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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I would try a vet who takes this seriously A dog's pads should NOT be bleeding/cracked.... poor dog. Any photos?
  2. I wouldn't use it- for the sensitivity of the dog's nose regular brushing is ideal for short haired dogs Use a good quality bristle brush and a rubber grooming mitt
  3. That was my question... what does your vet say?Was she Ok at her post natal checkup? Any baby puppies who may not appear quite 'right' can indeed go downhill at a great rate. You say you don't know how much milk 'mum' has- are her boobs rounded and looking full.. or are they flabby? When you gently squeeze a nipple- does milk appear readily? Are the puppies tummies round looking, or is there a 'dip' behind their ribs? A temperature check of mum would be my first job ..... then you have an idea of what may be happening What mixture are you using to bottle feed the babies?Are they sucking well? Is Mum cleaning them happily?
  4. What did your vet say might be the problem? Do his feet still sweat? has he been tested for a fungal infection ? What is the rest of his skin like ? Does he spend a lot of time on concrete? Do you regularly use bleach or cleaner where he walks ? Boots sound great- but it would be nice to maybe fix the problem, if possible
  5. a combination of being overweight ( will keep her warmer AND make arthritis pain worse )having a long coat,and having the carpet may well be making her just a bit too hot to be comfortable Do you have a photo of this girl? of course she chooses to be with you- you are her 'pack', her family.Dogs are built to be with their pack.... What treatment is she on for the arthritis pain? Maybe that needs checking/changing ?
  6. Did the vet check her over well? heart/lungs, mobility/urine.... ? Panting is not really normal... it usually means a dog is stressed or ill, or hot. I would check with the vet again... or maybe another vet ?
  7. Good for you in looking after them for so long It's not really 'forgetting' - It's their bodies wearing out, and just not being able to 'hang on' anymore Sounds as if there is senility setting in as well.... what does your vet suggest? perhaps some gentle help from medication would make things a bit more peaceful?
  8. Maybe, instead of keeping her stimulated- you do her LONG walk/obedience before you go - so she is more inclined to want to just rest ;)Kongs are useful ..
  9. I didn't think cameras were permitted at most live concerts/performances?
  10. Yep charcoal, being a solid mineral, passes thru , and the diluted black ends up looking somewhat green
  11. Hoping your girl is not any worse today
  12. poor girl.. she sounds quite distressed . Could be pain from anal glands or tummy ... or anywhere.. .could well be the new walker , if she hates that sort of thing!... hope you can help her .
  13. Yep- I worked that out way back when, as a kid I watched the so called 'wild' footage- and you could tell by settings/animal body language, that a lot was artificial very sad.
  14. It sounds a bit extreme for shifting a sleeping spot- but I don't know your dog. Is she otherwise behaving normally? toilet/eating/runningaround/playing, etc? My first thought was a pain reaction.... It could well be an anxiety thing is the other dog still allowed on the bed? Which is the 'top dog' in the little pack? perhaps this has confused the dogs?
  15. my brain is fried - I meant to suggest a couple of de gas capsules,and an acidopholus capsule as well..as soon as possible after the pig-out. Hamlet occasionally does this- and the de gas certainly make a BIG difference!!
  16. Love the second one! *thinks how silly those dogs look with singlets on *
  17. I had two terriers as a youngster- My first, a mini foxie given me when I was 7 - was with me for 14 years..and was the most loyal little dog!! She was also an aggro one used to fight with our lab bitch... She was fearless and fit and the perfect companion for a bush kid My second terrier was , we think a dachsie/terrier mix. She also was fiercely loyal, a watchdog, a sheepdog with very very shortlegs, full of fun, and adaptable. IF I get a choice, a terrier will be my next dog
  18. bobchic- I think a visit from an experienced trainer/behaviourist would be very helpful for you There is a lot of confusion in your household, with different rules and behaviours for each dog.... and your OH's attitude is also adding to the confusion. I think assessment /advice from a professional would help you work out a plan to keep harmony,stop the humping, and explain what is happening, and why
  19. If I could afford it - the mobile vet would be the go ....I believe it is a good thing that the other animals know their mate is dead .... I am so sorry it is his time - you have been toigether a long while, and there will be a big hole left.
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