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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I hace actually saved a bit of money so I can buy this - have much enjoyed the beta version ..and am now addicted! It makes SUCH a difference ! - esp for those of us with little point/shoot cameras .
  2. Or... "caution, tear gas dispenser" ?
  3. Oh dear! I guess it had to come- dogs aren't allowed to have naturally shaped ears- they aren't allowed to smell/bark play rough... eat bones.. and now their anuses are offensive It looks like they have those car airfresheners hanging on their tails!!
  4. if they are outside security dogs- then I guess it doesn't matter that they are dirty/smelly...they probably have little human contact. If they are matted so they have trouble walking, or their eyes are partially covered- then that's something that would be acted upon by the RSPCA, I would think. if they are outside dogs in a yard , with no opportunity to swim or roll in grass- yep- they will be pretty ordinary looking if the owners don't pay much attention to them. Our dogs never go to a vet unless it's an emergency .. they never get bathed , or groomed They swim/roll in the sand , tho ,and look pretty shiny
  5. You may like to have a look on THIS page if you want a NEW, cheap, simple-to-use camera for around that price.
  6. persephone


    Oh :D so sorry, peibe.
  7. Poor Lincoln ... if his gut is so inflamed and roughened- perhaps that's what the ultrasound picked up? Hopefully you get some good news today
  8. they start around 5 mths and finish up around 6 ,from memory. Are you also wondering when she will stop chewing , perhaps
  9. I am SO glad you took him for the second opinion - been there, done that with Hamlet - I know how you will be feeling.
  10. Just popping by - I see the curtain on jed's window is still drawn against the cold I thought the nightshift might enjoy a scrabble board ..here, and a few Reader's Digest Condensed Books Oh- and some hot donuts! Sleep well, jed. May tomorrow bring even more strength . 'night, all.
  11. Sorry you lost your girl... and sorry the autopsy didn't help find out why. What did her breeder say- did they have any ideas?
  12. Fingers crossed the drool is just from feeling really nauseous.... a simple bug . best of luck it is easy fixed
  13. Sorry, dogglesworth- butwhat a gorgeous image of her to keep in your heart!! Run free , seven .
  14. oops Don't feed them anything- make sure they are drinking ..and see how they are tomorrow /If they still have diarrhoea tomorrow- perhaps phone your vet and ask advice? Ours love the wheat and corn !!
  15. Does she lick during the day? If she doesn't ....maybe a different bedding- to allow more room for the baby bumps would make her feel more comfy? :0 ??? No idea, sorry .
  16. the less fuss YOu make- the less fuss HE will make. Glad he will be home soon.
  17. If she's doing this because of puppy movements.. and there is no visible spots/rash - I wouldn't put anything topical on....as this then may lead her to try & lick it OFF She could be just a bit uncomfortable/with twinges....and be doing the only thing she knows to try & relieve it. If she is otherwise healthy- and there is no rash.. I would be making sure she is getting gentle exercise to help keep her muscles loose and active.... and maybe some distraction in the form of bones etc .
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