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Everything posted by persephone

  1. She sounds as if she WAS toilet trained to not go in her bed- she sounds as if she was trained to go ON CONCRETE! She is doing what she is trained to do :D It is now up to you to take her on a long leash on grass or wherever. Re pooing in the crate- it could well be anxiety /stress This baby will certainly be picking up on your frustration/anger/anxiety... and she is probably reacting. this is perhaps also why she doesn't look you in the eye- you SCARE her. Are you expecting too much? I would say, yes. ;) You have a young baby of your own ... have high expectations, and a possibly slightly unreal puppy/little boy vision ( remembering that by the time he is old enough to really participate in caring for and training 'his' dog, she will be middle aged and set in her ways ) Leaving her outside until she's fully trained? She can NOT be fully trained unless she is with you, and you are working at training her in all the house rules,sorry. The worm issue is unfortunate- but it happens . Not good publicity for the breeder, but not a hangable offence, either, in the scheme of things .You were on top of it, and did all the right things ! Perhaps get in a private trainer to help you, or consider rehoming this puppy ...for everyone's sanity . :p
  2. ;) WoW! doesn't that photo bring out all her good points beautifully?!! Terrific photo. I am so glad all is going well with her adoption - it seems it is the right thing for all concerned , and that is what it's all about :p
  3. Oh ! he's there ! Last time I popped in- the people had not responded..... Sounds interesting!! Danger Dog! :D Dylan 's a good name ..... hopefully the others see that he's just a pain, not a danger ....
  4. I had a fear aggressive dog- and he was VERY wary of invasions into his personal space I learnt to manage it - never 'cured' it. Behaviour on leash, like 'lashing out' can occur because the dog feels threatened . The dog also picks up tension from the owner - body language, leash tighness, voice, sweat.... It is not an easy one to try & learn to manage without personal help.
  5. A pup may not be ideal- but an older dog may be! :D An older dog whose owner has gone into care or who has been surrendered, fostered and found to be easily handled , etc could be perfect! Pups are hard work - and for folks used to having an 'empty nest'.. used to going places, doing things... pups could be a bit too much . Just IMO
  6. Love my kelpie , HALTI and GENTLE LEADER are both brand names for dog halters, or 'head harnesses'
  7. What sort of fleas are they? The largeish ,hopping ones, or the tiny ones which are permanently(almost) attached to ear tips /between toes.....in clumps, often. The capstar is probably killing those immediately on her- but a couple hours later.. on hop ...more, etc etc.... Can she not have a spot on, or rinse?
  8. Nasty. poor little girl. Agree Vet for AB's in case puncture wounds have let infection in ...(and so the attack is on record!) and a professional to start work soon on helping her regain some confidence. edit - :D glad she's been to teh vet.
  9. Why can't he train this one in the same manner? How many dogs has he had ? I know experienced people who have done this- and from memory the dog was tested/accredited accordingly by the relevant organisation...and this was a long time ago - before there were law suits for everything! I don't think I would like to be in a position where my Guide Dog was losing its sight ..and I knew that my next one was around 18 mths away ...MAYBE....depending on health, temperament and ability....
  10. I just want to the OP for being level-headed and able to peruse the varied advice offered, then make up her mind to get personal professional help
  11. Hi, welcome! I agree with what the others have said!! 1: keep him on lead. 2: please do not use a halti .. he is young , and you should be learning th eskills to walk /control him using voice, and a flat collar. :D 3: just from reading your post... my GUESS is that this is not 'playing'/focussing- it sounds like prey drive... and if so, needs addressing. If he is so focussed as a youngster, he may have terrific potential for learning things!! Now, may I suggest you immediately start feeing him using THIS
  12. Do ypou HAVE wandering Dew in your yard?Allergic responses I have seen have been more than one patch on one leg ...perhaps it is a reaction to an insect bite ..or a scratch or something which is now irritated/infected? The vet is the best person to ask
  13. She is not being 'naughty' - she is being a baby/puppy . IMO, 'Naughty' is when a dog KNOWS the rules , has been taught the rules, but then does something opposite . Even then, it is usually owner fault It is an owner's task to GUIDE a pup into correct and appropriate behaviour ... so- have her confined so she cannot get to the dining table... or distract her with REALLY fun toys/bones, or spray the underside of the table with something bought from a pet supply store ...Bitter Bite or similar - tastes horrible, and deters chewing . Running under the car? perfectly normal ..puppies LOVE tunnels and dens and hidey holes. Keep pup on a leash ,or perhaps have the drive sectioned off when she is out there? Call her out in a very friendly voice, and reward her with praise or treats or a favourite toy , when she is with you....
  14. Give him his food outside ... give him BIG bones to play with outside ..and do NOT make eye contact with him, or tell him to 'shoosh' or anything when he is making noises ....he WILL stop eventually , THEN quietly and calmly let him in- no need to speak to him or anything.. just ignore him , but let him in.
  15. Agreed- just let him be, and stay still and rest- that is Nature's way of giving the body a chance to heal ..sleep and quiet and rest, and wholesome food . he is very ill, and hurting -naturally he won't respond-his body is busy FIGHTING INFECTION , and it is certainly not "weird" ! Think about anyone you know who has had a severe infection -whether it be meningitis, or pneumonia or a bad flu . They probably just wanted to rest & sleep as well dogs don't 'do' placebo effect .Treatment either works, or it doesn't . Hopefully the AB's will do the trick over the next week or so
  16. I read that the housemate HAS moved out - the OP is keeping dogs separate, and is undertaking to work with a professional . Can we really decide that by reading stuff posted here? I would prefer to await the results of an asessment by someone experienced and professional before thinking that way . Admittedly there is a problem which needs urgent attention ,but the OP is aware of this, and will hopefully get support and help to do the best for her beloved dog.
  17. Hi, and welcome! Perhaps ask the breeder to send the diet sheet to in print form, with quantities? That way you BOTH know what is being done in case of problems meat does not get cooked. Might be an idea to ask the Breeder what form of vitamins they have been using If you explain to the breeder that you are new to this sort of feeding, and would be able to do it better if you had it printed, surely they will oblige? I have not ever fed a large breed like this, so am not much help - I'm sure others will be along to put you on the right track though
  18. ..and those of Spongey's owner A good professional can assess how the household interacts, and help manage things .
  19. I have never bought in a brown container.. have just bought a litre in the normal container , so can't help, sorry...Those labels read slightly differently (BIG PRINT) . Permoxin is great here- it is one of the few things which will kill the stickfast(rabbit) fleas the dogs have!It doesn't smell strongly, and has like a wetting agaent in, so a little goes a LONG way .
  20. Different maker? what is written on each label? What is written in teh ingredient label?
  21. Firstly no food for 24 hours .Stop any processed foods for a time ..and try him on either boiled chicken and rice, or boiled chicken and sweet potato . The chicken should be just meat- NOT any bone. Does the vet know he has diarrhoea?If the diarrhoea /straining worsens, or continues after the no food for 24 hrs, or you see any blood,or he vomits , Wally needs to see the vet pronto!!He may need to have some tests done to find the problem.. or it may be as simple as a very confused gut from different food/water/environment. The scratching/itching may be another sign of some sort of food allergy intolerance ..or it may also be shampoo/flea treatment,fleas, a gardeb plant..... oops- snap* lillysmum
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