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Everything posted by persephone

  1. :rolleyes: yep. but think about it. A 14 week old puppy skin is a fragile environment . It has its own oils.flora and structure- it is a living microcosm , basically. Attack it with something like malaseb - which is recommended for all sorts of fungal/bacterial/excess oil -producing disorders ..and the whole chemistry is thrown out of whack. Human babies- are they bathed in anti-dandruff shampoo at a few months/years old? Nooooo.. they have very gentle and pH neutral stuff , because they have sensitive skin! Think of your puppy in the same vein... A puppy has enough to deal with... vaccinations making its immune system work overtime- new environment-new foods, chemicals EVERYWHERE on/in the home ....
  2. To me it just means that she's awake When sleeping, kidney/bowel function slow right down.... but when awake and lively, then, of course everything is working! Why not shut the crate door at night? Or have you tried this , I can't remember, sorry. If she has the run of the laundry... it's warm, and perhaps light.. then she will want to be doing stuff ... Any reason you don't have her in a crate in your room?
  3. Sorry for the loss of these babies... may they learn to frolic over the bridge ...
  4. look at that little face :rolleyes:
  5. If he is nibbling at his feet , etc- he may well have an allergy, and sometimes where they chew leaves saliva, which then , if there are enough bacteria.. can smell. if so, then the fun starts! NOT. Trying to find teh source of allergies is usually not easy .... The more you wash a pup- the more natural oils etc are removed from the skin/coat, and the less protection the pup has against things which can affect skin .....
  6. When I worked in acquiring dogs for a Pets as Therapy program ..so many of them were adolescent /young adult labs- mostly male :D :D I eventually just had to say no to people over the phone .. large untrained (and entire) labs were NOT what I had time or money to spend effort on, unfortunately. I just had to put this in :rolleyes: slightly When my brother was a toddler we acquired a lab ( This is nearly 50 yrs ago..it was a very big deal!!! ) .. and she was just wonderful as a nanny dog .She lived outside only .. but, being bush kids, we were outside mostly, too - and she got heaps of attention/exercise :D She was very gentle with us .. and when we tied a rope to her collar, she would pull my brother everywhere in his little go-kart! aahh.. thems were the days- when dogs & kids COULD grow up together ...hours and hours together everyday, and all we ever worried about was her running back to mum and 'telling on us' if we went out of bounds, or were fighting or in trouble :D Parental supervision? not all the time. If the dog knocked us over- well, we were more careful next time :D It happened . That lab, as I grew older I used to tie bits of rope around her and pretend she was a Guide Dog. around 20 years later---- guess what I did for a living? Trained Guide dogs! That labrador was a very important member of the family :D
  7. I agree with what the others have said - no malaseb unless he has a diagnosed skin problem- and the shampoo has been recommended for this . Keeping hair around his mouth short may help a lot get a vet check to see if he does, indeed have a yeats infection, or something elses the matter. his own smell may smell to you like meat- but perhpas that is just his smell? and "does it matter?" Yes, because it is part of this forum's rules.
  8. prednil is fantastic stuff. The mix of cortisone and antihistamine will definitely relieve the symptoms of itches/associated misery :D Glad you are both getting a rest! Hopefuly when you see the specialist an actual problem can be identified and a management/treatment plan put into place Many years ago - my old dog was on it permanently for multiple allergies. At that stage it was all I found to help him.. He was on it for probably 8 years .. and died eventually at almost 13 .
  9. Have your dog in a crate ( you will need to crate train your pup.. plenty of info on DOL!) or on a leash while you are watching TV or whatever? Perhaps, if you have no crate- provide dog with a mat/bed... tether him there (using a chain leash so it cannot be chewed and a bad habit established, and under supervision only!) with a treat , or a kong stuffed with goodies .. so he is calm and occupied and settled :D
  10. Cattle are smart- I'm sure he can be trained to do all sorts of things But start NOW - while he's small enough to handle :D yes! you only need 5 more
  11. from the RSPCA website. This email, and variants have been floating around for a few years ....
  12. This is an email originating in the USA. We do NOT have this mulch in Australia . Don't panic! :D
  13. A responsible owner provides for the dogs' physical and emotional needs to the best of their ability . A responsible owner also takes care their dog does not act in a manner which may cause problems to another person or animal. A responsible pet owner will take steps to prevent breeding of their dog/s .
  14. WE had a friesan steer many years ago as kids :D he grew HUUUUGE .. and even when fully adult and out in teh paddock would still try & get in teh car! Clarry his name was.. and we used to sit on him and play with him.... Mmmmmmmmm... cow breath........................... :) Sitting quietly listening to a cow chew its cud is a very relaxing thing ;)
  15. I feed occasional frames to pups/dogs (kelpie sized ) .. haven't had a problem yet. if your pup/dog is not used to chewing properly- maybe give her large chicken wings or turkey wings ... until she can chew well enough ...
  16. CW EW why not select and print out a lot of the posts?
  17. by the time the kid is old enough to do anything constructive with the dog.. the dog will be middleaged and probably fat & uneducated NOT a good combination. A young baby- another one due just as the lab hits that adolescent/young adult stage..... my advice is like the others. NOT a good plan for ayone's sake...
  18. Oh R I P Kobi - no more pacing, no more confusion.... run free with that goofy GR grin
  19. Lots of tips here! and Here (DOL thread)
  20. The growling/biting etc when you put a harness on, or restrain him is a bit concerning... what do you do/say when he does growl/bite? may I suggest that he only gets fed when he gets his harness on..and is polite about it he will soon catch on! It means polite, too - a growl and there is NO food.
  21. persephone


    indeed... however, people ,for some reason/s forget that with the experience and tuition of a professional at their side- they learn skills with which to address their dog's particular issues I was taught to train dogs using a chain collar .. correction/praise, correction/praise ... for walks of about 2 km at a time in one long straight line...day after day . The dogs did get habituated into walking straight... and as there was no 'reward' at the end of the walks.. the excitement levels dropped waaay down . In a VERY short space of time, the chain collar was mostly hanging at its slackest ..and a mere jingle was all that was needed to remind teh dog that something needed doing Once this state is achieved, THEN we could add in things like other dogs, free runs in a park ....
  22. I'm very glad he is now in good hands.. just don't expect him home too soon- if he is not keeping food down, then he should be hospitalised and kept on a drip , etc. Hope you get some positive news very soon !
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