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Everything posted by persephone

  1. The niece's OH - I hope he is in the doghouse!! That is a very weird thing to do :D
  2. Grace- dogs bark for a reason :D if you give us some history/info we may be able to help you find the reason/s and perhaps ways to manage it .
  3. Pipsal- yes, they do need quarantine -ie: keeping them away from your dog/s etc until they have been vaccinated. But, as said.. they would have shown signs of illness before now if they had any nasties. Are they travelling by your car or with a company? Unvacc'd pups travelling would be a bit of a worry for me.. they are vulnerable to whatever may be lurking in crates, etc .... Tho I would hope crates are disinfected etc. The vet certainly got his/her knickers in a knot!!!
  4. Don't worry about food ;) they can go well on very little for a few days .So long as they are hydrated ..and if he is at the vets he may well be on a drip .. he'll be fine for today.
  5. When my dog had a blockage ( leaves and small sticks) it did not show on xray. he was then given little barium balls ( like ball bearings) .. and then xrayed several times as they moved thru. Of course they stopped at the obstruction...so the vets knew 'where to dig'. he recovered 100%. Hoping your dog has something which is easy fixed!
  6. Why does he? Cos he's a pup- and the food smells good, and it is there where he can get it! Simple answer- do not leave food out for your cats- feed them once or twice a a day .. away from the pup, or place bowls high up ..or in a room fenced off iwth a baby gate or something.
  7. Just remember- if there is a foreign body ,like cloth/cork/corncob - it may not show up on ordinary xrays!! Hope all is ok soon.
  8. Our working dogs didn;t do at all well on coprice didn't like it, didn't hold weight, more poo... Bonnie working dog used to be fantastic- then it was bought out by that big company they changed it.. and while it's ok- it's nowhere near what it was . we will still use t sometimes tho.. prefer Uncle Albers/Great Barko now ....
  9. Way back in the eighties , I was using Calcium for lab bitches who were getting tired ... some calcium- a brisk walk up and down a few steps, .. and things would start happening again
  10. All I can suggest is if it out walking- then a comfortable basket muzzle will physically prevent him doing it .
  11. That's good, but we didn't know .
  12. The behaviour may indeed stop- however, there are other things which also may happen . Please, for dealing with assumed aggression get a professional to ASSESS the situation, and then physically SHOW you how strategies suiting your dog/circumstance will be used.
  13. This is a very dangerous habit ! he can pick up all sorts of worms/disease! maybe not let him off leash .. or make him wear a decent basket muzzle (like a greyhound muzzle) ( which you will then have to clean dog poop off as he tries to sniff/eat th estuff ) YUCK You may also want to feed him a good mineral /enzyme supplement - I don't know of a name off hand, but I'm sure someone will help.
  14. Oops. I would think passionfruit skin is pretty well indigestible- so yes, he would get rid of it! Hopefully that was the trouble, and hope he's ok now... The dogs wouldn't get NEAR any passionfruit vine I had --- It would be behind a locked gate!! i LOVE EM
  15. Looking at that smile- so full of joy and love- there is no way you could have made that handsome boy's life happier R I P Diesel.
  16. You do such a great job, both in composition and clarity, and post-production treatment . ... I love looking at your work . numbers 3,7 ,9 are ones I especially like
  17. but, we MUST have a phot now, as proof what a nice story...
  18. No judge- useless at technicalities... I LOVE that first one !! The rest do nothing for me .. altho they may be technically wonderful ..and they all have interesting shapes/lighting. The first one has the branch beautifully highlighted/lit..there is just enough detail in the buildings to get me interested...and I love the light patterns
  19. Some folks feed twice a day forever ;) I prefer it for my dogs when I can - .
  20. I am so sorry, dianed. I know what it's like .. ;)
  21. No advice ..just a ;) You will be an expert in special dietary cooking ! two crook chooks needing extra care ... Thinking of you.
  22. If you can see swelling each side of the penis- usually it is normal, and is a sign that he is aroused/excited.... neutered dogs can also have this- they do not have to be entire. he lives with you, or are you minding him? The swelling may not be a cause of his aggression, but a result? he may be aroused by whatever behaviour he is carrying on on with. The increased aggression would be my worry, not the swelling ... Does he normally let you examine him in such a way? THIS has some info ... If the swelling is very obvious, and in other areas... then a vet check is a good plan.
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