard ..... Makes life so much easier then, when she gets out in teh world,PLUS it gives that beagle brain some work! -
WE tried Coprice at one stage... our dogs didn't like it (and they are NOT fussy) ..and it gave them all the runs If it's finances - then try lauckes Uncle Albers food .
Good news!!
;) yes!! it would be lovely to see pics
Allergy - My Poor Dog Is Getting Really Cranky!
persephone replied to Crazy Daisy's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
*nods* poor boy. -
Need Help Locating A Certain Type Of Dog Lead
persephone replied to a topic in General Dog Discussion
carabiner clips are ok- but really the connection between lead and collar should have a swivel,and carabiners don't have these. A swivel stops the lead and collar twisting.. Why not get a small carabiner and just hook it thru the other clip That way you have a swivel, still - but only have the carabiner to undo! -
Please don't use tape/cableties/string/pins... your pup could very well EAT them, and then be in trouble
Opshop blankets and newspaper warm enough and easily replaced.
Isn't he handsome ?
Brooke- just wanted to add my thanks for the work you do in fostering some of these kids. It is a work of love, and will go a long way to helping these kids heal and grow.
How Do Great Dane's Go On Great Barko
persephone replied to Bevo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Your pup doesn't need carrots or pasta every mouthful he eats needs to be full of things growing puppies require. I agree with the chicken frame (carcass) suggestion! Chicken necks, unfortunately are 'just' the shape/size to get stuck in a pup's throat and there is a real risk of choking try turkey necks/wings/chicken frames instead ;) Lots of meat/digestible bone, and a good source of the minerals he will use readily. -
How Do Great Dane's Go On Great Barko
persephone replied to Bevo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Pasta is only to save your purse- the dog will get nothing any good from it It is a waste of money- 'empty' calories, and not ideal for a growing puppy. -
Oops D P
So hard.
How Do Great Dane's Go On Great Barko
persephone replied to Bevo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Uncle Albers and Great Barko are an OK food- but do not take into account the specific needs of giant breeds/growing puppies. I feed both to our working dogs with good results, but would not feed either to pups .