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Everything posted by persephone

  1. R I P little fella . So Sorry you lost him- but there was nothing you could have done
  2. IBS? Gluten or something intolerance? The flagyl (metrodiazinole) should have helped clear up and giardia etc.... is she OK on rice/chicken? , or rice/lean beef mince? Aussielover, what did the guide dog folks suggest? I was thinking perhpas they have a specialist or someone they would refer you to?
  3. It is not recommended one worms puppies who are showing signs of an illness . Dragging her bum could have simply been that her anus is sore/irritated from diarrhoea..and she is trying to clean/soothe it! Please do not withhold water- but do not feed her today .. Then, IF SHE IMPROVES... offer SMALL amounts of boiled rice/chicken breast for a few days..gradually working back to her normal food .ANY MORE diarrhoea- and it's off to the vet . keep in touch with your vet- dehydration is nasty
  4. Time for some training if you can get help ... due to whelp bitch may well need help , either with whelping, or with nursing puppies/breast stripping/mastitis... and if she is growling now.. with all those protective hormones raging, she could get worse
  5. Hi I will suggest you go to THIS SECTION of the forums (click on that text) There you will find answers to any puppy question you have - even those you haven't thought of !! Post your questions there, too, then you can find them easier later on . Welcome to your new life !!
  6. Hmm.. I don't think it would be of benefit really - as it sounds as if his whole relationship with the humans in the house needs some changing . Do you do Triangle of temptation with him? *pinned topic at the top of the training forum* I am also going to suggest that you NOT play with him as you are doing ... he can be entertained quite well with you standing :p With you standing, and him with 4 paws, and/or bum , on the ground, he can be taught to target things.. or to find things hidden under flowerpots, or around the room .... he can be taught to catch things... all enjoyable, rewarding , entertaining, TIRING, and with not much stimulation for him to start with the mouth thing . I THINK Also, perhaps take a listen to how you use your voice? Do you speak to him in a higher pitched voice whan playing/praising? This may also be exciting to him .. so, try speaking quietly to him, and praising with just a 'Good Boy" and a smiley voice. I feel for your poor mum Can you not crate him sometimes? give him a treat, pop him in the crate , and he is contained, occupied, and is NOT controlling who does what in the house! Little Tyrant I honestly feel you need to use the services of a professional, like the one whose name I have seen on here, Kathy Kopellis-McLeod . A dog who is adult and bitey/controlling, is no fun to live with ...there is so much management and disruption No doubt others will be along to help too -
  7. Oh How tragic for everyone I think you have done everything you can do. Accidents happen - dogs/pups can choke on toys/balls/pieces of kibble ... I think this is such an unusual occurrence , with the bone piercing his heart during veterinary intervention ..and in no way your fault. perhaps the vet could have done things differently ( I bet they will if it happens again ) , perhaps it may have happened if the dog coughed... perhaps the pup was just not meant to be here... for you . Run free and happy over the bridge, puppy sadly, now, that vet has first hand ammunition to use in his 'Don't feed Bones' advice
  8. Sounds better Well done. I bet he feels happier with a full belly!
  9. we have baby noisy miners -- so I followed this one around just now ... Love the spider shots especially, but everyone has some interesting ideas ! D O L is full of talent!
  10. You have your hands full!! Shame on the shelter for releasing a pup full of ringworm tho Your cats don't have an outdoor enclosure? That might be an idea... then everyone is safe, and there are no nasty encounters . having a good professional trainer come around is a wise move - especially if they are a private trainer, and not one of the many franchised 'quick-fix' type ones Try not to be fearful of meeting dogs- as this will transfer itself VERY easily to Gus- and make him uncertain... his 'leader' is fearful- so he may either also be fearful.. or try and be the protector ... it must be hard with no dog-owning friends. perhaps there are some DOL people who live near you? What does Gus do when chasing the cats? What is his body language ? perhaps he is playing.. chasing like he would a puppy? Do you have a pic of him to shpw us? he sounds an interesting boy !
  11. Glad he has had a drink , at least. Is the mum toileting him as normal..and paying him attention?poor little fella .
  12. So, when you insert a nipple into his mouth ...and express a tiny bit of milk.. and hold him in place for a short time... what does he do? stay attached ?suck? slip off?
  13. I didn't know that- ours all seem to be attached a lot. does he have a round belly like the others? have you checked him for cleft palate etc? What does he do if you attach him? Does he suck, or slip off? I would be worried at this stage- perhaps it's just me?
  14. Have a look at the map on The LINK I posted earlier ... it gives you a good idea of the range . and they aren't 'mites' EFS
  15. Hope your girl suffers no ill effects Lucky you found it ! Don't forget to check her anus /inside ears .and also in lip folds! THIS PAGE is informative and has good illustrations , if you want more info .
  16. Thank goodness we don't have them here! Are the paralysis ticks recorded in Echuca? I didn't know they were down that far! THIS PAGE has some good illustrations and information on ticks
  17. Waffle- you may get some help if you pop into THIS forum on DOL - If the vet is 'offering' 12 mths ..and if it were my pup - I would be going the good nutrition and spoiling and looking at alternatives.
  18. Oh poor you, and poor Ollie hard call . I agree with a second opinion - perhaps a cancer specialist, too ? Then at least you will know what you and Ollie are up for, and if you want to go down that road.
  19. THIS might help explain it For selective colour, using photoshop... the easy way is just to select the area you want to remain coloured... remembering to 'feather' it so you don't have a harsh outline... then go up to selections, and click on invert ,or whatever it says..to then SELECT the outside area now you desaturate that selected area.. save it all ... ....and I can't explain it properly. Go to Photoshop tutorials/help !! :oI haven't used photoshop for a couple of years... so have forgotten
  20. Good news anything on the skin here gets betadined first, questions later
  21. How old is this girl? How long has it been happening? Can you think of anything which changed prior to the obsessive licking? Is she otherwise settled in her behaviour? What do you do when you notice her licking? What does your vet suggest?
  22. Yep Contact a behaviourist - who can watch what happens , and assess the situation, then work with you to manage things . upsetting for you all, I imagine - hopefully , if you ask, someone on here will recommend a good person with whom you can sort this out
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