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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I always use Supercoat puppy for ours , and LOVE the results pups grow well, poo is not in huge quantities ,or loose, and the pups are shiny coated , and satisfied. By all means change to a better brand ..BUT feed her on this for the first week or two- so as not to upset her tummy ... there will be all sorts of changes happening, one more is unneccesary when you DO find a food you want to use- then GRADUALLY decrease the supercoat, and add the new food each day until she is only eating the new food
  2. Oops- poor penny As you said tho- it would have been worse if left - Don't blame yourself- adrenaline does make us do things we wouldn't normally .
  3. dagmar- Jaxx'sBuddy is taking the dog to the vet this morning- this has been going on for a week - and there is more detail on symptoms in post 5 Jaxx;s buddy- hope everything went ok this morning!
  4. Last night , I was searching for free editing prog's ( use a few different ones- depending on what I'm doing - they are all different) and found THIS little gem yes, it is limited- but does do the basics quite well, and at 1.9 MB won't clog up the works!! ;)
  5. After reading the dedicated UPDATE thread .. HERE am going to light another candle
  6. Well I would DEFINITELY be back at the vet's tomorrow morning and asking them for a better check> What was her temperature ? Gum colour? Did they even do any thing but feel her tummy? poor little girl - there seems to be something not right . Hopefully THIS time they will do some sort of procedure to check her stomach etc.
  7. Take her back to the vet. Sorry - but feeling a dog's belly alone will not find a blockage Does she have vomiting? Diarrhoea? A hunched-up appearance? A droopy tail? Is she drinking less/more? What sort of poo is there? watery? slimy? smelly?gassy? Not trying to diagnose- just "an upset tummy" is not much info
  8. Untl they get deleted or banned or something, anyway It is funny!
  9. Floodles indeed- do I sense a DOl infiltration?
  10. Thank you Toohey hang in there, jed- More prayers sent, and thoughts of healing.
  11. Just HOW much I enjoy both PICASA and my teeny little sony DSCN1 ?? here is why - took just a few minutes from snap to post - the ideal lazy/non-tech person's combination ;)
  12. Trouble iwth baby snakes is they have not yet learnt to control their venom output- so when they bite, you can get the whole lot! Mind you with smaller mouths/fangs there is some comfort .....
  13. yep- our two bitches started their new relationship about 6 mths ago...and now cannot be left unsupervised . they both sleep in Mum's room .. and are fine with that - but often the body language is very tense outside. It's a pain in the whatsit !
  14. Can you give both senile delinquents ( we have two the same!) a HW bottle and a little something sweet to drink/eat? They will both be a bit shocky, maybe.. .and I find this helps when our two go at it. One of our old girls shivers & shakes ..... the extra warmth/sugar helps. Oh- and teh same for their mum!
  15. yes... I am hoping that her brain will have subconsciously done some sorting/assimilating and so it will be not quite such a fearsome blow.More candles and prayers ....
  16. Oh, dear - injuries are worse than I first thought :D I guess with him obligingly sticking his head or leg thru the hole , he was effectively trapped. poor boy. Hopefully the swelling will start to go down as antibiotics and other drugs take effect. Thoughts and prayers sent. The neighbours do not sound as if they are going to be nice to live next door to I am sorry that it is all such a mess.
  17. Voloclydes- 'free' air time is not much good if the information the public receives is inaccurate and delivered poorly. and that's an excellent way to live However, if you are in the public eye , and these faults cause what you do to be impacting badly on people's livelihoods/dreams- then some faults should be corrected .
  18. If it is possible- I would love to see a dedicated updates thread .
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