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Everything posted by persephone

  1. lilli- I think there was more than just a vaginitis discharge, from reading this bit.. I agree with the yeast/humidity connection ... treating those conditions in that part of the world must be a nightmare
  2. That site is entertaining ! So much leather, testosterone ..oOOhh and spikes !
  3. raw food has all the nutrients But it needs to be fed by using all parts of an animal- bone/muscle/offal/skin/cartilage.... and you may add a small amount of veg,dairy,oil.... only chicken frames is fine for a short term diet... just not for months/years. Have fun with food!
  4. I can'treally be of much help , I'm sorry . What a worry for you, having a pup of your dreams , but finding she is not 100%. I am concerned the breeder sold her knowing of a problem Sounds as if she was full of infection as well as having the swallowing trouble - Ican't imagine how you would have been feeling. It's a hard one. I guess knowing exactly what the problem is with the swallowing would then enable you to make a decision on her future. Tough call. The incontinence ? could be a bladder infection ..or could be other things- hope you get it sorted. Oh- and I doubt it would be hair balls- dogs do not groom themselves with their tongue as much as cats . licking can be a sign of nausea , though! I wish you strength and I hope it all works out for you.
  5. Oh .. Vale Magnus. What wonderful piece of writing for TBCSPITW. Amen
  6. Stress will do it ... that is not saying there may not be another physical cause. first- STOP feeding all sorts of things...incl. table scraps . if she is happy eating chicken frames... then feed her chicken frames. if you want to feed table scraps- feed them in her bowl, at mealtime. If she eats these well and happily... then that's what she gets. After a few days , if all seems well , (IF she is still not eating well .. and/or if you notice anything odd .. then a vet check would be advised!!) start gradually adding some different meat ... perhaps she has decided she would like a lovely raw diet , please ,mum Have a read HERE for lots of helpful raw feeding discussion
  7. me too.. it's not terribly visible unless you are near it.. set flat into the lawn near a path.... Maybe phone the tourist office?
  8. Ofetn if the bite is quick- there will be little slobber . It's when a dog hangs on /chews, that there is slobber.
  9. I can't remember where, either, and I have seen it a couple of times It's a lovely thing... *goes googling....
  10. It's great to read that you take him places Why I ask about the walk... is that he seems to only ever do stuff which is exciting and energetic. Having him on a bed calmly indoors, or going for long borning walks may help him to just relax, and to not be so responsive. he is doing a lot of stuff for a pup.. I imagine he is 'switched on' pretty well all the time. he is , I will suggest so hyper, because that is the lifestyle you give him. he CAN be calm and settle- he does it every night :D Why? because he is inside, he has boundaries,and he is not stimulated. So - he CAN do it- you need to show him how. You obviously don't have hiim on leash when inside ;) Bring him in ON leash. attach teh leash to your belt, or loop another leash around your waist to do so. that way- it is YOUR responsibilty to keep his 4 feet on teh ground. His teenage brain, full of excitement and stuff, needs calm leadership. wander around, doing what you normally do.. he will be only 2 feet away from you at any time... so can not jump/chase, whatever. be CALM .. no high voice/energetic praise...and not much conversation. If you are in the kitchen or whatever- maybe give him a bone ,in his crate.. in the lounge/kitchen. This way he learns that being indoors = be still and calm... which is something missing in his life generally. It certainly won't happen quickly... and it will be hard work, A professional can be of great assistance to you .. and will help get you over this rough patch ;)
  11. :D so your aunt's dog was out the front, with no lead, and no fence? A risky thing, if so, ;) what type of dog is your aunt's dog? To get a decent bit on top of the neck like that - the biter would be quite a bit larger than the bitee, i would think? Nasty for everyone.
  12. I would not allow anyone with a dog/cat to sit my house either
  13. This is a bad plan in a few ways Throwing treats to a dog ... what if the dog is allergic to beef/colourings/corn syrup or whatever ? :D For multiple dogs, this apparent kindness could indeed lead to the death of one or more dogs Not recommended ... have a read HERE for some discussion on use of electric fencing. It could be used to keep your guys away from the actual fence... What about 'ping string'?
  14. Good to read of some progress
  15. Perhaps she may have to have a day or two crated- with breaks for toilet (off the deck....every couple hours? When she does go.. then praise her..... and leave her free for an hour or so . If no action.. straight back into the crate ....wiat a while....... toilet opportunity offered.... and repeat
  16. If a drain was inserted like that- in all probabilty there was quite a decent injury under teh skin. Small punctures are indeed best left open.... however, deep/bites with underlying tissue destruction are very likely to have pockets in which infection will quickly set up ...also they may not heal well.. damage possibly was'cleaned up', re attached and drained... I would be asking the vet ... explain yiour aunt is old, and got a shock at seeing her dog.
  17. Oh... and you may enjoy reading THIS THREAD
  18. At 8 weeks- it is a behaviour puppies do with each other, but not all teh time. Yes, it can just be from being excited. My suggestion is to change the way he is being played with. No 'wrestling'/letting him clamber over you, etc. instead, maybe throw balls etc for him.... and then quietly praise him when he is playing nicely. Excited 'baby' voices, lots of physical contact- rolling him around.. this will all just stimulate him and may cause the reaction of humping. I also agree with the get up and walk away strategy- NO talk, or eye contact- just up and go.
  19. Why not give him lamb flaps, or BARF patties, or roo meat?
  20. May I suggest you do some work with your dogs first get someone's help, and check what they are like with dog friendly felines..also other cats who may run. two largeish dogs like yours, and a skittish kitten may not be the nest combination. IMO- any cat can be brought up to be good with dogs... it;s the dogs which may not be good with cats WE have 3 cats and numerous dogs.All the cats are fine with dogs- but we do have a couple of the dogs who would cheerfully kill the cats
  21. They are just gorgeous pics of the littlies....
  22. Hi, Jed. I hope you and your friend are getting all help and support for coping with early release. Go gently ... ((hug)) Back to that interview - of course it was edited .. they all are- but you did look terrific ,and caring
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