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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Sorry the news isn't what you hoped Thinking of you and your gorgeous girl.
  2. My first guess is that at some stage as a baby, you praised him/rubbed his belly/whatever at those spots ?? The scratching could well be a displacement thing- somewhere he was/is a tad anxious, perhaps? Now it's habit? The park was one where you played with him, or another dog played with him?
  3. I don't know a lot about them.. but as they release a pheremone (chemical messenger scent) then its message obviously gets thru to Jane, and makes her able to relax and be comfortable.. feeling 'all is right with the world'. I would think, from your description, that she is the perfect test model for the effect of these pheremones . The cause of her behaviour is something you may never know - some dogs are born anxious, some dogs are born aggressive.... same as people are . Thank you for posting - it seems to me to be a terrific way of illustrating how this thing works! make sure you have a spare in the cupboard!! ;)
  4. for you and your OH. I will add my healing thoughts to the collective D O L thoughts! By all means spoil your guys, but please keep them safe and quiet- no bumps/bites/knocks from playing etc . I am also hoping the heavy vit.K load they are getting will halt any internal bleeding.
  5. report them. I like foxes, a lot, as animals, but they have no place in Australia, and even less in a city .
  6. Please don't sit here- take him to the clinic now- a half hour may see you unable to lift him into the car, or he could really go downhill. If he gets worse at the clinic- well, they are in a position to help him!
  7. sounds like our pups playing - much clacking of teeth and yipping . ..... I wouldn't worry too much , just make sure your dog can retreat somewhere safe if she wants to.
  8. This so true! Whilst with a DSLR and appropriate lenses , one can produce shots like Tess's gorilla juvenile .. up close and sharp as sharp .. it is certainly NOT just the camera body and lens which dictates this . The camera operator must have an 'eye' for composition, and a feel for the subject for any photo to be able to speak to the viewer I know photographers who are technically perfect .. but their photos have no soul
  9. Vet -NOW it could well be a poison ..and waiting around is not a good idea Hoping he will be ok.
  10. Was this breed named? I thought it was bullmastiff or x's thereof . ah-found it... another attack.. sorry I was just concentrating on the original story
  11. I always start with large meaty bones ( with meat scored, so pups can get hold) . the pups start to suck and then chew the meat. bones are like roo tails or large beef bones..often all pups will be hanging off one meaty bone . they have it with them until they are full, then it is removed. Mum is away from them during this time of eating.They also get mince..then meaty bones and dry puppy kibble .Nothing is ever soaked, and they get no milk. water is available 24/7. puppies get fed- mum gets less food . usually by the time they are 5-6 weeks- she is almost out of milk....and by the time the pups are 7-8 weeks , suckling is just a dry run, but still done as a comfort thing.Mum is usually still with pups all the time ..she is free to leave if she wants tho.
  12. rexiam- you might enjoy THIS article and , if you found it helpful.. there are heaps more on that site
  13. Good news that he's eating!! until his bowel heals , yes , any toilet trraining will be non existent, I guess. perhaps restrict him to one or two rooms ..or leave him outdoors more?
  14. rexiam- dunno if this is really a help, but on flickr, you can search for photos taken with particular cameras ( I know, lots of variables -lenses, operators ) But it's interesting LINK
  15. Someone I know pulled up in their vehicle.. had a gorgeous looking boof of an ACD sitting in the car .big boof head, perfect markings .. big dog. it hopped out of the car ....and was only the height of a corgi!! Cracked me up .this ACD with no legs (well, perfectly serviceable legs ,just only a few inches long! He had no idea of its parentage . It was a lovely dog ;)
  16. X2. and I have bolded the bit I wish to repeat .
  17. probably the same reason I would - there are lots of police on the ground, and they can be there quickly! They are also armed with spray/tasers/firearms, and can quickly liase with emergency services. My guess is that trained animal control offices are thin on the ground, and would take a long time to arrive They could possibly subdue a dog with a catchpole instead of a taser....and take it away to be put down . Actually, what do trained animal control officers do, or what jurisdiction do they have in the event of a dog attack on humans?
  18. no chance of her having a different father?
  19. Wow - they are looking gorgeous .. oh- nice photos too
  20. I prefer water buckets which can be secured/placed in shade or shelter depending on weather , and cleaned/replaced cheaply I get too confused with hose fittings, etc !
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