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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I am thinking of Jed... and hoping she will be kept unaware for a bit longer, so her body at least will be somewhat stronger for what is to come. More prayers and thoughts sent .I am sure all our candles /prayers and thoughts helped her may they continue to do so.
  2. Agreed! Been there, done that! Literally Had to laugh tho .. our now ancient , but once best yard dog , Freddie was a real noise maker. I had occasion to meet his dad once in a shearing shed full of hot woolly, immoveable sheep. The old boy was obviously experienced, and getting a bit slow in body. he was sitting on top of the woollies at the back of the yard, and going at it very loudly! His human was doing all the work, tho.. in amongst the sheep, pulling and pushing them into position, and lovingly cursing his old mate up the back They had been together about 10 yrs ... and the old boy was being given his reward
  3. Agreed. people entering this competition will perhaps not be the world's best owners- however they WILL want a dog as a valued part of their farm. Good working dogs are worth heaps of money..and one which comes with assistance in the training side would be seen as very desirable. I also would think by reading the promo posted that the dogs are NOT puppies?( I didn't see the word PUPPY mentioned?) - they want something which can start to be useful ASAP... a few months old at least.. Dogs are treated differently when they are part of a working property....Most are certainly not bought on impulse because they are cute puppies..and if they do have problems severe enough to hinder work, or interaction with humans/dogs/stock- then they usually are shot, rather than pass the problems along to someone else. Dogs which may be too hard/soft for one person, can often be 'swapped' with a neighbour... it may sound horrible- but for those of you reading this, it IS a bit different to your own pets, as these dogs are brought up to see their WORK as the source of most of their reward/excitement/releas. Humans are the leaders,and yes, they get praise and company and food.. but the dogs are not the person's life, usually.... So , A Kelpie out of puppyhood as a prize ? Hmmm.. maybe not the most acceptable thing to do , but not the worst thing.IMO . The quantity is surprising... on perusing their website the dogs seem to be able to do their job .. perhaps business is slow, and they need to find places for unsold dogs?
  4. Sorry for losing your boy .FD re: your question... all I can think of is a bleed in the airway ....
  5. Sounds like he has been bombarded with all sorts of chemicals ,whatever the problem. That can't be doing him much good. I hope that someone can get accurate info and whatever it is can be treated. Re: the diet- may I suggest stick to what he is being fed- changing food now will just add to the confusion;)..and may upset his tummy . Good point! edit to remove rubbish
  6. How horrible How are things now?
  7. Logistically it would have been difficult for anyone BUT the RSPCA - yes, they were there when it was needed, and made sure the animals werr safe
  8. Now we'll never know what an original photograph is . BTW- did anyone else notice that each 'doctored' pic is quite a bit lighter than the original?
  9. I would worry also what the poor pup may have ingested (or breathed in) at the party Did they use the correct dosage of flea treatment?
  10. I just received news via elsewhere that the latest update was positive, too. :rolleyes:
  11. Poor pup does sound as if it is pain of some sort-- whether from some gut trouble, allergies or ?? What do the breeders say? What were the blood tests FOR ? I would definitely be contacting the breeders... .and also checking EXACTLY what chemicals this pup has been exposed to .. vacc's, worming.flea stuff, baths, and whatever else. Did anything change or get done to the pup in the day preceding the behaviour?
  12. I start any pups at 3 weeks---- with BONES . I give large bones..like roo tail or beef/sheep pelvis/shanks with quite a lot of meat on .. I score/slash at the meat.. then put a few bones in with the babies. They sniff, and suck, and lick and then chew... and have a ball!! I hate using slops-IMO, it is hard for littlies to co ordinate their heads/legs/tongues at this stage... whereas sucking meat off a large bone is easy.. and rewarding, and quickly leads naturally to chewing They can also lie down when doing it ...without getting messy . I hate messy sticky faces /paws ..... After a few days of this- I also introduce dry puppy kibble .. ours don't seem to have trouble with it. (koolies and koolie x's ) Once they are eating the kibble well, they start lapping at water as well... and are well on the road to independence
  13. hey, mousie- I agree with STITCH - feed her her favourite- just 2/3 the quantity She needs to have something to enjoy and look forward to
  14. Zackly! He is a BABY!! He needs to eat, sleep LOTS... and have a few minutes playtime every so often.
  15. I would also go with a dog who has been fostered - an adult of calm and known temperament would make life a lot more pleasant for your mum Sounds a great environment for the right dog!
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