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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Maybe he is just maturing/growing and has lost some 'puppy' fat? Have you changed any exercise/training routines/times? perhaps he has lost weight coping with the cooler temperatures?
  2. WE did investigate it..but I could not raise all those cute little wriggly nose things then kill them. I cannot kill and eat anything I raise We do kill our sheep- but they are away from the house, and not hand raised or anything Any chooks here are perfectly safe from the pot!
  3. Posshut- if you put a call out here, in the rescue section, the right adult dog will be there somewhere, I'm sure Rescue people I've seen on here are terrific, conscientious and knowledgeable. Dogs are usually well assessed, and many are fostered so they can learn to be comfortable again, and also so that their temperament can be well understood. They are desexed, up to date with any vet work , and you have support
  4. How old is the pup, how long have they had it, and what were the conditions where it lived?
  5. praps showing my age/rural upbringing...but I believe where dogs are being let down is that many humans do NOT realise that dogs are animals, with sharp teeth, and an intricate set of warning signals. So many dogs are cute, and pampered, and not allowed to bark/roll in stuff/roam/hunt/playfight... mess up teh house..as a result, their animal side is overlooked, and not dealt with. When we grew up 50 years ago, and longer- dogs were dogs. They growled at and/or BIT you if you teased them/chased them/hurt them/went near their food/pups/bones. Simple. If the dog didn't bite us, we were often yelled at or walloped , just to make the point :p if we got bitten- it was entirely our fault. No one was ever 'attacked' , or bitten enough to warrant medical attention ..but we were snapped at/nipped...and we did what we were supposed to do -we backed off. babies/toddlers were never allowed near the dogs unless supervised. I had a heeler X who i did horrible things to - he never once complained..but he did bite grandparents or anyone who came near me That was his job. sigh* things were simpler then... poor dogs So - we learnt to NOT do things which would stress the dogs, and we also learned to 'read' the dogs - so we knew just where we were.
  6. No Kids run, play, yell, scream.... that's exercise. Sitting at a desk learning times tables, learning the piano, or karate, that's training. Same for a dog...except sometimes, the more running/playing they have , the more they need to get tired...they get fitter and more keen, not quieter... What do your dogs know? Do they have good recall? Do they sit/stay/drop stuff when you ask/fetch/stand still for grooming? These are all skills which need practising also- have a read HERE
  7. Yoiks! I haven't seen distemper for about 30 years..I remember the first signs as being fever,gunky, inflamed eyes and nose running, loss of appetite, and just looking really flat. We used to often lose pups way,way back when... and the few that survived had the post-distemper neurological problems. Hopefully whatever it is , he will be ok. So sorry....
  8. Poor little kid - tho I would have thought if it was 'a savage attack' there would be a nose or something missing Wonder what the terrier was? perhaps the baby was crawling,making baby noises, and 'playing' with the dog....terrier runs in and nips , as terriers are wont to do ... Doesn't take much of a nip to break soft baby skin...and the article said 'cuts' , not gaping wounds, or punctures. Just wondering... Agree tho- kids+dogs = RESPONSIBLE ADULT SUPERVISION, always.
  9. ;) spider?poison? Whatever it is, I hope the vets can help.
  10. Hi- just one point - what training do you do with these dogs? Sure , they run & play .. but what work do their brains do each day? It is true that exercising their brains can make them tired and happy to relax
  11. Hi, zigzag - you may like to read these links .. peoples' experiences. LINK LINK
  12. Hi, and welcome. May I suggest you find another puppy class? It is not helpful to let little pups get bounced on by large pups, for one thing May I also suggest you also post this query in "Puppy problems " HERE...lots of good puppy advice there for you to read, too!
  13. She is now a teenager- nothing to do with speying her :p As she gets older and more capable, she will find she can do more !
  14. If it were me, I would be more worried about the barking :p It's not pleasant, knowing you are going to be barked at when you move in your own house/yard. Can you afford to have a trainer come and assess the situation/provide you with the tools to stop this behaviour?That would be the ideal - getting it sorted properly before it gets worse , and neighbour goes to Council or something .
  15. Agree with nekhbet on this advice... Cesar Millan's techniques are meant to be used after consulting a professional, I think.... they are certainly not a 'one size fits all' easy fix solution.
  16. Why? If I see a muzzled dog, I will keep my distance as well.. I know what it is like to walk a DA dog..and also to be on the receiving end of an attack by one..so I keep my dog out of reach, for safety, and to also remove the target to give the dog's owner a break....
  17. shame the vet didn't pick it up earlier .Corneal ulcers can take ages to heal .
  18. Was it a normal castration- no internal testicle or anything? If there is just the single cut in front of the scrotum, with a few stitches.. then I too would suggest gentle leash walks ..and NO jumping around. It's the bouncing/jumping/running which could cause problems... Obviously if the wound is large,or anything else- then keep him quiet..provide him with interactive toys, like kongs filled with food and frozen- like soft drink bottles with kibble inside and lids removed ... or different large bones. In the long run, having him fence running/barking at passersby isn't a terrific idea - he may scare folks, or learn to like being so powerful , and so become louder and harder to control...
  19. Here may be a spot for my little story ,from yesterday Our supermarket has a new checkout operator- a young man , perhaps from India? Not sure. He is conscientious, he thinks, and is very polite and cheerful Today I told him how much I appreciate all his effort .His immediate reply? "Thank you, May your God bless you". It made my day .
  20. she doesn't need pasta or rice - that can go straight away perhaps take her to a chiro or vet, get her checked out, perhaps get her comfortable, and increase the exercise ? Anywhere you can take her swimming?
  21. I haven't consciously ever taught it- but, rattle a pill bottle and I have the dogs all sitting at attention waiting Pill gets poked down throat , or tossed & swallowed, depending on whether itis palatable or not.. then they get a bikkie.
  22. I have found trampoline beds are not the warmest things-- as air circulates all round a good thick insulating layer of something on teh bottom , and something into which a dog can snuggle is very warm Our working dogs sleep outdoors, usually in teh dreaded 44 gallon drums .. BUT they are SO warm in there, with lots of raw wool and op shop blankets/old clothing ... Some dig holes in the sand and sleep under the stars .... their choice!
  23. Just make sure the dog can fully open its mouth to pant!
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