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Everything posted by persephone

  1. No argument from me :D BUT they need to be trained up to it ... to see that it is no big deal .... and touching a dog/trying to remove food without all the groundwork is asking for a reaction
  2. You have dogs - these things happen. calmly getting a leash and taking him out,or crating him would ,to me, be more appropriate .He doesn't need any more excitement..and yelling etc will just confuse him.
  3. When dogs are eating- I don't touch them-or their food ... that said- I know that I COULD take it with no probs- we always practice "Swaps" .. where they give me a toy or a bone , and they get something in return .... so when I ask/tell... there is no problem. I think your action with the broom was unnecessary ..and has possibly now taught him that you are not to be fully trusted Please get a trainer in to help with this- personal help, where someone can witness the dog and behaviours is the only way to get advice/help tailored to your problem :D
  4. Royalla- love your guys- Molly is gorgeous, and Dance is most impressive!
  5. oh- and this is what happens when dad is a koolie , and Mum is an English Cocker ,my boy, Hamlet - who inherited the worst of both breeds LINK
  6. some are just farm bred TIY Oi Billy
  7. A cute mix of border collie/kelpie and something slender . I can not see any ACD .... the spots could well be from the border collie side
  8. Have you asked them to help you? Esp. with the resource guarding? I would strongly recommend you contact a professional and get this sorted. It has been some months, and biting just should not be happening THIS Lady has been recommended on here before .
  9. There was a scent on the bone - either from someone handling it or contact with something, which set off this response . That's all I can think of.....
  10. If a puppy has not experienced frost/rain/heat- of course they will be somewhat apprehensive ! It is your job to TEACH her that freezing cold ground etc is normal and ok. ... on a cold morning- take her favourite treats out- play games, and ONLY praise her/pat her when she is sniffing... eating..playing ;) NO attention at all if she is being sooky . You will find it all much simpler if you train her to toilet on command, too! That way- once she is a bit older.. YOU decide when she goes outside... you give the command- she toilets, then it's back indoors again ;) Honestly- once trained to go toilet outside- it only takes them a few minutes to do what they have to .... Trust me ! I don't really like standing out in the sleet either..so the dogs get their business done very smartly I can understand you wanting to protect her- but she needs to experience all sorts of things- including weather changes , so she is comfortable and used to the big wide world Where we live, Winter often sees minus temps here, too ..and we have days of over 40 ..so I do know what extreme weather is ..and I also think that, providing a little dog is well coated, and active outdoors, the cold is not a problem. With heat- walks etc are done in the very early morning ..toilet breaks only need to be a few minutes...and a small pool and patch of shade can be a fun place for dogs and people in the hot Summer there are proper doggie loos for indoors if you really must have a dog toileting inside ... several folks on here living in apartments etc have mentioned them
  11. Oh- if she is a leash chewer- buy a short strong chain one! Don't leave it on .. a dangling leash is not the safest ...but, as said- make it a routine- go near door- leash clipped on- no fuss.. just praise and command and praise ...time after time. What training has she done/are you doing with her? How is she with obedience etc generally?Does she bark at people if she is in the car and people approach, or is it only the house?
  12. I agree with secretkei. You need to set in motion management plans for your DOG (not puppy anymore) have the dog on leash.. and then teach her to sit/stay away from the front door...then repeat with people knocking ... no shouting/ssshing or anything else which may seem encouraging to her- just a leash, and a calm ENFORCED command ... repeat, repeat ,repeat
  13. Poodles don't care how they are clipped - the clipping/primping is for humans poodles treated like dogs, puppy clipped or whatever, are great dogs!They are very resilient and can adapt . I have known several who lived in the country- chased rabbits, pretended to be sheepdogs in the sheepyards, rode on tractors/motorbikes ... terrific with kids and other animals and they didn't care what sort of job the groomer did
  14. AFAIK RR is not for constant use ... it is most effective for use in situations like after a trauma, or during training/transport/vet visits/storms etc ...are these dogs anxious all the time? What else have they done- or do they have any idea what sets them off? Are the dogs related? if they are indoors- perhaps one of the pheremone diffusers, the D A P things may be useful?
  15. Poor puppy - lucky for him he will be coming to a nurturing home I have not much advice- only to start him on a GOOD puppy food - with some bones,and perhaps leave the raw until later? Starting him on a good puppy food ensures he is getting all his nutrition in the right balance - guess his mum was lacking in decent food as well- so he will benefit from all the right stuff. There are others on here much better qualified than I to give sound advice. :D Enjoy your boy - make sure the vet is your first stop - just to check him out .... and remember puppies do not read labels- so quantities may need to be very flexible ! Oh- and we need photos ;)
  16. labs are lovely, but shed 25 hrs a day What about a Whippet? I have only ever had dealings with one ..and he was just delightful in every regard !! he was very much a couch/bed potato ..and so soft .I presume your dog will be indoors ?
  17. Most dogs will accept new food better if it is introduced gradually may I also suggest you read THIS thread and maybe post there as well- so you can join in the discussion
  18. This is sad Your housemate has not given things much thought, and has left you to deal with things You come across as being willing to work at things- but also a bit misguided in dog body language/leadership. If there is any uncertainty/fear on your part- please contact a trainer/behaviourist and get things sorted properly, before there is a confrontation. Behaviourists are not cheap- BUT it is worth it, to remove your fear, load you up with useful knowledge, and increase your confidence ;) and , as said- please do NOT stare at this dog, or attempt to 'boss' it.
  19. Sheepdogs also have to a) obey commands-instantly. b) act on their own if, for example, left with a mob of sheep to 'shepherd ' along a fence or trail for some kilometres until the human returns, or if a sheep breaks away etc .
  20. He is a baby- and now everything is different. Changing food is not what he needs right now - What he is on will do fine for another week or so ..then follow what Sandra777 has said What will be best for him right now is to be happy and relaxed and eating well .. so he associated your house with his yummy food- changing food abrubptly after just a day or 3 could be very stressful, and also lead to diarrhoea, which is NOT good for babies Looking forward to pics!
  21. Flower spiders are attractive little things ..and yes, he/she did indeed capture that fly ! Flower spiders hide in flowers,and pounce! Some info
  22. Kirislin: Canon 7D, 50m 1.4, 100mm macro, 70-200. Bellatrix: Canon 5D Mark II, 50mm 1.4 (and the 1.8), 24-70mm 2.8L, 100mm 2.8 Macro, Speedlite 580EX II JS: Canon 1000D, kit 18mm-55mm & 55mm-250mm, 50mm 1.8, Speedlite 580EX II SchnuzaeryBoy: Nikon D80, Nikon D700, 50 1.8, 18-50 2.8, 28-80 3.5-4, 24-70 2.8, 70-200 2.8, SB-400, SB-900, 1.4x TC, 2x TC Becandcharch: Canon 40D, 50mm 1.4, Speedlite 580EX II and a kit lens I dont even know what it is as I never use it! persephone :point&shootonly here Fuji finepixS8000sfd and a sony cybershot DSCN1
  23. Said the Spider to the Fly..
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