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Everything posted by persephone

  1. BTW - I find that photo eerie looks almost like a post mortem shot to me .....sorry;) too much TV :D
  2. Standard certainly looks better ! perhaps FB's intentions are better than their capabilty to deal with so many pixels ?
  3. hope my friends don't do it- those of us on slow connections and with limited bandwidth are always penalised when this happens. I guess for your business it's a good idea though :D
  4. Lots of iceblocks to lick/play with .. lots of BIG frozen bones :D Iceblocks. Into an icecream tub ( or large margarine tub) put water or chicken stock ( low/no salt) to about 3/4 full Add a dozen or so pieces of kibble an apple(or less) cut into small pieces a spoonful of diced cooked chicken a few tiny bits of something smelly like bacon fat or salami and/or a few tiny bits of anything else your dog loves! freeze solid- at least overnight. Tip out into a large bowl..or onto the lawn .....
  5. Hopefully your vet will be able to do some more to help - or maybe it is time to go to a new vet! :hugs:
  6. Oh sounds as if there was a problem- poor Myron. Sorry nekhbet
  7. Borrow someone's bigger, cat chasing dog!
  8. So - what was the blood clotting etc like - did the vet do any tests? I am glad your girl is much better :)
  9. This sounds very odd. So - the pup is just running feral in the backyard, and won't come to anyone? What advice did the vet give her? What did the breeder say when she phoned them to tell them of this behaviour? was it them who suggested returning the pup? Can you give us some more info? Pup's age when your friend bought it? what training did they do with it at first? Where was it sleeping? Have they had dogs before? Extra info will help us understand a bit more of what's happening.
  10. check your council website for animal control regulations. use a supersoaker.. wet it good! I don't understand how this can happen? Not nice.
  11. Pea straw mulch ..and maybe a lowish deterrent fence?
  12. Glad he's OK- it is a worry when they do that sort of thing ;) yep- pavers or dirt, if he likes picking up/swallowing things)
  13. That's one sanitised recreation area! edit to add a link for pandii re: comfortis. LINK
  14. This is all new to me .. this blitzing of backyards to control fleas. Just what is done/used? I would find it hard to consider doing this , as I imagine all other insects, etc would be adverseley affected by whatever poison kills fleas Does anyone have any links/info about what chemicals are used, and effects on other arthropods? I do use the occasional bomb in the house -dogs are treated with permoxin when needed..house dogs have Advantage because of their sharing beds etc with cats.Cats rarely get a flea, luckily, so don't need anything more than some paraffin oil on their ears when they do get some :D (we only get the stickfast/rabbit flea here.. dangerous little buggers, which also infest poultry/pet birds when conditions are right .
  15. How are they this morning? Must admit to also being concerned the vet has lost all previous cases I hope they are doing regular tests to see what is happening with the treatment .. that way you know exactly , and don't have the guesswork /worry.
  16. for you , and prayers. perhaps tell your eldest kid that Bonnie is very ill... just so they know ?
  17. It would not be my choice to import any dog at that time of year- from Winter straight to Summer- pregnancy/stress - not something I would do to a little girl...
  18. yes, and before human activities , the planet could well deal with that amount. Now , however, there is a double/triple whammy , and less of the natural planet available to absorb it all.
  19. :p Nooo, that'd be humankind. Nature was doing just fine until humans started to destroy the planet. Nature is not burning/chopping down rainforest/harvesting millions of fish/prawns/emptying & polluting underground water storages/wrapping everything in plastic/creating smog clouds. Natural fires/floods were/are a part of life-balanced out by periods of massive growth/dry times/re -fertilising the ground with ash & silt etc etc ...
  20. :p everyone's built a bit differently
  21. It is an instinct as old as dogs/wolves. It is an instinct to cache food. it is an instinct embedded to save a canine's life- when hunting for food, there are times when no food can be either killed or found- like Winters/droughts..or when a hunter is ill. Having food cached nearby could mean the difference between life and death. Modern dogs in our sanitised and dirtless homes have to make do with pre-packaged foods and sofa cushions- but the instinct is still there.
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