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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Thanks for the update, Toohey , and glad you could visit and cry and share
  2. Unless he is not properly toilet trained- I would suggest locking him indoors every night :D YOU then know exactly where he is - he cannot learn the habit of barking at rats/cats/possums/jets/neighbours/neighbourhood dogs... he also cannot eat anything thrown over the fence/try jumping fences in the dark ! It is in a dog's nature to dig, to roll in human excrement, and pee on all sorts of objects- but these things are not acceptable in our society..and neither is any more than a warning bark ,in suburbia .So - we take steps to ensure these things happen only on the odd occasion . Good for you in keeping him in tonight, and I hope that sleeping indoors will help :D
  3. Yoiks! I would certainly be photographing /filming to show the dog's owner .. ( Can u film using welding gloves? ) :D I too am not sure of the cattle prod ..it may well send him running- but it may also aggravate him :D a bit scary - there by yourself with a large aggressive dog... I wouldn't do it.
  4. Everyone looks very cosy 'night, Jed, and those keeping vigil .
  5. s for you. I am sorry Leo had to leave in such a way. Run fast & sure over the bridge, leo.
  6. erny- I took 'safe' literally as in not toxic.....
  7. Oh- apologies- I thought he was in an outdoor pen . Bother I can understand your frustration. what about treatball things - set to 'genius' Not chewing, but thinking and moving...... Why not have a browse HERE?
  8. he doesn't 'have' to be occupied all day . He also needs to learn to relax/sleep when left alone When he's bored with his bone/kong- then he can just sleep.... When you are home ,I am sure he gets plenty to do
  9. Your puppy is not vaccinated fully yet- please do not expose her to areas where other dogs go a lot regarding getting out of her collar- if you use a martingale she will not be able to .. or if you do a flat collar up tight enough she will also not be able to! it is all your responsibility .. to set her up so she just CANNOT make too many mistakes
  10. and this is why you go to an obedience club- or get a trainer to help you YOU are the human- the one in charge- it is your responsibilty to TEACH her how walk comfortably on a leash & collar.. she won't automatically do it..and ,believe me, it can be done on a flat collar ... with you being educated- all sorts of things are possible!! She is such a baby yet- she has lots to learn from you. THIS LINKmay get you thinking as to what is needed now, and what can be done ;) The trick is to get information from different sources-- and after you learn lots, and beging to understand your pup- then you can use what works best for your pup. Pup/dog training is NOT "one size fits all" !
  11. Goldee- in answer to your question..ONE person does the deciding/training - the others reinforce it and...a HARNESS is something which goes around the dog's body. A HEADCOLLAR (brand names, Halti,gentle leader, etc ) goes on the dog's head. If you want to use a headcollar .. (and I cannot see why, on such a baby puppy), please CLICK HERE for lots of discussion on the use/abuse of them, and their suitablity. Why don't you want to use a plain flat collar?
  12. She is 9 weeks old? She won't be teething until around 5 months of age ;) re: the feeding. Canned food is mostly water . waste of money, and not much nutrition. Whose dog is she? Why are 'the other people' feeding her??? Don't you live there, or what? perhpas see that She gets a good breakfast - (NOT cereals)...meat/puppy kibble. a meaty bone to chew on/play with during the day ..a meal when you get home...and a light snack for supper. If 'the others' really want to feed her.. why don't YOU prepare a meal for her and leave in the fridge? That way she is getting what you want to feed her... and they think they are doing their bit. She will benefit from bones every day chicken wings/turkey necks... all sorts . I don't like chicken necks much for anything bigger than cavs.. I worry about them getting stuck in the oesophagus but that's just me . personally I don't understand why they are wanting to feed her at all.......
  13. Sounds as if teh dogs have regressed ,maybe due to you being away? Who was looking after them? I also recommend going back to basics. They need calm and consistent housetraining again. They are not evil- just a bit confused and needing your help.
  14. I have always found mice/chicken wings to satisfy them longer- without really filling their belly .Quality over quantity My first job at 17 y o was raising a large litter os OESD's. They mainly ate weetbix/milk..I have never used it since
  15. It is perfectly safe- but totally unneccesary Dogs do not need cereals/milk. Fill her up with good meat/bones, or a proper puppy kibble.her body does not require , or deal well with, cereal. Porridge would be better than weetbix if you MUST feed stuff like that... but it is only a cheap way of filling the puppy up- if you think about it.... did your pup's ancestors grow up munching on wheat/oat crops? Did they go round milking cows? No. They hunted animals/birds/fish..and ate everything, including bones and skin, eyeballs and fur. They also occasionally ate ripe fruit /berries on their travels ..and some fresh green soft grass.
  16. Nods politely to those still half-asleep Morning Jed- here, the birds are very noisy- dew covers every leaf/blade of grass, and the sun is warming things up . I hope today sees you feeling more comfortable *puts tray full of hot crumpets, buttered and ready for honey or fig jam, on the table, and goes to light a candle, in thankfulness of the DOL spirit *
  17. Hi Sorry, jed- have not been able to visit for a couple of days - hope you are resting and healing . *goes to light candle*
  18. <<<Please Please any idea's anyone on how to rid these mice, traps are set but just dont seem to go off when they take the stuff off,>>> yep :D buy the grey plastic traps from your supermarket ..'Safe &Sure'. http://www.flickr.com/photos/binjy/4495242494/ Bait the little disk with a SMEAR -not a spoonful- of peanut butter, or partially melted parmesan cheese .. set and wait for the snap! Set traps so the mice can easily enter from the front of the trap... not the side. Sorry- buttons for quotes, links etc not working
  19. X2 A wild animal may well reject/cannibalise young if they smell humans on them. A dog living its life closely with a family ? Should not be the case.
  20. OK, but - I wouldn't be rushing to put a dog on aspirin without vet advice. ... If you are concerned about pain levels. get the vet to give you some dog-appropriate pain relief - or see if you can get a consult with a specialist? My sugestion would be to ask in this forum about Panosteitis . Start a new thread. I remember threads about it in the past- and folks can share their tips and solutions
  21. Morning all ! oops- sorry that seemed a bit loud .. I woke up some dogs Thanks for the update toohey - well done, jed. Think I'll just sit quietly somewhere for now... while you lot eat the crumpets I brought . here--- they're pan fried in butter, and ther's a jar of honey
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