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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ok- it doesn't take much encouragement (thank you for it! ) This one is called "WoodWool"
  2. a good reason to contact a professional , I think ....
  3. Thanks, kirislin Ha! maybe tonight I will have a look again - I just got enthused yesterday Doesn't happen often these days . I photographed a likely looking surface - and, using layers etc made it my 'texture' . It was fun , so I shall try again , definitely!
  4. I don't have photoshop... but using a 'texture' I photographed , photo pos. pro and picasa - my two free editing programs, and a couple of hours freezing in the room where puter lives .. I managed this - and am fairly pleased with myself for a first attempt !!
  5. Op shop blankets/towels /quilts No stuffing ... and no challenge of 'unwrapping' the delicious foam/fibre stuffing which is in the canvas/hessian
  6. Yep - dogs have many behaviours that we, as mere humans cannot really accept is being shown by 'our babies' We load our dogs up with all sorts of expectations a lot of the time ...and are brutally brought back to earth when they do something so ..... animal! I agree with separating them at mealtimes - feed them out of sight of each other - and immediately remove bowls when they have finished. When they are together- leave out fairly low value toys.... and plenty of them . Don't give Charlie any attention /sympathy when she warns him off - and just breathe
  7. X2 - after all, she is their puppy , and I guess they have guidelines for socialisation .
  8. Perhaps she is SO used to toileting on command that she hangs on , waiting for the magic words...until she just HAS to go ? ..Just a thought...
  9. So Glad he is all better now That is one very CUTE little foxy face :rolleyes:
  10. Does he use those puppy pad things? With a doggy smell- and a texture soft on the pads, bedding may remind pups of their pee pad things? He could have been marking- but it sounds a bit early ...
  11. at least he would be keeping himself warm!!
  12. I wouldn't leave a coat on an unattended young puppy all day - too many things could go wrong (maybe). Make sure there is HEAPS of bedding in his kennel ... lots! old towels , old blankets lots for him to tunnel, in/snuggle in. If he doesn't like his kennel- why not put his crate outside, under cover... with a strudy cover over it? leave him LARGE bones that he cannot possibly chew up ... just to play with. a couple of elbie-sized cardboard cartons for him to sit in/chew up .... Lreave him interactive toys- like well stuffed kongs ... treat ball/s tennis balls, soccer balls ( teach him that they can be chased/bumped around teh yard ...our youngsters love em :rolleyes: ) as long as he somewhere draft free and in a sunny spot - a kennel FULL of bedding ( NOT just a flat mattress on the floor- they provide no warmth, really) he will be fine. Our pups are all outside .. and it gets to minus 5 here of a night/morning They are lying in the sun now,soaking it up - it is 7 degrees.
  13. I agree with poodlefan - contact a good behaviourist . Your dog is also just in his prime- at 2 yrs he is finally fully mature- and this may be playing a part.
  14. Why not give pup a meaty bone or meal in the crate or outside ...
  15. I just stuck my beanie on his funny face
  16. Nice to read that she can now gaze out on her world comfortably! :D
  17. Someone commented on HAMLET's nam yesterday- said "It is a very distinguished name for a *dead air gap*" I filled in the gap with "Mongrel" ? :rolleyes: Everyone was happy
  18. I agree! Our pups get scruffed the very first time they nip... when very small. Usually only takes once...one has to know when and how to apply it tho! I have queries of citronella as an aversive too- my dogs have never shown any sign of trying to avoid it- and I used to use it everywhere..as a fly/mozzie repellant/deodoriser .... Don't now, cos Mum doesn't like the smell... Is there any info on it ?- I know ingestion is dangerous- but that is the case of lots of stuff we use on our dogs , or around the house...it's scary .
  19. in 750 ml or a litre (like most spray bottles) is not a great amount...Don't they use citronella in no-bark collars? before I realised it was used as a deterrent- our dogs used to be rinsed in water containing a few drops of citronella ..to keep mozzies at bay .I never noticed a problem with using it like this.
  20. Perhaps the liver- does he get that most days? try using some of his normal food for a few sessions- or a bit of cooked chicken? See if that makes a difference...
  21. What other things does he eat? bones? treats? scraps? rawhide? fruit?
  22. oh- and for those whose dogs enjoy the water spray - adding a good glug of vinegar, or a couple drops of citronella oil soon stops that!
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